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Backstage talk of Christian retiring

As noted, Christian suffered a minor concussion on Monday's RAW in the Fatal 4 Way with Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio. This is Christian's second concussion within a one year period. Even before this second concussion, there had been a lot of talk about his active in-ring career coming to an end. Talk started months ago that when Christian's current contract expires he would probably retire because he was 40, had been getting injured and creative had no real plans for him. Those stories of him retiring surfaced again this week with the idea that Christian would make a great NXT trainer.

Edited by J529
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Sting wants to work 1 match in WWE and retire

There is now a working idea within WWE that Sting will wrestle one match and then retire, which everyone presumes will be against The Undertaker at WrestleMania 31 in California. There's still no confirmation that WWE will make this known at WrestleMania XXX or on RAW the next night. The only thing that's said to be certain right now is that Sting will do one last match.
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Coach coming back to WWE part-time to do stuff for Network

WWE looks to be either close to or has just signed a new deal with former announcer and current ESPN personality Jonathan Coachman. The two sides have been discussing a part-time gig where Coach would keep his ESPN job but would do in-studio wrap-arounds for WWE. One idea thrown out would be for him to host a WWE talk show for the WWE Network.

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He should've stuck around in TNA when he had a chance. WWE did absolutely nothing with him.

He left TNA for WWE mainly for financial reasons. He's been nothing but mid-carder since he went back there. Sure. He's become World Heavyweight Champion twice but remember how quickly he dropped it both times.

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Sounds like Punk is done with wrestling

According to the latest reports, there has been no communication between.CM Punk.and.WWE.as of late.It is also being said that Punk has cut off communication with those that he is friends with in the company.

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He left TNA for WWE mainly for financial reasons. He's been nothing but mid-carder since he went back there. Sure. He's become World Heavyweight Champion twice but remember how quickly he dropped it both times.

Still pissed off about that. Even when Jericho made a statement saying "I bet they have something bigger planned for him or a big payoff" in terms of Christian and creative I laughed.

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The Wolves shined, some of those spots were awesome.

The best part was the mainevent (along with the video packages to build it up). What a match.

And the EC3/Spud looking for Willow stuff was funny, they have found gold in the EC3 character.

Next week looks good. The 4 way dance should be good.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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Shane is expected to appear at WM

Source: F4W Newsletter

Shane McMahon is expected to be at WrestleMania 30. That is the feeling backstage at WWE. However, it doesn't look like he will be appearing on camera. That is interesting since it's been reported that WWE has reached out to big names to appear in cameo's at the show so it wouldn't surprise me if Shane, or whoever is making the decision, changes their mind.

Shane has not been seen on WWE TV since October 16, 2009 when the company announced that Shane resigned from his position in the company.

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WWE has contacted Legends and HOFers to appear at WM

It's being reported that WWE officials have been in contact with various Superstars, legends, and Hall of Famers from the past regarding cameo appearances for WrestleMania 30. Although specific names are not yet known, one source says that "every megadraw from the last three decades that is still alive" has been contacted by WWE.

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The 14-Diva match is going to be one-fall contest. Really thought they were going to make this a scramble or gauntlet match. How do you even do a 14-person one-fall match. :picard:

All they had to do if they wanted a quick finish was make it a Battle Royal. They really fucked this one up.

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Good ending to RAW, really enjoyed it, Batista has gotten better in the ring since his return, he did a great job selling & I actually enjoyed the match. Then Bryan beating up HHH was awesome.

But other than the ending it was complete garbage. Terrible go home show. 1/10.

I don't have the wrestlemania feel like I usually do, this card is very weak for a Mania. I am looking forward to seeing what happens with HHH/Bryan (I think that will be a good match) then the Championship match. But thats really it.

Hopefully we get some surprises and the show is really good though. Expecting the worst, but hoping for the best is my approach to this company nowadays.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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