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Are the Playoffs Rigged? (Put on Your Tinfoil Hat, We're Going In...)


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Wow, for all the threads that get locked, this one can accuse the league and the US teams of PED abuse and it doesn't even get a warning?

Maybe Chicago and the Bruins manhandled other teams because they're bigger and stronger and more skilled and not because PED's were involved?

This is why the Canucks rank as one of the most hated teams in hockey.

Good job mods.

ya, suddenly all the major sport cities in the USA such as NBA championship regulars like LA, Boston, and Chicago started to out-skill other teams in the last decade.

like I said before, anyone who isn't blind can easily see that the refs had been managing the outcome of the game via calls and non calls for a really long time. In the last 6 seasons alone, 3 of the major sport cities had won the cup when the league had been trying to push the usa hockey market.

maybe the PED accusation is a bit far fetch, but it's not outrageous that someone actually see something wrong with the NHL playoff

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ya, suddenly all the major sport cities in the USA such as NBA championship regulars like LA, Boston, and Chicago started to out-skill other teams in the last decade.

like I said before, anyone who isn't blind can easily see that the refs had been managing the outcome of the game via calls and non calls for a really long time. In the last 6 seasons alone, 3 of the major sport cities had won the cup when the league had been trying to push the usa hockey market.

The fact that the canucks only have one win against a original 4 team since 93/94 in the playoffs says a lot. However they made the finals that year and so did Edmonton when they beat detroit so it goes the other way too.

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ya, suddenly all the major sport cities in the USA such as NBA championship regulars like LA, Boston, and Chicago started to out-skill other teams in the last decade.

like I said before, anyone who isn't blind can easily see that the refs had been managing the outcome of the game via calls and non calls for a really long time. In the last 6 seasons alone, 3 of the major sport cities had won the cup when the league had been trying to push the usa hockey market.

The fact that the canucks only have one win against a original 4 team since 93/94 in the playoffs says a lot. However they made the finals that year and so did Edmonton when they beat detroit so it goes the other way too.

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ya, suddenly all the major sport cities in the USA such as NBA championship regulars like LA, Boston, and Chicago started to out-skill other teams in the last decade.

like I said before, anyone who isn't blind can easily see that the refs had been managing the outcome of the game via calls and non calls for a really long time. In the last 6 seasons alone, 3 of the major sport cities had won the cup when the league had been trying to push the usa hockey market.

The fact that the canucks only have one win against a original 4 team since 93/94 in the playoffs says a lot. However they made the finals that year and so did Edmonton when they beat detroit so it goes the other way too.

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The fact that the canucks only have one win against a original 4 team since 93/94 in the playoffs says a lot. However they made the finals that year and so did Edmonton when they beat detroit so it goes the other way too.

doesn't change the fact that 3 of the original 6 had won the cup in the last 6 seasons... Those 3 cities also represent the biggest sport market in the USA.

Now take this fact, and look at how the refs treat those teams in the playoffs. It's just downright disgusting.

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Wow, for all the threads that get locked, this one can accuse the league and the US teams of PED abuse and it doesn't even get a warning?

Maybe Chicago and the Bruins manhandled other teams because they're bigger and stronger and more skilled and not because PED's were involved?

This is why the Canucks rank as one of the most hated teams in hockey.

Good job mods.

Because the OP has the facts that back up his accusations. I originally disagreed with the post but then realized he was speaking the truth. The most obvious example refs can decide the winner of a playoff series? Canucks/Sharks last year. Who can logically explain the Sharks getting TWENTY-FOUR POWERPLAYS in 2 GAMES and us only getting 10?

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Wow, for all the threads that get locked, this one can accuse the league and the US teams of PED abuse and it doesn't even get a warning?

Maybe Chicago and the Bruins manhandled other teams because they're bigger and stronger and more skilled and not because PED's were involved?

This is why the Canucks rank as one of the most hated teams in hockey.

Good job mods.

Yeah, PED abuse in sports like, almost never happens, buds...




And... Even if other sports has it, um, like, no hockey player ever has even considered using em duders...




Keep living that fantasy.

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ya, suddenly all the major sport cities in the USA such as NBA championship regulars like LA, Boston, and Chicago started to out-skill other teams in the last decade.

like I said before, anyone who isn't blind can easily see that the refs had been managing the outcome of the game via calls and non calls for a really long time. In the last 6 seasons alone, 3 of the major sport cities had won the cup when the league had been trying to push the usa hockey market.

maybe the PED accusation is a bit far fetch, but it's not outrageous that someone actually see something wrong with the NHL playoff

I agree that there is favoritism in sports as its a business and they'd rather see two teams in the finals that generate high ratings so they can sell commercial time, etc.

I also agree that PED use is high in all pro sports, and it's my opinion from just looking at some players (including current and former Canucks) there's little doubt they were using PED's or are currently using PED's.

What I find amusing is that a thread can get locked for not having a title, or if you say something Canuck fans don't want to hear, the thread will get locked, but this thread can make wild accusations (which I also believe to be true) but because the accusations aren't being made against the Canucks, they ignore it and let it go.

So the Bruins and the Kings are using PED's but not the Canucks? Does that make sense? It's either rampant in the league amongst all teams, or its not. It's just not purely rampant on teams that beat us.

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What I find amusing is that a thread can get locked for not having a title, or if you say something Canuck fans don't want to hear, the thread will get locked, but this thread can make wild accusations (which I also believe to be true) but because the accusations aren't being made against the Canucks, they ignore it and let it go.

your threads get locked because they're usually asinine troll jobs

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I stated earlier how a load of people responded to anything that attacked the league and anything that attacked the canucks was untouched.

Looks like those people weren't really who we thought they were.

Aren't the Canucks a part of the league?

Is this one of those "people are here on behalf of the league" arguments?

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Were we screwed in 2011? Yes. But did we also benefit? Also yes.

The playoffs have been rigged for quite some time. The league says so itself: 'History will be made.' And in recent years we've seen far to many epic collapses after being up 3-0 in a series, or even in a game 7 for it to be normal.

Meanwhile, American O4 teams view themselves as the league's true deserving power. If you are to face them and you're not an American O4 team yourself, odds are you'll have no chance in the finals.

As for the way we were bounced out by American O4 teams, the way Boston and Chicago trounced this team is indicative of PED abuse. If you look at how they played the other series against other teams, they weren't nearly as pumped up.

Canada has been subsidizing league growth down south for decades, yet we see no cups. Instead we see SoCal teams getting preferential treatment while they try to grow the game in Cali. (Let there be no mistake, once they start losing again, their alluvasudden fans and twitter account will vanish.)

Back to 2011. Look at all the 'heroics' Boston performed over and over again. Too many series went to game 7. That's controlled. Too many times were they just made to look like heroes, when in fact they're just a goon squad.

That being said, yes, we also beneffited in 2011. The SJ series was a joke. They laid down. And the Chicago series was artificially made more exciting through game-to-game management of penalties, but in the end they also laid down. And Nashville? Please.

In the end Boston's true colors popped up, the goon squad popped enough PED's to rage all over our squad and 'hockey' became a bloody gong show. We laid down while another American O4 team prospered.

Bettman's NHL is as fake as NBA basketball, and that's the way he wants it. Increase the level of parity in the league and you can control the outcomes of games, series and potentially even seasons of teams that are deemed blessed to make it all the way.

Examples of rigging:

- LA's sudden rise from barely 8th-place overpaid lazyasses to total dominance after a coaching swap? Give me a freakin' break.

- Chicago's 2010 roid-raging powerhouse. Including getting a 300lb fatass defenseman to alluvasudden skate like the wind for a long playoff run? Please. Don't see too many youngish players on other teams playing with this kind of gumption. Unless they're also 'destiny' teams.

- The Devils make it to the finals vs LA? Was that just a reward for taking on Kovy's bs contract? Yes. That team stunk.

- Ducks acquire Nieder and Pronger via shady means and rise to league power status out of the blue, making Burke king of the GM's. Was that artificial? Damn right it was. Just look at his time outside of Anaheim... Burke is a big fat idiot!

- Carolina wins cup? Hahahaha. Thanks, 'modified to suit us' NHL rulebook!

- Tampa wins cup. Calgary is still screaming murder about that missing goal that Gelinas scored. Tampa (not that great that season) was a team of pre-destiny. These wins in Florida in Carolina haven't helped matters much though, as both teams are still useless at getting fans to pay money.

All of these things happened for a reason. The NHL wants to boost game popularity down south. And to that end, it's kinda worked.

So get used to Canadian teams being screwed for another decade or two, while poor markets down there get a foothold and/or American O4 'league control' teams get their fill. And then keep in mind both TO and Mtl want their cups too. The Canucks may be waiting awhile folks.

Not saying that I agree/disagree with what you're saying, however, I do have one question: The other owners either aren't part of this conspiracy, or they are. If what some say is absolutely true, and that there is a big, NHL conspiracy to ensure that only certain teams "win", what is the incentive for the owners of the "also ran" teams to actually be owners?


If mere fans can see the evidence of this conspiracy, shouldn't these owners be able to see that there's something fishy going on? Any team which is not part of this choice group can make an argument that they are being screwed out of a lot of money. Even successful franchises like the Canucks, would be making even more money with a Cup win, or two.

Wouldn't they then get together and discuss the situation amongst themselves, and then take action against the NHL? Can't say I've heard anything about any lawsuits. And if they have tried to do something and have failed, why hasn't there been a defection of owners, particularly from the bottom-feeder teams?


If every owner is in on this conspiracy, then there has to be a lot of money changing hands. True, the NHL is making more money now than they were a number of years ago. Is that increase in TV (and other) revenues enough to offset the lack of money that would be coming in from having fans in the seats of these other teams? Is the TV revenue enough to make these losing teams "profitable" to own? I'm feeling doubtful about this.

If all of the owners are in on this,why wouldn't more teams then go the "internal cap" route? What's the incentive for the Canucks' ownership to spend to the cap each year if they know they aren't going to win a championship? Why not just spend enough to satisfy the local fans that there is an attempt being made to compete, and therefore have a much larger profit by the end of each season when the cheque from head office comes in? Or are teams in significant, but not supposed to win markets getting a bigger cut of the pie to offset the amount of money they put out by spending to the cap?



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Were we screwed in 2011? Yes. But did we also benefit? Also yes.

The playoffs have been rigged for quite some time. The league says so itself: 'History will be made.' And in recent years we've seen far to many epic collapses after being up 3-0 in a series, or even in a game 7 for it to be normal.

Meanwhile, American O4 teams view themselves as the league's true deserving power. If you are to face them and you're not an American O4 team yourself, odds are you'll have no chance in the finals.

As for the way we were bounced out by American O4 teams, the way Boston and Chicago trounced this team is indicative of PED abuse. If you look at how they played the other series against other teams, they weren't nearly as pumped up.

Canada has been subsidizing league growth down south for decades, yet we see no cups. Instead we see SoCal teams getting preferential treatment while they try to grow the game in Cali. (Let there be no mistake, once they start losing again, their alluvasudden fans and twitter account will vanish.)

Back to 2011. Look at all the 'heroics' Boston performed over and over again. Too many series went to game 7. That's controlled. Too many times were they just made to look like heroes, when in fact they're just a goon squad.

That being said, yes, we also beneffited in 2011. The SJ series was a joke. They laid down. And the Chicago series was artificially made more exciting through game-to-game management of penalties, but in the end they also laid down. And Nashville? Please.

In the end Boston's true colors popped up, the goon squad popped enough PED's to rage all over our squad and 'hockey' became a bloody gong show. We laid down while another American O4 team prospered.

Bettman's NHL is as fake as NBA basketball, and that's the way he wants it. Increase the level of parity in the league and you can control the outcomes of games, series and potentially even seasons of teams that are deemed blessed to make it all the way.

Examples of rigging:

- LA's sudden rise from barely 8th-place overpaid lazyasses to total dominance after a coaching swap? Give me a freakin' break.

- Chicago's 2010 roid-raging powerhouse. Including getting a 300lb fatass defenseman to alluvasudden skate like the wind for a long playoff run? Please. Don't see too many youngish players on other teams playing with this kind of gumption. Unless they're also 'destiny' teams.

- The Devils make it to the finals vs LA? Was that just a reward for taking on Kovy's bs contract? Yes. That team stunk.

- Ducks acquire Nieder and Pronger via shady means and rise to league power status out of the blue, making Burke king of the GM's. Was that artificial? Damn right it was. Just look at his time outside of Anaheim... Burke is a big fat idiot!

- Carolina wins cup? Hahahaha. Thanks, 'modified to suit us' NHL rulebook!

- Tampa wins cup. Calgary is still screaming murder about that missing goal that Gelinas scored. Tampa (not that great that season) was a team of pre-destiny. These wins in Florida in Carolina haven't helped matters much though, as both teams are still useless at getting fans to pay money.

All of these things happened for a reason. The NHL wants to boost game popularity down south. And to that end, it's kinda worked.

So get used to Canadian teams being screwed for another decade or two, while poor markets down there get a foothold and/or American O4 'league control' teams get their fill. And then keep in mind both TO and Mtl want their cups too. The Canucks may be waiting awhile folks.

I honestly don't believe the Bruins winning or Kings winning were rigged. If the 2011 SCF was rigged then that would mean that Luongo just let 20 goals go past him and the team purposely didn't score goals. The pushing around was the Bruins style of play and it wasn't the Canucks, that doesn't mean that they automatically started roiding right when the Canucks started having trouble.

The Kings got hot at the right time, they were a team that already had great potential and it wasn't impossible that an 8th seed would eventually win the cup.

I don't buy the "they won't let any Canadian teams win" theory either. In the past 10 years there have been four Canadian teams in the finals. If they really didn't want one of those teams winning they wouldn't even let them get close to the finals, let alone two or three of those series going to game sevens (if it's that close, even bad reffing won't guarantee that they'd lose)

I do believe that games across all major sports has had rigging or cheating in the past, but officiating in sports has been horrible all around, it is absolutely atrocious in the NFL, it was very obvious that the refs favored the Ravens this season but they still couldn't make it to the playoffs.

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