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How to surprise a 7 year old....


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So I need some help - I'm pretty creative, but I want this to be fun and memorable.

I got my 7 year old nephew tickets to his first canucks game on april 6th. His dad will also be coming and it will also be HIS first game. So we need to surprise them both at once...

We're going to give them the tickets over the Easter long weekend... and I'm just looking to see if anyone has any ideas? Has anyone ever surprised their son/daughter/niece/nephew with tickets? I'm not so worried about his dad - he'll be surprised when he sees his son surprised...

anyway...just thought someone might have some good ideas ;)

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When my son was that age, I did (surprise him with tickets). But I made him work for them.

I wrapped "clues" in boxes...he had to unwrap the "presents", then figure out the clue (that also instructed him as to the location of the next box).

The tickets were in the last box. He loved it.

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