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Mafia: The Game [Cosi Grossi Testicoli] Game Over - Please Sign Up!


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Do you really think that's how the conversation would have gone if we were both mafia?

I think you could have easily doctored certain parts of that. Staging a conversation like that would only take a few minutes as well.

Pretty much every single one of her questions would have been answered in the mafia PM without her even having to ask.

I don't see your point.

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I think you could have easily doctored certain parts of that. Staging a conversation like that would only take a few minutes as well.

I don't see your point.

Staging a conversation with her would be against the rules to do after she died and kind of pointless to do before, considering the fact that I would have to type it all out again and not be able to invite anyone in to see it.

Why would she ask stuff she would have already known by reading the mafia PM? Why would we be discussing that over text when it would have been a lot easier to discuss with the whole team in the PM thread? Don't her messages make a lot more sense from the angle of playing up her confusion to me to appear innocent?

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Staging a conversation with her would be against the rules to do after she died and kind of pointless to do before, considering the fact that I would have to type it all out again and not be able to invite anyone in to see it.

Why would she ask stuff she would have already known by reading the mafia PM? Why would we be discussing that over text when it would have been a lot easier to discuss with the whole team in the PM thread? Don't her messages make a lot more sense from the angle of playing up her confusion to me to appear innocent?

Why wouldnt she just ask those questions in the mafia PM?
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Go Faulk Yourself GOAT

Junko WOAT

I missed this. :(

Yeah. Like I said, I might go back to GFY eventually, but for now. I wanted something fresh. I'm sure I'll get sentimental about my old name soon enough!

ANYWAYS! I got a LOT to catch up now don't I? I'm going to do a bit of reading, oh and I'd like to honestly thank all the factions for letting me live past the 1ST Round. You really didn't have to, but I appreciate it nevertheless! With that being said, you guys can take your sights in on me now. I'd welcome it as always! As long as it saved the Special's from being targeted, I don't mind one bit. ;)

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Staging a conversation with her would be against the rules to do after she died and kind of pointless to do before, considering the fact that I would have to type it all out again and not be able to invite anyone in to see it.

Why would she ask stuff she would have already known by reading the mafia PM? Why would we be discussing that over text when it would have been a lot easier to discuss with the whole team in the PM thread? Don't her messages make a lot more sense from the angle of playing up her confusion to me to appear innocent?

Like I said, it's possible you doctored certain parts of the conversation to make it look like you were both pretending to be TP. Is it unlikely? Probably, but surely you can understand the skepticism on our parts. If you were suspicious of me and I posted a relatively basic conversation log, would it change your mind?

I'm not going to vote for you right now because I think you're worth investigating. I'd hate to lynch you and have you come up TP since you'd obviously be a valuable asset to us, even if you've been acting a little...different this game.

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Unvote2 ; Vote2 VIC

Yeah I guess he could have planned that conversation with Hodor from the beginning or simple just changed a portion of the convo

He also seems overly defensive and is kind of confusing me with his posts. Definately not acting like the usual VIC

What's confusing you? I'd have to have changed the whole thing pretty much to make it sound like a TP convo instead of mafia.

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Vote 1 Dral

I've got a new strategy where I vote for players beginning whose names begin with "dra" unless it's vital.

Good job getting out there before the mafia nurse could pretend to be the doc, PPCLI.

Don't know about you but this post right here does not fit VIC's usual first round TP profile. He is definitely playing looser this game. My guess would be is that he is trying to get investigated as he is too good at hiding his identity to be this obvious and on everyone's radar unless it is his intention to be on everyone's radar. I wouldn't waste an investigation on him unless you have no other suspects (I actually think he might be the lackey).

I feel like JE wouldn't be dumb enough to do this if he was mafia, so I doubt he's lying...

But then again I doubt anyone would just straight up tell a non-mafia that they were mafia.

Two scenarios, both of which JE is famous for:

1. JE's screwing with us. Most likely scenario, probably about 90% chance of this.

2.Mafia are setting up a sacrifice. 10% chance of this.

I'll reserve my judgement till later.

Gotta say that Drouin and JE don't look great here. Considering the bolded, Drouin looks especially suspect. AT basically is trying to say that if Drouin comes back mafia, he believes JE14 (and subsequently himself) to be truthful.

After sifting through the 8 pages of stuff since I went to bed last night. I still don't have a very good idea who to vote for, so unless something major happens in the next coulple of hours I'll probably just end up voting for a random person. At this point the only person I think is special is PPC who I believe is the doc but other than that i dunno.

It's posts like this by Otherwise and Mau5trap that irk me. If they are TP, they are doing NOTHING to help us root out mafia. At this point they might as well be mafia for the help they provide (killing roles, hope you take notice).

I hate first rounds. The votes are so meaningless.

vote 112 because of the strange and very subtle message thread. Is

Could be an innocuous vote for a teammate or an actual vote for a TP. Hard to say.

FTR Kesler, Peaches never posts with substance (usually what gets him on EVERYONE'S suspicion list and rightfully so). Also take note; Otherwise, Mau5trap, Ryp played that first round a lot like Hodor did (posts with no insight).

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Like I said, it's possible you doctored certain parts of the conversation to make it look like you were both pretending to be TP. Is it unlikely? Probably, but surely you can understand the skepticism on our parts. If you were suspicious of me and I posted a relatively basic conversation log, would it change your mind?

I'm not going to vote for you right now because I think you're worth investigating. I'd hate to lynch you and have you come up TP since you'd obviously be a valuable asset to us, even if you've been acting a little...different this game.

I understand that it's definitely not ironclad proof that I'm innocent or anything. It'd just be a bit of a stretch to doctor, especially when it looks like I'll probably be investigated anyways.

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Also Peaches votes have absolutely no subastance

In the first round he voted for Greendemon for absolutely no reason.Something about voting incase he forgot

And then 2nd round he had this amazing reason

"Go Faulk Yourself survived a round? Wtf.

Too suspicious for me.

vote2 junko"

Cuz I don't like following bandwagon votes, and I haven't had much time to really pay attention to the game. Like, I don't know why people voted 112 last round at all.

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