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[Report] Canucks interested in Martin Erat

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By his numbers so is Booth buddy. He is an older version of Higgins Hansen Santorelli Burrows. Do we need ANOTHER redundant player? no we need a playmaker. We need a sniper. We don't need yet another aging 2 way player who used to be consistent.

If Booth goes away for him. meh why not, but really a straight swap is the only thing that makes sense.

Booth has played how many years in the NHL?

- answer 9 years

How many of those were full seasons?

-answer 4 years, he has not played a full season in his last 5 years

How many years in even his full years has he scored over 50 pts?

-answer, only once has Booth scored more than 50 pts, in fact only once has he surpassed 40 pts.

sorry your argument is unbelievably weak sir.

LOL! you changed your tune after I posted this...hahah ok well you agree then, booth for erat makes sense...if they ask for more, like the addition of someone young no way but change of scenery for change of scenery yes

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He's a gamble at this stage in his career. He could either be good or be an overpaid 3rd liner who's inconsistent. Remind you of anyone? Gillis needs to get a proven top 6 winger not a guy who is not his former self. It's just a hockey forum don't get worked up so much

yes but thats the point at this stage if you look at a booth for him swap he's better odds to contribute given both players are underachieving where they are.

and given his track record, i'd bet he's got a better chance at helping this team score and stay healthy than does booth

and see my above point about the comparison to booth. erat is a much better player.

best way to show it, and sure washington overpaid, but would they have offered us forsberg for booth? lol

no way in hell

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yes but thats the point at this stage if you look at a booth for him swap he's better odds to contribute given both players are underachieving where they are.

and given his track record, i'd bet he's got a better chance at helping this team score and stay healthy than does booth

How do u know washington is going to want Booth back? They're going to want more added to Booth if he's in the deal.

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How do u know washington is going to want Booth back? They're going to want more added to Booth if he's in the deal.

no just saying if they'd take it...wont dispute that but question is they really are similar right NOW... so what can washington get?

teams will argue 4.5 ml for a guy who's not scoring? (as many here have)

cap issues/people say no or they'll offer a mid round pick just to take the salary

we have a player who needs a change, will probably play better in the east, as their player will prob play better in the west

salaries are similar

its a change of scenery deal....

if they ask for more than a 3rd rounder thrown in no way

but to get booth gone, a chance at a real second liner for basically a 3rd i'd do it

ask for a real player no way, and i agree with you

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Booth has played how many years in the NHL?

- answer 9 years

How many of those were full seasons?

-answer 4 years, he has not played a full season in his last 5 years

How many years in even his full years has he scored over 50 pts?

-answer, only once has Booth scored more than 50 pts, in fact only once has he surpassed 40 pts.

sorry your argument is unbelievably weak sir.

LOL! you changed your tune after I posted this...hahah ok well you agree then, booth for erat makes sense...if they ask for more, like the addition of someone young no way but change of scenery for change of scenery yes

I never once said it didn't make sense. i said anything more than a straight swap is silly. Look at you all argumentative like you have a clue. Someone wore their big boy pants today didn't they?

Booth was billed a s a second liner. he had/has second line potential. erat is a redundant player in our system and would supplant other redundant players in our system further pushing 3rd liners down the chart. At this stage of his career Erat is a 3rd liner at best and not nearly as valuable a 3rd liner as Kassian, hansen, Santorelli or even Richardson. He may play a gritty 2 way game but we have tons of those guys.

Don't hop on the stick of every single player who comes up in a trade rumour. adding more dead wood to a pile of dead wood is not building anything more than a mess. See Calgary. Added I did not change my "tune" I added the redundant player for value. Since you cannot seem to see it.

Now, do me a favour and stop talking to me like we have some affiliation. You're about as valuable to me as Booth is to the Capitals

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I never once said it didn't make sense. i said anything more than a straight swap is silly. Look at you all argumentative like you have a clue. Someone wore their big boy pants today didn't they?

Booth was billed a s a second liner. he had/has second line potential. erat is a redundant player in our system and would supplant other redundant players in our system further pushing 3rd liners down the chart. At this stage of his career Erat is a 3rd liner at best and not nearly as valuable a 3rd liner as Kassian, hansen, Santorelli or even Richardson. He may play a gritty 2 way game but we have tons of those guys.

Don't hop on the stick of every single player who comes up in a trade rumour. adding more dead wood to a pile of dead wood is not building anything more than a mess. See Calgary.

Now, do me a favour and stop talking to me like we have some affiliation. You're about as valuable to me as Booth is to the Capitals

dude i quoted one of your quotes that said basically they were similar, after i saved mine you had changed your quote.. lol...sorry but caught in the act...

as you are here...go look at the consistency buddy...he's better than booth so its my view. your view is he isn't, i guess we won't see until erat is somewhere else right?

and if he shows it, i'll remind you who's boss

and if you look at the stats you'll see what i said

'booth was billed as a second liner' but never consistently showed it, one good year of over 50 pts

erat has had 8 of over 50 buddy and has been healthy so one IS A SECOND LINER, one was BILLED AS ONE AND FAILED.

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If Erat is Gillis looking hard,LOOK FRACKING HARDER!!

For the love of baby Jesus, please stop trying to catch lightning in a bottle. No more reclamation projects. Get a bonafide top 6 player.

Such as?

You can only get what's available and only if you have something the other team wants and in most cases, only if the players accept (NTC).

I don't understand why people just don't understand that simple concept.


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dude i quoted one of your quotes that said basically they were similar, after i saved mine you had changed your quote.. lol...sorry but caught in the act...

as you are here...go look at the consistency buddy...he's better than booth so its my view. your view is he isn't, i guess we won't see until erat is somewhere else right?

and if he shows it, i'll remind you who's boss

By that nonsense maybe we should sign Gretzky out of retirement, he used to be consistent too.

Now, repeat after me. HE IS REDUNDANT.

There, feel better

And you can hold your breath waiting to show me or remind me of anything anything, in fact do.

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What is the financial benefit of Erat over Booth? If there is one.

Player vs player, I think I'd keep Booth.. as crazy as that sounds.. Erat is older and has always been soft. That is only going to get worse.

why do people say the guy is soft? have you seen his numbers? its like calling the sedins soft man

you dont last 13 years in the nhl being soft

you dont score over 50 pts and are 1 or 2 in team scoring on nashville 8 times, yes 8 times in 11 years being soft dude


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Fwiw, the rumour comes from Lebrun, who in the same segment was trying to suggest that Carolina might be interested in taking Liles contract off the Laffs hands...

Sounds like they're still pipe dreaming in Toronto.

I'm not in the cap dump or pay (assets) to rid ourselves of Booth camp - but I wouldn't hesitate to deal him for Erat.

I don't care about rumours about locker room dynamics - I don't imagine Booth's gawd talk is endearing him to many (the rumours were that Florida didn't appreciate it), so I'm hardly going to judge Erat on similar stories, many times removed, about him being a 'cancer'.

Erat has been exceptionally consistent throughout his career - one quarter season in Washington's doghouse is not going to convince me he's done. He's a consistent 30-40 assist player - something Kesler could probably use/ a better fit for Kesler? - and he's played a lot of time with guys like David Legwand, whose game you might even liken to a (not quite) Kesler.

Anyhow, risk for risk I'd be willing to take.

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Fwiw, the rumour comes from Lebrun, who in the same segment was trying to suggest that Carolina might be interested in taking Liles contract off the Laffs hands...

Sounds like they're still pipe dreaming in Toronto.

I'm not in the cap dump or pay (assets) to rid ourselves of Booth camp - but I wouldn't hesitate to deal him for Erat.

I don't care about rumours about locker room dynamics - I don't imagine Booth's gawd talk is endearing him to many (the rumours were that Florida didn't appreciate it), so I'm hardly going to judge Erat on similar stories, many times removed, about him being a 'cancer'.

Erat has been exceptionally consistent throughout his career - one quarter season in Washington's doghouse is not going to convince me he's done. He's a consistent 30-40 assist player - something Kesler could probably use/ a better fit for Kesler? - and he's played a lot of time with guys like David Legwand, whose game you might even liken to a (not quite) Kesler.

Anyhow, risk for risk I'd be willing to take.


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Fwiw, the rumour comes from Lebrun, who in the same segment was trying to suggest that Carolina might be interested in taking Liles contract off the Laffs hands...

Sounds like they're still pipe dreaming in Toronto.

I'm not in the cap dump or pay (assets) to rid ourselves of Booth camp - but I wouldn't hesitate to deal him for Erat.

I don't care about rumours about locker room dynamics - I don't imagine Booth's gawd talk is endearing him to many (the rumours were that Florida didn't appreciate it), so I'm hardly going to judge Erat on similar stories, many times removed, about him being a 'cancer'.

Erat has been exceptionally consistent throughout his career - one quarter season in Washington's doghouse is not going to convince me he's done. He's a consistent 30-40 assist player - something Kesler could probably use/ a better fit for Kesler? - and he's played a lot of time with guys like David Legwand, whose game you might even liken to a (not quite) Kesler.

Anyhow, risk for risk I'd be willing to take.

The Liles to Carolina had some truth to it, it's been floating around for a few weeks now.

Lebrun is legit.

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why do people say the guy is soft? have you seen his numbers? its like calling the sedins soft man

you dont last 13 years in the nhl being soft

you dont score over 50 pts and are 1 or 2 in team scoring on nashville 8 times, yes 8 times in 11 years being soft dude


Soft physically is what I mean. Doesn't hit, doesn't chirp much if at all, wont get in your face. I can't imagine him blocking shots.

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Gotta love some of the responses already, although I didn't expect much better from the CDC rabble.

Our interest was described as mild, which points to Gillis doing his due diligence and asking what they'd take for him. Surely Gillis asked about their interest in Booth as a return, since clearly both players need a change of scenery and Booth doesn't appear to be doing much here to warrant keeping him this season and next.

That, and people are assuming this is the only call Gillis has made. It's not like he sits on his thumbs until news breaks about a player being disgruntled, and only then does he think, "well, maybe I should see if I can make a trade?" He certainly talks with other GMs often enough that a deal could come up, but the price teams are asking is considerable at this point.

I wouldn't say no to a straight Booth for Erat trade - if only to see if it could work out better than keeping Booth who's doing far to little for what we're paying him. I liked some of Booth's play last night but It's a gamble for sure, even if they are similar in cap and term.

Here's another way to look at it: it doesn't have to be a straight up deal. Perhaps both sides add secondary pieces that make sense from the perspective of a hockey trade but still keep value fairly even. The Booth/Erat discussion could just be the foot in the door.

Like Ehrhoff?

Clearly that was the M.O. in the Kassian trade as well. Ditto the Dalpe/Welsh deal.

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