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[PGT] Canucks Lose 2-1

Brad Bellick^

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This situation sounds very similar to the LA kings two seasons ago when their season was going down the tubes, and were having a big problem in the scoring department despite having Kopitar, Brown, Richards and Williams. They fired the coach and brought in a new voice to the team and were able to ship out an expendable part for scoring help.

For us that very much sounds like the same notion we need to carry out. Either MG pulls out his family jewels and make a move, something Dave Nonuts could never do, or MG needs to go. His ignorance saying "its a process" is driving this team no where without any scoring help

huh? The glaring issue when Nonis got the job was the goalie grave yard........did he address that with a trade?

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Lui was terrific. Shoulda had that second goal but none the less terrific .

Team needs to keep up the good work. We out shot ans out chanced the cup champs even on a back to back night.

Hope the city of Chicago gets a tsunami or earth quake. I hate anything related to them. Hope Keith breaks his face.

Too bad that they closed Riverview, you could use some help.

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I think this team is done anyway. Unless Gillis can acquire a true scorer real soon, which I doubt he can otherwise he would have already, let this team implode. It's better to admit defeat now than pull the Calgary Flames playing out this season and possibly the next and STILL think we have potential here when we clearly have nothing. When we talk about our goal scoring woes, Daniel is largely the reason for this. From 41 goals, to 30, to 20 in 72 games -- we don't even have a go to guy anymore. The Daniel from a few seasons ago would have buried that empty netter when Luongo was pulled tonight. Assuming Danny didn't score on the PP at some other point before. We knew a long time ago Burrows coudln't play without the twins, Booth and Kassian have proven to be duds. These are three players that should have been in our top six but are failing miserably. Compile this with the fact Gillis completely hamstrung this team with NTC's on pieces that would be moved if we decided to retool. We don't need to rebuild but retool because we certainly can't keep throwing this garbage out there night after night and actually expect to compete.

Kass is on pace for 15-20 playing 12 mins a night with players with little to no offensive creativity. Not sure how that qualifies as a dud

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I'm sure I'll get blasted by those that don't think we'll make the playoffs...flame away. There is no shame in losing 2-1 to a team that has won the cup twice recently.

Most of the time I'd agree with you but the Hawks were playing shorthanded. Without Bickell and then Hossa was scratched at the last minute. You've got to take advantage of a game like that.

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Did you miss the 2 goals in 9 seconds? Especially when he can't close is five hole fast enough or can't beat a shot that went right at him? Good comment though, can tell a lot of thought went into it. As much thought as the content of your comment.

You have got to be the biggest hypocrite ever to write this..

The majority of your posts consist of 4-7 words that say next to nothing, add no value whatsoever, and are said more to instigate or provoke people on here because of how critical and usually negative they tend to be.

If I didn't think you're a troll before you've proven that you are to me now 100%.. I only hope others will see you for what you really are instead of responding to your nonsense.

What a tool.

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Daniel Sedin pisses me off when he stays at the blue line in the offensive zone when our D are already there passing back and forth. For god sakes get your ass in front of the net for a deflection or a rebound. I have noticed this few times, understand he is trying to circle and get open but once he reaches the blue line he just stays there expecting a pass from our D.

He has not been on his game since the Keith hit.
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Ehrhoff was given the choice of accepting Bieksa's contract and nothing else.

Ehrhoff outscored Bieksa by 28 points that year. Ehrhoff had eight more assists than Bieksa's total points tally.

There was no negotiation and he was forced out.

Ehrhoff was playing nearly 2 full minutes per game of top unit PP time per game. Big surprise he outscored Bieksa. At even strength Bieksa had a total of 2 less points in 13 less games.

Bieksa was also a team high + 32 while playing against the toughest opposition on the shutdown pairing. He also outhit him by nearly twice as much, had less giveaways, more than double the amount takeaways, and is considered a leader on the team. Did I mention this was all in 13 less games?

In case you missed it, they call it 'defense' for a reason. Something Ehrhoff had an innate ability to not do on ay given night Ehrhoff left because he was looking for more length of contract. Thankfully he got that somewhere else.

Ehrhoff was not, and is not worth anything remotely resembling that contract. Compared to Ehrhoffs contract, Luongos contract looks amazing.

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The highest scoring Canucks d man in the league anchoring the best PP in the league and history of the Vancouver Canucks franchise and you find it in your best interests to diss him.

No you find a reason to 'pump his tires' like somehow he was worth the money he sought in the open market. All you see his points. Funny how when he left the Canucks those points dried up. He may have been the anchor, but Henrik was the one driving the boat.

If you think he was worth that contract he signed, I have a nice house to sell you...in Buffalo.

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I wish some of the rookies had made it onto the roster.... The teams that have rookies seem to make their vets play with more swagger and perhaps also make the vets more competitive if they need to fight to retain their slot.... KASS gets benched for the same crap the vets can do with zero accountability ....

Key word here is WISH. Reality is, MG has an abysmal record at the raft table. Look at the impact of Hertl on SJ. Here we wish!
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Uhh, because scoring IS the god damned problem. No goalie is good enough on a team that cannot score by, including Crawford, by your logic. Luongo is doing his job in making sure the game doesn't get out of hand, but nope, we can still only score ONE goal. Stop expecting Luongo to get a shutout every game, because that's what would be needed for a lot of our losses to become wins.

Well I am not saying the offence is not a problem. But save that for another topic. If Lu's ability is questioned it gets put to the offfence. That can be addressed as well, but don't give Lu a pass if he is getting out performed by other goalies. He may be doing as well as he can but the fact is,based on the team it is not good enough. When this team could score, Lu often let in crap goals as well.
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Look at him laughing and joking , he really has a good time after a lose doesn't he ? Sounds to me, when you read between the lines that he still doesnt want to be here? How can that be good for the team?

Looks like CDC has a resident psychologist.

Funny, you'd think someone who's spent that much time educating themselves on "reading between the lines" and figuring out what people really mean when they make innocuous statements would know the difference between "lose" and "loss"... :rolleyes:

Seriously what is this crap with blaming Luongo? He bailed the Nucks out on many occasions tonight. What? Multiple odd-man rushes for Chicago and all of a sudden the loss is on Lu?

How about we get some better defense and some actual scoring. Can't expect to win with 1 goal.

I agree that it was a bad pinch by Stanton, but the Canucks held the defending Cup champions (and the highest scoring team in the league) to 2 goals.

I'd say defense is a ways down the list of the Canucks' problems right now...

The odd man rushes have been GLARING since the Kings game

There have definitely been a few. However, one has to wonder if these are to some degree, a product of the team's struggle to score of late.

For years, the Canucks have asked their defense to make an offensive contribution. If you think about the times when things were going well for Vancouver, guys like Ehrhoff, Salo, Bieksa, Edler and more recently, Hamhuis and Garrison were making regular contributions to the offense.

Outside of Edler's goal against the Jackets, it's been as dry a spell from the back end lately as it has up front. I really wouldn't be surprised if a lot of these bad pinches are a result of defensemen trying a bit too hard to help the team score more goals.

The funny thing is (and I don't mean "ha ha" funny) last season we wouldn't see so many of these ill-advised gambles, but we would definitely see the resident CDC bozos posting that ridiculous "Don't you dare score! Defend the 0-0 tie" meme....

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the team got to game 7 with scoring 8 goals. You don't think that's acceptable?

Well Goddammit. The team "got to game 7". That's a nice accomplishment for a cinderella team who trailed throughout the entire series, but I seem to recall the Canucks were Presidents trophy winning heavy favorites who had a 2-0 lead. When your'e a favorite with a seemingly commanding series lead then getting to game 7 and losing is nothing more than a choke. That series was an abomination in all aspects and Luongo was a very big part of it.

Sorry for getting off topic.

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To those of you who won't acknowledge that lack of scoring is the main reason for our current slump, and who keep blaming Lu for the losses, consider this: Chicago has allowed the 5th most goals against in the competitive West. Crawford is sitting at 30th in save % at .908. But Chicago has also scored the highest number of goals in the league. And Chicago is sitting at #2 in the league, just 1 back of Anaheim with 2 games in hand. Gee, do you think scoring might have something to do with their success? And obviously, Crawford is not as bad a goalie as his stats indicate. Maybe team defense is a factor?

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Canucks better start playing like a team that has to win 2-1 or 1-0 because that's who they are right now. Lou was dead on After Hours.

You can't give a team like Chicago that many 2-on-1's and expect to win right now.

There's no trading our way out, David Pressbox will be here or the AHL all year.

You can blame lack of scoring or you can blame the failure to recognize it and adapt.

AV brought a worse team than this to a division title his first year here on the back of good defensive hockey and 3 and a half checking lines.

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