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Scientists rally protesting Harper Government

Down by the River

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This is pretty spot on. Paul Martin's policies years back were the reason why our banking system was able to survive the recession. Aside from Flaherty's recent policies on preventing banks from reducing their mortgage rates, he's done close to nothing.

Getting kind of sick of how everyone is praising Harper for his "economic success." Do some research, and look at what and how the previous Liberal government did. Conservatives criticize how Trudeau is just on a joyride with the name that he was lucky to be born with. Well, same goes for the Tories and the joyride they're having with the policies administered by the previous government.

I guess this is how Harper is going to achieve his goal of a balanced budget? Cutting funding from essential scientific research and muzzling the ones who conduct the research? Balanced budget sure, but at what cost?

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I agree with you in the sense that the government isn't revolutionary in any country.

If the NDP/ LP was in power during the crunch the would have slammed industry with Carbon tax and a higher corporate Tax rates which would have been a disaster.

He has had a helping hand in making us an energy power. We have the 2nd biggest confirmed oil reserves on the planet, we haven't even scratched the surface yet.

We have oil, gas, uranium, diamonds, coal, forestry we are a mass producer of Canola and Have Canola refineries for future bio diesel plants being built in Saskatchewan not to mention more potash mines.

There are aspirations to develop the north with the pipeline as the start. 99% of the arctics resources are still undiscovered.

All of this would not be thriving if it was Taxed look south for proof of that, the USA has a ridicules corporate tax.

Our banking system was also regulated enough to protect us from collapse. He wasn't directly responsible for that but he could have opened it up like they did in the USA.

Look at the dollar since they came to power, a high dollar has pros and cons but its a direct symptom of strength.

He has a lot of flaws, but I would put his economic approach up against any country in the world.

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You're missing the point.

He doesn't have an economic approach. If Keystone and Enbridge aren't built it's a disaster because he's not put money or effort into anything BUT Alberta and running lines. Up to and including stifling scientists and proper and truly credible reports that run against "his scientists"

We used to be a nation that was more than hewers of wood and gatherers of water. No PM can claim competence when he just throws the doors open to our natural resources and sells it all at bottom dollar prices without even attempting to create more jobs via refining said resources.

As for the NDP, you have literally no basis of proof for that claim except for Harper speak. Nobody does as the NDP has never held power federally. And for the love of god stop spouting that "carbon tax" garbage when the Cons were going to do the same thing only call it a cap and trade tax.

Here, this is a list (albeit a shade old) which displays province by province each parties success rate as well as federally.

Look who is the clear economic winner.


Now take away Alberta for all those years and tell me how the Conservative model has served Canadians economically as opposed to the NDP you revile so much.

Harper and his Conservative party have tried to hide from or stifle the truth for far to long. About as transparent as a brick wall.

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Opening up The gates to sell our natural resources makes Jobs. The lower you tax the corporations the more they dig in. The more they dig in the more jobs they create.

They get the money back alright.

Corporate tax 15%

Single male making 130 + per year = 38% Tax.

That's why he invests in Alberta.

If BC would go conservative they too would open up their bounty of resources and the same thing would happen here.

In 2007 Alberta tried to raise the royalties for Alberta oil and gas wells.

Energy companies moved out of Alberta and they have since scrapped the royalties but because of the timing and liquidation of assets Alberta has never fully recovered.

If our government makes it too hard on industry to operate, they will take the money out and invest it elsewhere. Like what happened in the USA.

You can never match the amount of money the Alberta oil and gas income tax creates with a corporate tax increase of any kind.

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The only foreign workers I see in Alberta or anyplace work at fast food joints or any crappy job nobody wants.

I have never seen one on a drilling rig, you need too much training prior, also they are desirable jobs that pay well.

We need foreign workers, they are another boast in the economy.

My great grand parents did the same thing.

Oil companies lease land, they don't actually purchase it. They lease it from the government and have a Certain time period to develop it or the lease expires and the land goes back for bidding. So people who think we are selling junks of Canada to china are not entirely correct. China wants the Oil they don't give a crap about the land.

self sufficient government oil field? Wow, you really wanna take away the oilfield entrepreneurs out and replace it government controlled accountants?

You really think the people will benefit more from that?

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The only foreign workers I see in Alberta or anyplace work at fast food joints or any crappy job nobody wants.

I have never seen one on a drilling rig, you need too much training prior, also they are desirable jobs that pay well.

We need foreign workers, they are another boast in the economy.

My great grand parents did the same thing.

Oil companies lease land, they don't actually purchase it. They lease it from the government and have a Certain time period to develop it or the lease expires and the land goes back for bidding. So people who think we are selling junks of Canada to china are not entirely correct. China wants the Oil they don't give a crap about the land.

self sufficient government oil field? Wow, you really wanna take away the oilfield entrepreneurs out and replace it government controlled accountants?

You really think the people will benefit more from that?

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Now wait for the amount of Chinese labourers who are indeed experienced to start flooding in as they're going to do. Happened in Nigeria, do a quick search.

So, you don't think a government run energy program is a good thing?

Alberta's $18 ish billion heritage fund is being used to fund infrastructure projects instead of the people like it is supposed to. $18 billion since it was created.

Norway has almost $800 billion, their fund was created almost 14 years later.

$18 billion for the "people" or $800 billion for the people, $800 billion and no heating costs, subsidized fuel, subsidized transit, free college, top 5 health care.

Yes it's a terrible idea.

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