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Rate The Last Movie You Saw - 2


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I don't remember much about it now, but I really enjoyed that when I saw it

anyway, ughhh, there's nothing to watch.

anyone have any good horror/scary recs? Preferably stuff that goes beyond the usual classics but does not suck entirely.

Sleepaway Camp 1 & 2.

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gattaca: 7.5/10

this was a good movie, but I'm not sure I was in the right mood for it. may very well be a fantastic one. definitely one to re-watch sometime

I've seen it a few times now, and every time I think it was a good movie, but should have been even better. The storyline, plot, and actors were all fantastic...but for some reason, it just seems a bit hollow at times.

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I've seen it a few times now, and every time I think it was a good movie, but should have been even better. The storyline, plot, and actors were all fantastic...but for some reason, it just seems a bit hollow at times.

I've only managed to watch it once, and it was a chore to get through. Now, that was 17 years ago (or so), so perhaps I'll feel differently now. The "hollow" comment is how I felt at the time. I've also never been a fan of Uma Thurman, so that didn't help.


Not a movie, but

Black Mirror

British sci-fi tv show. Sort of a modern day Twilight Zone. Much darker, much more disturbing, and much, MUCH more vulgar. However, the 3 episodes I've watched so far are very good.

They all tend to comment on where our society is today and where it could (I use this lightly) potentially be heading (ie. news media & politics, reality tv, technology/implants). Like Twilight Zone, none of the episodes have the same cast, none of them flow together, and definitely appears that they take place a separate/alternate reality.

Like I said, it's very disturbing and dark, especially the first episode. Not for the faint of heart.

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Adventures in Netflix:

- Watched the first episode of Luther, and thought it was decent. But the second episode goes off the rails by the end. The show seems to be well done, but I just didn't enjoy it much.

- Watched the first episode of How To Get Away With Murder. Did not like the characters, or directing. Not going to bother.

- Started watching the movie Vitus. Seemed dreadfully boring. Supposed to be good, but I was not in the mood.

- Finished A Moody Christmas, and picked up where I left off in The Moodys. Has not disappointed. Lots of laughs in every episode.

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I watched the debut of Scream Queens. I actually quite enjoyed it. It was stupid, hateful, and none of the characters acted like humans, but that's what I liked so much about it. I thought it was hilarious. I have no idea how they can keep it going for an entire season, however long that season is supposed to be, but I will be waiting to see how they do it.

They rebooted Heroes, so I feel obliged to at least give the new run of the show a chance, before I inevitably give up on it after 3-4 episodes. I haven't even watched the new pilot despite it airing last week, so that shows how easy it is to be apathetic to it. It was complete $&!# for 2.5 out of its first 4 seasons in its first run, so I don't expect anything special this time around either. From what I hear it doesn't sound like they managed to capture whatever worked for that original season 1 any ways.

There's probably only a couple of shows I will even be giving a chance to this fall. No comedies, because it appears that good comedy isn't allowed to even show up network TV any more. Minority Report looks bad, but what else is there? Quantico? That looks/feels like a show I've already seen many times before.

Though I suppose even if I only start watching one show, that's better than last year, where I picked a grand total of nothing.

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- Watched the first episode of How To Get Away With Murder. Did not like the characters, or directing. Not going to bother.

That's one of the ones I tried last fall season. I only watched the first episode, but even that felt like a waste of time.

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Adventures in Netflix:

- Watched the first episode of Luther, and thought it was decent. But the second episode goes off the rails by the end. The show seems to be well done, but I just didn't enjoy it much.

- Finished A Moody Christmas, and picked up where I left off in The Moodys. Has not disappointed. Lots of laughs in every episode.

I really enjoyed Luther. The tone remains the same throughout it's run, so if you didn't enjoy it after the first two episodes, then you aren't missing much. What's great as it continues, though, is that Alice

Girl that is a psychopath that got away with killing her parents

is used throughout the series. Luther and her have a mutual understanding, and sees her as a necessary evil in his line of work.

As for The Moodys, I watched the first episode and never continued. Like most things, I blame my wife for this. I enjoyed what I saw, but she wasn't into it, so I didn't bother watching the rest. It's not a prerequisite that she watches everything I do (ie. She refuses to watch Black Mirror after that first episode), but it certainly helps.

Minority Report looks bad, but what else is there?

Awful. It looks awful.

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15 minutes in, and it already looks terrible. The premise is making me hate retroactively hate the movie, and I love the movie.

I don't know how you take the morality that the movie was trying to argue for, and make it seem both unjustified and counter-productive so quickly.

Also the precogs just grew up to be relatively normal somehow? Okay, lol.

The people in charge of the art direction and general production are on the money. The acting/casting and writing are just painfully bad though. The main character, Megan Good's, is the worst. She has no screen presence, and the character seems like she will be impossible to attach to.

It's definitely awful.

edit: Realizing it's filmed in Vancouver, I hope it doesn't get cancelled. Hope won't get this show too far though, lol. Either way I won't be watching it personally.

Edited by g_bassi13
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I've watched two episodes of Mr. Robot, so far they've been good. Its basically a perfect replica of Dexter, except its a hacker instead of a serial killer.

First 4 seasons of Dexter replica, or last 4 seasons of Dexter replica? Because if it's the latter...

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Shonda Rhimes is responsible for 'How to get Away with Murder'

You guys should really know better.

Sounds a lot more logical in retrospect, yeah. It didn't take long to figure out it was a dud though.

Also after watching the Quantico pilot, I think it looks promising. The hook for the last 15 minutes or so was too convoluted to bring me back on its own, but I was already sold on it before it started getting to the end. Happy I watched it, instead of prematurely deleting it from the PVR. I hope it starts to clarify itself early, instead of trying to spin too massive of a web, like it seems to be hinting at.

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I've watched two episodes of Mr. Robot, so far they've been good. Its basically a perfect replica of Dexter, except its a hacker instead of a serial killer.

Initially yeah - Robin Hood Hacker

Watched the entire season (10 eps total) the past week and a half. It gets a lot more layered and confusing in the second half. Not quite must-watch yet, has the potential to get there. Love the lead actor.

My only concern at this point is they've opened up so many plot lines I worry it'll spiral out of control like Lost. If they can tighten it up a little is could be the best pulpy action-drama since Breaking Bad.

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