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[GDT]Los Angeles Kings @ Vancouver Canucks | 7:00 PM | SNET-P |


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After one period I would have to say

A few defensive lapse with D pinching at the wrong times

I thought kassian has been playing good out there, the whole 4th line had pressure when they were on the ice (expect the one shift kassian's stick broke) Bad bounce and non call that lead to the goal.

Booth has looked good out their as well he's crashing and banging, had a few good opportunities out they. I have a feeling he might pot a couple tonight.

Sedins need to drive the puck to the middle more, they are getting pushed to the boards to easy and their never going to score playing perimeter hockey.

Other than that I hope someone lays out Brown and we take it to them in the second

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Not watching but I can tell how the game is going by reading. I think people need to get a bit realistic here.

I already have accepted that canucks won't make the playoffs this year just can't compete anymore with the good teams. I know I am ready to get our young guys in and look to the future. There will be a few seasons of growing pains going forward. We had our chance and time at the top.


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Grenier probably has a better overall game. The thing about Kassian is he's only noticeable on the games he scores which is once every 5 games or so. At least when Burrows isn't scoring he's still actually doing something.

Like getting his pocket picked resulting in a scoring chance..see it works both ways.
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They'd be great in the east but they are not built for the west, nor do they play an effective style for the west.

They are built for a All Star game or weak defensive opponents and the only way they have a hope of producing against great defensive teams who are physical is if a big skilled physical player like Kassian is on a line with them.

Burrows is too soft too and doesn't cut it.

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Come on Luongo wtf was that stupid looking save effort!

How can you blame the hole thing on Luongo??? You are a troll, a hater!! Don't you know he got 2 shutouts in the SCF???? You blame him for that? You don't know anything. We need more goals. Lu is elite!!! There was no chance. Why do you blame everything on Lu?????.......actually a bang on post you made!
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Scrivens, Thomas, Crawford, lehtonen...

Wasn't luongo suppose to better than these guys? Half his fault and half the fact we have santorelli and Higgins manning our 2nd line... Huh? What was upper management thinking looking at that roster...

in all fairness the 5 million we payed for garrison isn't looking so great right now.

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