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Went out earlier and just watched the rest of RAW now.

Great ending to the show, that really was outstanding, Great way to end a go home show.

Took what was otherwise a really flat, lackluster, bad, show and just ended it in outstanding fashion. I had it at around a 2 or 3 but I will give it 4/10 because of that great ending.

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Cena sucks. These wrestlers really need to try and stop generating ratings by being so serious all of the time. It's so boring. Make the fans genuinely laugh. When I watch The Rock's old clips, you see so many people in the crowd with genuine smiles on their faces and others laughing.

You can have serious angles, but whenever Cena is in it he blows it. He turns it into a "please like me" chance to try to get some sympathy and popularity.

No one cares John, no one is going to like you, just cut your serious promo rather than Pandering & name dropping for a reaction.

Like do these idiots at WWE actually think when Cena goes out there and does crap like this, and they go to another ridiculous to try and get him over, all us guys who don't like him are suddenly going to be like "oh wow, Cena loves doing this no matter what we think? oh okay nevermind then, I'm on board with this Cena thing, Go Cena!" Heck no.

Just drop the crap, stop exploiting kids, stop exploiting the troops, stop talking about how much we hate you to gain sympathy, just stop it and give someone else a chance at the top spot

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Ah good ol' Triple H, the answer to the question that nobody asked. He did the EXACT SAME THING with the Punk/Cena feud two years ago. Punk is getting crazy pops from the crowd? Better interject myself into his angle for absolutely no good reason. Now he does the same damn thing with Bryan.

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Like do these idiots at WWE actually think when Cena goes out there and does crap like this, and they go to another ridiculous to try and get him over, all us guys who don't like him are suddenly going to be like "oh wow, Cena loves doing this no matter what we think? oh okay nevermind then, I'm on board with this Cena thing, Go Cena!" Heck no.

well mostly what they're doing is s***ing on wrestling fans with this whole "entertainer vs wrestler" thing. they're not really doing anything to cena; that's just his character, his gimmick-- we should all know that. i think throughout this feud, if they decide to drag it out (which i won't mind, as long as d-bry wins the title) and over time, d-bry will start to expose john cena's insecurities, if he already hasn't, that daniel bryan has a legit chance to beat john cena for the title and become the new top guy. who knows, they might drag this out to wrestlemania. that's long term booking wwe hasn't done in quite some time. maybe i'm giving them too much credit to do that. i just see d-bry losing to cena, of course, by getting screwed over by triple h, or d-bry actually does win the title, but in turn, HAS to turn heel because that's the law in wwe...

but maybe triple h really does call it down the middle while vince tries to interfere in some capacity. all i know, whoever wins at summerslam, it won't be a clean win and i really do see them feuding to wrestlemania, but they can't make the same mistake they did with goldberg, they have to put the title on d-bry now, because who knows if the crowds will be as hot if he loses and chases the title to wrestlemania. if it's one thing i don't trust, it's the "WWE Universe"

*disclaimer: fantasy booking

Edited by Twilight Sparkle
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^ No he's not.

Raw was a 7.5 for me. But I also fast forwarded much of it, which makes it much more bearable. Classic HHH getting involved for no reason. Surely the McMahon story is meant to bleed into this feud. I didn't really care about the battle royal cause I won't watch the title match anyway. Sweet ending to the show though. And good promos from Ambrose and Bryan.

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well mostly what they're doing is s***ing on wrestling fans with this whole "entertainer vs wrestler" thing. they're not really doing anything to cena; that's just his character, his gimmick-- we should all know that. i think throughout this feud, if they decide to drag it out (which i won't mind, as long as d-bry wins the title) and over time, d-bry will start to expose john cena's insecurities, if he already hasn't, that daniel bryan has a legit chance to beat john cena for the title and become the new top guy. who knows, they might drag this out to wrestlemania. that's long term booking wwe hasn't done in quite some time. maybe i'm giving them too much credit to do that. i just see d-bry losing to cena, of course, by getting screwed over by triple h, or d-bry actually does win the title, but in turn, HAS to turn heel because that's the law in wwe...

but maybe triple h really does call it down the middle while vince tries to interfere in some capacity. all i know, whoever wins at summerslam, it won't be a clean win and i really do see them feuding to wrestlemania, but they can't make the same mistake they did with goldberg, they have to put the title on d-bry now, because who knows if the crowds will be as hot if he loses and chases the title to wrestlemania. if it's one thing i don't trust, it's the "WWE Universe"

*disclaimer: fantasy booking

Nah man this isn't long term, it will be Orton/Cena, maybe Orton/Bryan/Cena but it will be Orton going forward, and it will still be super cena. He's not going anywhere. They aren't going to give it to Bryan, you can tell just from this storyline alone that they don't care alot about Bryan in that light, to me the only reason he is in this spot is cause of his popularity so they are hoping some of it rubs off on Cena & it helps there power struggle thing. Or else maybe Bryan will turn heel for Cena right?

Whatever, I really loved what Bryan did out there tonight, he took shots at Cena, exposed him for what he is, and was able to bring it back to the match in the end and was able to use it all to build up the match, where as Cena just went on a tangent defending himself that had nothing to do with the match.

Its a shame wrestling is as bad as it is because in todays day & age it could be big, but its like WWE refuses to be good honestly, thats how I feel.

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CM Punk is grossly overrated.

Thank you.

I'm glad, I'm not the only one who thinks this. Without him breaking kayfabe, all his promos are just meh, nothing special. But of course fans will eat it up, because of that one infamous promo.

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Thank you.

I'm glad, I'm not the only one who thinks this. Without him breaking kayfabe, all his promos are just meh, nothing special. But of course fans will eat it up, because of that one infamous promo.

Better than Y2J on the mic, and I probably like Y2J more than you do.
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Roode, Aries, and Styles have not gotten me to tune in every week to Impact.

Punk hasn't gotten me to tune into WWE every week, Punk isn't making me buy that PPV sunday.

Those 3 guys are making me tune into the show on Thursday honestly, I'm not tuning in for the mainevent its garbage, I'm tuning into see Roode in that tables match cause he is on fire right now & that should be a great match, and to see Styles & Aries go out there and put on a great match.

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Lol he's only in the hottest feud in wrestling right now, as he has been so often. Thinking back, his feud with Undertaker was ill. Spreading the ashes on himself was gold.

Thats not saying much, he doesn't exactly have alot of competition in that regard.

Better than Y2J on the mic, and I probably like Y2J more than you do.

Nah I think Y2J is better on the mic.

Cm punk is better then anyone in wrestling right now.

No, even Bryan is hotter than him right now, and as I said I like Roode, Aries & Styles over him on the TNA side. (maybe not Styles as he is now but what he can do & be moving forward)

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