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See a lot of fans wanting to see Quinn return as coach.

All the nan-sayers like Dave Sheldon say he's too old. Older and wiser. I'd welcome him back.

Gillis wouldn't hire him because Quinn is a very smart hockey man and would tell MG what to do and he wouldn't like that.

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See a lot of fans wanting to see Quinn return as coach.

All the nan-sayers like Dave Sheldon say he's too old. Older and wiser. I'd welcome him back.

Gillis wouldn't hire him because Quinn is a very smart hockey man and would tell MG what to do and he wouldn't like that.

Gillis wouldn't hire him because he's over the hill and hasn't done the job for quite some time and hasn't done the job very well for much longer. I'd rather have Quinn as a GM than coach.

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See a lot of fans wanting to see Quinn return as coach.

All the nan-sayers like Dave Sheldon say he's too old. Older and wiser. I'd welcome him back.

Gillis wouldn't hire him because Quinn is a very smart hockey man and would tell MG what to do and he wouldn't like that.

Gillis wouldn't hire him because he's over the hill and hasn't done the job for quite some time and hasn't done the job very well for much longer. I'd rather have Quinn as a GM than coach.

You guys can't be serious. Hire Quinn because we're feeling nostalgic for the '94 Cup run?

Even when Quinn was relevant in the NHL (which was a long time ago), he was a much better coach than he was a GM, which isn't saying much because he was a terrible GM. And every time he was hired as a coach (in Philly, Vancouver and Toronto), he wanted to be the GM anyway. And the last time Quinn was a GM anywhere (Toronto), the salary cap didn't exist.

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Don't have time to roll thru 32 pages of Tippett vs Ruff vs Boucher...so if no one else has suggested it...how about Sean Simpson? And I noticed an opinion about defensive assistant as Babych...well then how about Lidster. Both Simpson and Lidster are coaching at international level...more known for offensive systems...might "spice things up" a bit for the next season.

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You guys can't be serious. Hire Quinn because we're feeling nostalgic for the '94 Cup run?

Even when Quinn was relevant in the NHL (which was a long time ago), he was a much better coach than he was a GM, which isn't saying much because he was a terrible GM. And every time he was hired as a coach (in Philly, Vancouver and Toronto), he wanted to be the GM anyway. And the last time Quinn was a GM anywhere (Toronto), the salary cap didn't exist.

I'm serious about bringing Quinn back. Has nothing to do being nostalgic about 1994. He's recently stated he missed the game and would like to come back. Pat is best coach Canucks have ever had. He brought respectability to Vancouver when they were in the bottom of the league.

Look around the NHL and some coaches have returned to former teams for a second time. Michel Therrien in Montreal.

Your argument about Quinn is like saying Scotty Bowman is too old to return to coach or GM.

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I agree with him.

The will to win can't be injected by someone else....it comes from within. These guys know - they're not young players. They're players who've come so close only to see it fade away.

I like AV's interaction and leadership...a good leader doesn't have to be a drill sergeant...a good leader, first and foremost, needs the respect of their crew and you have to earn that in how you treat them. Sure, times will dictate that a good ol' butt kicking may be in order but, at least at the start, I'd hope a new coach doesn't come in there and try to assert his power and authority with a heavy hand. Get their attention by teaching them things you know that they may not....the approach will be important. These aren't new, fresh to the game guys. It has to be done properly, with the right balance between guidance and support.

You guys who are so quick to criticize everything Canuck have become spoiled and don't respect how difficult it actually is to excel in this game/league....good teams can drop like flies when they hit a skid. It's doesn't mean they're not good teams (just look at Chicago right now).

And those constantly undervaluing KB don't appreciate what he brings, not only to our team, but to the game itself. He is a leader and a good coach coming in will recognize that and allow for that role to remain unchanged.

Deb I have always been a fan of Bieksa (hence the sig ) but recently he has been his own worst enemy and playing as if he had a burr in his skate. I want him to get back to the Bieksa I remember where he was the epitome of focus and leadership. If he can't he is of little use to the Canucks.

We eventually have to be realists as well as fans and if something doesn't work we either fix it or get someone who can. Unlike you I don't really put anyone above the team.

I support players who are unfairly criticised and I have supported AV. I even appreciate a lot of the off ice stuff Gillis has done.

However we are all fans of the team............not the players.

A team should be constantly evolving and ideally getting better. To do that weaknesses need to be addressed. Players getting old, or injured or just not doing the job like they used to need to be moved on. Players need to demonstrate hunger to be valuable in a market like Vancouver.

So what I'm saying is just because you make a plea for improvement, or even for a GM who you have faith in to make the improvements doesn't mean you love the Club any less.

I always say support the players in the jerseys and I do but that doesn't mean you can't ask for improvement.

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Deb I have always been a fan of Bieksa (hence the sig ) but recently he has been his own worst enemy and playing as if he had a burr in his skate. I want him to get back to the Bieksa I remember where he was the epitome of focus and leadership. If he can't he is of little use to the Canucks.

We eventually have to be realists as well as fans and if something doesn't work we either fix it or get someone who can. Unlike you I don't really put anyone above the team.

I support players who are unfairly criticised and I have supported AV. I even appreciate a lot of the off ice stuff Gillis has done.

However we are all fans of the team............not the players.

A team should be constantly evolving and ideally getting better. To do that weaknesses need to be addressed. Players getting old, or injured or just not doing the job like they used to need to be moved on. Players need to demonstrate hunger to be valuable in a market like Vancouver.

So what I'm saying is just because you make a plea for improvement, or even for a GM who you have faith in to make the improvements doesn't mean you love the Club any less.

I always say support the players in the jerseys and I do but that doesn't mean you can't ask for improvement.

Well, I wouldn't say he's of little use if he can't. I believe next season he will be one of our best defense-man, just pair him up with Hamhuis.

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Rangers are out. Does Tortorella become available?

I'd love to see him in Vancouver. His rants and calling out players in the media. Can you imagine him in this market. It would never be a dull moment. Vancouver Media would be too scared to ask him questions.

Canucks most likely wouldn't even consider him anyway. He's the type of coach they need to crack the whip and stop this Country Club mentality and non-sense that's been going on with Canucks.

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Deb I have always been a fan of Bieksa (hence the sig ) but recently he has been his own worst enemy and playing as if he had a burr in his skate. I want him to get back to the Bieksa I remember where he was the epitome of focus and leadership. If he can't he is of little use to the Canucks.

We eventually have to be realists as well as fans and if something doesn't work we either fix it or get someone who can. Unlike you I don't really put anyone above the team.

I support players who are unfairly criticised and I have supported AV. I even appreciate a lot of the off ice stuff Gillis has done.

However we are all fans of the team............not the players.

A team should be constantly evolving and ideally getting better. To do that weaknesses need to be addressed. Players getting old, or injured or just not doing the job like they used to need to be moved on. Players need to demonstrate hunger to be valuable in a market like Vancouver.

So what I'm saying is just because you make a plea for improvement, or even for a GM who you have faith in to make the improvements doesn't mean you love the Club any less.

I always say support the players in the jerseys and I do but that doesn't mean you can't ask for improvement.

It isn't that easy. "Players getting old/injured" may not be "done" and if you throw in the towel too quickly, it could bite you in the butt when someone else ends up with a solid player who may have hit a slump.

People here think you make a move and it's an automatic fix....it's a risk. You can't know for sure that you'll get "better" and you could get worse. Our team's been on the cusp for awhile and I'm not quite ready to give up on them as a unit yet

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You guys can't be serious. Hire Quinn because we're feeling nostalgic for the '94 Cup run?

Even when Quinn was relevant in the NHL (which was a long time ago), he was a much better coach than he was a GM, which isn't saying much because he was a terrible GM. And every time he was hired as a coach (in Philly, Vancouver and Toronto), he wanted to be the GM anyway. And the last time Quinn was a GM anywhere (Toronto), the salary cap didn't exist.

I don't think you read or understood what I wrote.

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