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The Wolfman - 4/10

The new one with Benecio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, and Hugo Weaving. Even though I've wanted to see this for years, my expectations going in were very low. Unfortunately, not a whole lot of good. The set designs and production were top notch. Also, the transformation to "Wolf" was done really well. Very, very bloody, though. Don't watch with kids in the room

However, the only good from this film was what I mentioned above. All the actors were completed wasted in this movie. The script was very weak and none of the cast looked interested. You can really tell they were just going through the motions.

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On November 17, 2015 at 1:42:04 PM, GLASSJAW said:

enter the void: 3/10

don't go in

I loved it for being different. 

But yeah it is a polarizing film. Gasper Noe is known for making absolutely ridiculously f&%ked films. HIs latest called 'Love' is out. The poster is seen everywhere around where I live: a close up shot of 3 tongues kissing. I would post it here but it might get pulled.


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On November 3, 2015 at 3:57:59 AM, GLASSJAW said:

star wars: new hope: 10/10. my fav of the series

star wars: empire strikes back: 9/10, first 40 minutes are almost tiring in how EVERYTHING goes wrong constantly, but really makes up for it with the drama in the middle

star wars: return of the jedi: 8.5/10, has probably aged the worst of the bunch in an odd way. IMO it has pacing issues on Endor, stuff just takes too long to happen. han has stupid one liners got a bit annoying at times. anyway, major emotional pay off in the end. luke vs. vader is so brief, yet so good.

Nah. Return should be like 6/10. The only reason why people in general gives in a good score is because it's Star Wars. Empire in my mind is the one where time passes fastest.

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6 minutes ago, Hugor Hill said:

I loved it for being different. 

But yeah it is a polarizing film. Gasper Noe is known for making absolutely ridiculously f&%ked films. HIs latest called 'Love' is out. The poster is seen everywhere around where I live: a close up shot of 3 tongues kissing. I would post it here but it might get pulled.


Oh what the hell:


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29 minutes ago, Hugor Hill said:

I loved it for being different. 

But yeah it is a polarizing film. Gasper Noe is known for making absolutely ridiculously f&%ked films. HIs latest called 'Love' is out. The poster is seen everywhere around where I live: a close up shot of 3 tongues kissing. I would post it here but it might get pulled.


stoner philosophizing at its most tedious. i thought it was just awful in almost every way. i can't believe how much praise the movie gets for its visuals. at least 40% of the movies colossal runtime is shot from a third person perspective where an idiot's head is blocking a massive chunk of your screen. what's with the red tinge through most of it, too? its like it was shot through cellophane 


how many times do they mention that stupid book in the first 35 minutes? it's like whatever depth or literary merit the movie pretends to have is hammered home so many times that it just becomes boring. 

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Spotlight - 9/10

New movie with Michael Keaton and Mark Ruffalo about the Boston Globe's expose of the sex scandals in the Catholic church in Boston around 2001-2002. I thought it was fantastic, though certainly I'm biased - it ticked pretty much every box of what I look for in a (based on a) true story. Law vs. Religion, through the lens of day-to-day Investigative Journalism. Lightning fast pace, barely ever stopping to catch a breath. First class acting across the board: Keaton, McAdams, Tucci, Schreiber, but really Ruffalo stole it. He gets better and better every time I see him.

As a bonus got a couple of trailers for films I'm now really excited about - Trumbo, with Bryan Cranston, Louie CK, and John Goodman on the hollywood/communists blacklist - and another one whose name I already forget, with Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt and Steve Carrell predicting the housing market collapse ten years ago. (edit - The Big Short)

Edited by The Bookie
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12 hours ago, GLASSJAW said:

stoner philosophizing at its most tedious. i thought it was just awful in almost every way. i can't believe how much praise the movie gets for its visuals. at least 40% of the movies colossal runtime is shot from a third person perspective where an idiot's head is blocking a massive chunk of your screen. what's with the red tinge through most of it, too? its like it was shot through cellophane 

Only for the first part of the movie. Most of the rest of the film is shot overhead, or 1st person. If I remember accurately the visuals are quite amazing.

I need to go for a rewatch.

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Love & Mercy: 8/10

I think I spoke before about how I wasn't a big fan of Paul Giammati... but then I started thinking about whether I didn't like him because he is so good at playing characters that incite negative emotions. In Love and Mercy PG plays Dr. Lundy, a psychotherapist with radical techniques that tries to control every single aspect of Brian Wilson's (of The Beach Boys) life. He did a phenomenal job. On to the review...

When I was a kid, I had a ton of energy. To combat this, at 5pm, my parents would give me a walkman with a cassette of 'Pet Sounds' and tell me to run laps outside the house until I was tired. Sounds like horrific parenting if you live in Vancouver, but we lived in basically the most isolated place in all of BC, so it was fine. To me, the Beach Boys were associated with happiness, so this movie kind of flipped that perspective on its head.

Dano and Cusack play Brian Wilson at different age and do a great job (especially Dano). Watching him orchestrate the studio musicians was magic to watch and really helped challenge the idea that pop music is simplistic. Its a sad movie with a happy ending, and definitely worth the watch to see how Wilson worked. 

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Spectre - 2.5/10

Not a huge 007 fan but usually I can count on them to entertain  - this was just tedious though. It's like they pieced the script together from a random Bond generator:

1. Travel to an exotic landscape
2. Learn some enigmatic info
3. Womanize
4. Destroy mode of transportation
5. Is this the real life, or is this just bondasy?


On 11/26/2015, 7:06:34, I'm Your Huckleberry said:

Saw The Stanford Prison Experiment. I was already very familiar with the experiment and still found it disturbing. Definitely worth a watch.

Yeah for some reason this has intimidated me, from the reviews; gonna watch it sometime, but I need to be in the right mindset.

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18 minutes ago, Shift-4 said:


Ummmmm...what to say?  Interest concept. Good imagery. Actors I liked. But to tie it all together it had to just get weird in the end.  lol

I think Event Horizon is still better than this.

The horror film set in space.

Watched Vanilla Sky. I think Ghostbusters was better. They were both set in New York.

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3 minutes ago, Shift-4 said:

Did I hit a nerve, Monty? ::D 

Nah, just felt like being my typical smart a$$ self.

Currently watching the new Fantastic Four. Now THAT is hitting a nerve.

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