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PGT- Vancouver 1 - 2 Dallas


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4 goals in 4 games; 4 losses in a row. No offense outside the Sedins. This year is done. Dallas is right behind with Winnipeg even surging. Maybe well end up with a top ten pick?

actually would not mind that to be honest. There are some very intriguing potential UFAs out there, and with another good draft, things could look bright again






Markov - great on the PP and would come cheaper than edler


Trevor Lewis

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Horrid call from a ref in perfect position to see the play. Inexcusable! And more proof that the NHL continues to have a reffing problem, be it plain ole incompetency or something worse. If only they showed any sign that they notice or care!

Booth apparently lost all skating ability. WTH? That was the one thing he still had going for him. Definitely time for him to go.

The entire team needs shot accuracy practice and lots of it. ASAP!

The team also needs a refresher on how to handle odd man rushes. How many have been badly defended and resulted in a goal in just the last few games?

Going to light a candle and offer it to the hockey gods. A little luck might be exactly what this team needs to get it going.

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He had several failed clearing attempts. Just as many half-assed attempts to chase the puck while in the offensive zone. At least two give aways. The guy gets targeted by the fans because he is a waste of space on the roster and cap hit. He has had plenty of chances to make something happen. It's not just this current funk the team is in. Booth has never been more than an empty net goal and a bucket of disappointment while in Vancouver.

And I'd agree with you he's been disappointing. In this game, I tried to watch him more than usual and he was better than he usually is. You have to remember the guy got concussed and had his career almost end in Florida. He was overpaid before he came to Vancouver. Gillis decided to take a chance on him for pretty much free and it didn't work and now the Canucks are stuck with his cap. I don't fault him for signing a contract with the Panthers and getting rich in the sunny state. Other than his one 30 goal season, after his injury he was nothing more than a 3rd liner. I knew the day he came he wouldn't be as good as he was before his injury. No guy is able to come back 100% after this:

Most guys would call it a career like Savard, Pronger, etc. I agree with you he's overpaid, and underwhelming, but I guarantee you he's working his ass off to get back in NHL shape, regardless of how many people think he's "screwing around" in the off season with his hunting and out doors activities. He was much better this game with the linemates he had and hopefully he can keep it up.

Don't fault the player, fault the GM for bringing an overpaid player in,

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And I'd agree with you he's been disappointing. In this game, I tried to watch him more than usual and he was better than he usually is. You have to remember the guy got concussed and had his career almost end in Florida. He was overpaid before he came to Vancouver. Gillis decided to take a chance on him for pretty much free and it didn't work and now the Canucks are stuck with his cap. I don't fault him for signing a contract with the Panthers and getting rich in the sunny state. Other than his one 30 goal season, after his injury he was nothing more than a 3rd liner. I knew the day he came he wouldn't be as good as he was before his injury. No guy is able to come back 100% after this:

Most guys would call it a career like Savard, Pronger, etc. I agree with you he's underpaid, and underwhelming, but I guarantee you he's working his ass off to get back in NHL shape, regardless of how many people think he's "screwing around" in the off season with his hunting and out doors activities. He was much better this game with the linemates he had and hopefully he can keep it up.

Don't fault the player, fault the GM for bringing an overpaid player in,

As I stated earlier, the injury excuse has worn thin. If he isn't able to bring the level of play he needs to then he should hang up the skates.

When Gillis brought him over he was ridding us of two older players who combined had almost the same cap hit as Booth. Booth had shown flashes of brilliance and our team was in dire need of a top 6 player. No blame on GIllis for giving him a shot. Booth has been given every opportunity to regain his form and succeed here.

I am not hating on him, but I am fed up with him wasting roster and cap space here. He needs to go. I could care less if he is traded or waived, he is simply bringing down the team at this point. We have some great young players who would benefit from playing with the big boys and gaining much needed experience rather than us continue the failing experiment that is David Booth.

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Non-rental top 6 forwards don't grow on trees. I'm pretty sure if there was a deal to be made that didn't involve the Canucks getting fleeced, MG would take it.

While we obviously need to score more goals, Torts is absolutely correct - the Nucks are doing A LOT of things right; working hard, creating chances, have solid puck possession, even Luongo is playing good.

Now is not the time to rush into anything and make some hasty deal that could 'potentially' win us the cup or more then likely just waste some resources we've gained lately. I'd much rather we make a big move next year or the year after, after we've seen how our prospects have turned out. Yeah the core is aging, but I'm confident they still have several more good years left.

Panic Button UNPUSHED

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He did everything but score tonight. Played along the boards well, made a few nice passes to set up for chances, was good on the fore check. Guy gets too much hate. The whole team isn't scoring right now. He doesn't deserve to be the scape goat.

This makes me more angry than the blown call. Are you going to defend this guy till his damned contract ends? He's been doing everything but score since we acquired the guy. At what point do you just step down and admit he's a black hole offensively.

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So you don't understand how a blown call can shift momentum? Give one team a boost? And throw the team/guy off who frustratingly had to play through getting completely ripped off?

You can't tell us anything...we watch the game too. So your opinion isn't THE opinion.

There are shows called "The Turning Point"...do you know what creates a turning point? A pathetic call like that. And why no review?

They actually are posting about the game, which is likely better than what you've done (and, in the process, me). Now get back on topic please....

Deb I'm not saying that an allowed goal wouldn't give us momentum, I'm just saying that we need to buy our own luck.

It's sucks that a disallowed goal couldn't allow us to turn the table, but the fact is that we only have 4 goals in 4 games, though I'd like to say we have 5. That's not good enough, and I'm not saying we deserved to lose, because we didn't. We just need to realize that we lack players who can provide us with more secondary scoring.

I guess I should be more clear and apologize to any of you who aren't seeing what I'm referring to. Yes, the blown call stopped us from getting a point or two, and yes, it could have turned the tide for us and would have had a better chance to win, no question about it. Regardless of what the result should have been tonight, there's a reason why we aren't winning, and it's because we haven't been able to score.

So sorry to all of you for not making myself clear. A ruined call did ruin the game for us, that is true, but one can still make the argument that we are not doing enough to win, and the last 4 games have proved it. That is just how I see it.

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Team needs a major shakeup.

They have a good defense corp with stanton playing well and Corrardo still down on the farm.

IMO, Edler is vastly overrated by some and I don`t like his contract going forward. IF you can get some team to give up a quality forward for him I would do that in a heartbeat.

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