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Mafia: The Game [That's A Spicy Meatball] Game Over Please Sign Up


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I am inclined to agree (assuming he even wants to) I think he definitely has a passion for the game and if he reigns in some of his emotions I think he makes things highly entertaining.

But if the general consensus is adamantly against it I will uphold the ban but, if he can keep it all in the game I think he is a fun addition besides he needs to go for the double digits MVP for Legendary Status :bigblush:

Basically if he stops posting once he's dead but all that necroposting was annoying as hell

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I am inclined to agree (assuming he even wants to) I think he definitely has a passion for the game and if he reigns in some of his emotions I think he makes things highly entertaining.

But if the general consensus is adamantly against it I will uphold the ban but, if he can keep it all in the game I think he is a fun addition besides he needs to go for the double digits MVP for Legendary Status :bigblush:

I'd agree with this ONLY if Kesler and I are on the same team... :P

making posts after your dead is definitely not cool, but like you said, losing someone who's passionate about the game would be a shame.

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Would it be legal to delete this acc and make a new acc??

My strategy only works for about 5 games and then no one trusts you anymore lol

I need a fresh start

lol then it's time to change it up... be nice and really throw everyone for a loop ;)
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Thank you Aladeen for hosting an awesome game! Big ups to JE and Burr on some great work on the TP end. VIC, damn you, you're always behind my demise in this game when I'm mafia :(

Also thanks to all my fellow mafioso for being so awesome! By far the most active team I've been apart of.

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Thank you Aladeen for hosting an awesome game! Big ups to JE and Burr on some great work on the TP end. VIC, damn you, you're always behind my demise in this game when I'm mafia :(

Also thanks to all my fellow mafioso for being so awesome! By far the most active team I've been apart of.


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Thank you Aladeen for hosting an awesome game! Big ups to JE and Burr on some great work on the TP end. VIC, damn you, you're always behind my demise in this game when I'm mafia :(

Also thanks to all my fellow mafioso for being so awesome! By far the most active team I've been apart of.

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well, thanks for basically telling us what you're doing.. :picard:

Well you don't know when i'll be coming

I can make a new account today, build up my post count and then make an appearance in like a year

You'll never know..everytime a new person comes, you guys will suspect him of being Kesler87 but they are just an innocent player

Then one day..BOOM

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