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My concerns with this team and the way it's managed. A rant.

Brad Bellick^

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I understand it's one game and everything and the players are still getting used to the system, but this concern has been with me since the middle of last season and this is not a "one game knee-jerk reaction"... I feel as if the "dark days" have begun or to put it more simply, "the window is closing" ... does anyone really have confidence this team has ANY shot at a championship anymore? Is anyone actually expecting this team has a shot at winning a cup?

The Sedins are not even close to as good as they were in 2011, Daniel seems to be declining, Bieksa is nothing like his 2011 self, Edler would give the puck away to a peewee player, Gillis is too incompetent to recognize the Canucks need a 3rd line center and secondary scoring, among other things....

I see the Canucks being good as Dallas, Phoenix, Winnipeg etc, but I don't see them being any better than that... so let's say I see them as a "bubble team".

The California teams are just simply better teams than the Canucks.

If only AV moved Hodgson up to the 2nd line center spot and put Kesler on the third... we wouldn't even be complaining about the Canucks. Hodgson >>>>> Kassian, I don't care what anyone says, the Canucks' biggest problem after trading Hodgson has been secondary scoring.. no one can doubt that so don't come here and cry that i'm complaining about the Hodgson trade because it does factor in to the Canucks' failures over the last two years....

This is not a thread based off of tonight, it's based off last years season and playoffs because this is the exact same team we've seen from last season... no changes, no "youth movement", can't even put a rookie who's impressing in the first game of the season to see how he does.... and we need secondary scoring... Shinkaruk >>>>>> Higgins.

I feel Mike Gillis has ruined this team's chances from the mistakes he's made over his tenure as GM. I love the players, but I think the 2013 playoffs were the last chance for this core... we can't expect to just coast into the playoffs beating teams like Edmonton, Calgary, Colorado, etc for a playoff spot.

The Canucks need to have luck on their side if they want to contend without ANY changes to the core, or even addressing simple secondary scoring needs from free agency instead of signing grinders or bargain bin players EVERY year from free agency.... since Sundin, when is the last time the Canucks have picked up a legitimate scorer from free agency? Yeah, I thought you'd have a hard time figuring that one out...

This team NEEDS secondary scoring, NEEDS a NHL Caliber 3rd line center, and NEEDS a youth infusion... Get Hunter at least into the lineup and see if Gaunce or Bo have what it takes to come up and compete for a spot. If they earn their time through hard work, they're ready for the NHL.

I'm tired of these BS excuses that are made every year we get destroyed in the first round.... "Oh, we were injured", "Oh, our travel schedule is too tough to come in energized for the playoffs".... This is why you get DEPTH. This team has NO depth.... Say Kesler goes down, who the hell comes in for him? Richardson? Santorelli? Schroeder? Give me a break....

Gillis, your waiver pick ups and mediocre projects aren't going to cut it... We're going to sustain injuries under Tortorella's system this year, that's expected... But does he even have a PLAN if say a Kesler, or a Hamhuis, or even Daniel goes down?

Listen, I understand there's a cap, I understand certain players have NTCs, and I understand that it can be difficult to make a trade in today's NHL.... but please, for the sake of the fans, like myself, who have been watching this team for a very, very long time, I just wish Gillis wasn't such a "play it safe" GM.... This is why I love GM's like Shero, Jarmo Kekalainen, even Holmgren, (despite how bad he is on other categories of being a gm)... these are GM's that aren't afraid to do whatever they can to make their team better...

I personally think it's time for a change of face for the representative of the Canucks' organization.. I think it's time they bring in a guy who will have the drive to do what it takes to bring this city a cup... a GM that will make tough decisions and not scrounge the depths for "Steve Bernier or Taylor Pyatt 2.0 projects" like Gillis does..

Whether you agree with me or not, or whether you're the guy that comes in and calls me a "band wagoner" or a "troll" or whatever other names you come with, just know I've been a fan of this team for as long as anyone has been a fan of this team, watching the Canucks' very first game as a child and instantly getting hooked to Canucks hockey, no matter how bad they were. But in a positition where I see so much potential in this team if they're just managed right, even a Stanley cup, it frustrates me to know we are going into the season where the only real change is the coach..


(Wanted to express my concerns and again, this is not because of this game, I would have posted this if we won)

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At this point we're pretty much fracked. We know that Gillis won't admit to ???? up and he isn't concerned about how this team pans out this season because the blame can be pinned on a new coach with a new system. He's given every player on this team a NTC or NMC so we're stuck with them. Hansen and Higgins on Kesler's wing makes me want to puke.

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Couple of things.

First one is Holmgren is a #%@&$

Second off, Higgins is a great 3rd liner. Nothing more. He can fill in, but hes a 3rd liner on a cup contending team. Shinkaruk would benefit from another year in juniors. It's not that he's bad right now, but it's more of it being better for him to study the game a bit more, and try to bulk up. No one is doubting his skill right now.

Gaunce will be no more than Taylor pyatt with a higher iq. They seem to be the exact same players, but that's just the vibe I get.

Canucks are not doing anything this year. Too many ifs. There's 7 or 8 question marks in our 4 lines lmao

daniel HEnrik (? Will kassian step up)

booth kesler (two health ?'s) burrows

Higgins?(playoff performing) our 3c lol and Hansen

our whole fourth line is a question mark..

Our consistency defensively is utter trash.

Way too many ifs. Maybe Gillis could pull off a 2011 and add four very solid bottom six guys, but I don't think he's going in that direction.

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Basically the Canucks were counting on a young player stepping up and having a breakout year ie; Schroeder, and Kassian.

The other prospects including Jensen are simply not ready yet. The Canucks season will hinge on Tort's ability to coax more offence out of Booth and Schroeder and Kassian contributing 10-15 goals each.

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I agree that Gillis is incompetent as a GM. And this is not a knee jerk reaction either. He's done absolutely nothing to build the team in two straight years and that is taking its toll. A coaching change was needed, I agree, but that is not enough. For chrissakes, all we get on this damn team anymore is depth players depth players depth players up to our ying yang. That is not going to cut it.

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I agree that Gillis is incompetent as a GM. And this is not a knee jerk reaction either. He's done absolutely nothing to build the team in two straight years and that is taking its toll. A coaching change was needed, I agree, but that is not enough. For chrissakes, all we get on this damn team anymore is depth players depth players depth players up to our ying yang. That is not going to cut it.

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I'm not going to say that you're wrong or something but 1 game is still 1 game.

It would be better to wait longer into the season to see if your problems haven't been rectified. There are are still a lot of kinks to be worked out with this team and I feel that some patience is needed before we start really laying into the management and players.

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We would all love another great second line wing...but who? Look at free agency lately, you either way over pay for a legit top 6 (which we don't have the cap for) or hope someone steps up from your own players. I would rather have Hansen and Higgins than one Clarkson. We have 4 great top 4 guys (sedins, kes, burr) and a few tweeners (Hansen, Higgins, booth, Kassian...we just need them to step up and score more). Is gillis infallible, no, but the team has a great tender, great top 5 d, and a a good top 9. Last night too many turnovers and missed chances. They will get it together.

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