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Lucic says he'll never go to DT Vancouver

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Wow Lucic is only trying to chill with some of his buddy's he probably barely sees. This is just disgraceful and disrespectful to a hometown hero.

This just puts a horrible image on the city of Vancouver and the Canucks fan base...

he lives here in the off-season or he visits in the summer.... and also the image of Vancouver and fan base will never change we'll embrace the hate...

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I understand how he feels, it's not just this incident, he's had trouble with Canucks fans in the past.

The 0.0001% of Canucks fans that are assholes don't represent everyone, but it only takes 1 idiot to ruin your day.

0.0001%?? It's more like 50%. Look at CDC. The percentage here might be higher than that.

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0.0001%?? It's more like 50%. Look at CDC. The percentage here might be higher than that.

Agreed. I'm friends with a Boston fan and apparently he was harassed, threatened, and had beer poured on him all in one night just for going to a game wearing a Boston jersey in Vancouver. All by different people too. This is starting to get embarrassing.

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meh... I don't really care. Good riddance Lucic. We don't need to see you and your shnauze in DT Van.

So much emphasis is put on class.

Who really cares.

I just want a cup.

No more time needed to waste trying to change other team's fans perception of Van.

Yeah we are a hockey crazed city. Yeah we are no better and have douches like some of your cities.

I've been to enough road games in opposing arenas to understand every big hockey city has their fair share of retards.

Thats why I only go to games in friendly cities like Phoenix. Guess what, at those games, there are tons of Canucks fans. The people in Phoenix are super nice.

If we make things friendly and inviting for opposing cities, get ready to have the seats filled up with Bruins, Leafs and Canadiens fans...

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I understand how he feels, it's not just this incident, he's had trouble with Canucks fans in the past.

The 0.0001% of Canucks fans that are assholes don't represent everyone, but it only takes 1 idiot to ruin your day.

Right. It would be like the guy threating the child wearing the canucks gear in Boston or the canucks fan when she was concussed in San Jose. That doesn't represent those fan bases but it does happen. It's not cool but they don't let that sort of thing define them and neither should we.

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he lives here in the off-season or he visits in the summer.... and also the image of Vancouver and fan base will never change we'll embrace the hate...

Then we will be known by classless fans because of the actions of a few and your fine with that? I guess you must be one of them. If I played on a hockey team on the other side of the continent for 8 months plus playoffs I would take every opportunity at seeing my family and friends because I wouldn't see them as much as any other regular person does...
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From beloved Vancouver Giant to having his family harassed, church vandalized, and attacked at a bar?

C'mon guys, Vancouver fans are better than this. I understand that not all of us do these things...but unfortunately with this and the riots, people truly start to think all Canucks fans are idiots. I get that people live and breathe hockey, but at the end of the day it's not worth doing any of this stuff to him.

As someone said this kind of thing was probably bound to happen if a Bruin went out in Vancouver, but it doesn't mean he deserves it.

>easy for someone who isn't a canucks fan to give canucks fans a bad name. not everyone in this city is a canucks fan

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What if every single cab driver thought all NHL players were like ...Patrick Kane? Not being treated as if he were a king every minute of every day of his life...must be very difficult for Lucic to deal with. A look around the league...at the players who are the model of tact & decorum...say at the Sedins - might serve Lucic well & better. His comments are all together pouty. I am very sorry that he was victimized by a goof-ball thug in our city. But - sadly, all city's have 'em unfortunately. It takes the bigger-boy/man...NOT to paint an entire community with that same brush....and NOT continue to feed the propaganda-machine that the eastern-media thrives upon. Is that really what this IS???

Lucic seems to be pretty content being a big fish in NY. But - unless you're the brother of the wayward mayor of TOR ....a comedian...or the tabloid-media....most folks don't revere fools or their drunken disorderliness in public...so easily. Both parties should have exercized better judgement. Much a do about next to nothin' really.

If that belligerant bar-brawler got arrested...great! But - to learn that Milan is contemplating suing this idiot is laughable (Lucic appears un-injured). Did Ryan Miller & others ever once sue Milan, for his many "unprovoked attacks" upon them?!

First, Marchand uber-trolls the players & fans at our rink on national television...now this media-junket spectacle adds even more to the VAN dissing! Be accountable man! Exactly who is it... that can't let it go? A lot of regular guys manage to deal way better with episodes like this, on a daily basis. Is maligning all of VAN......when you've really just got a beef with a few night-owls.....the new norm for some of these Bruins' drama-queens now? Come on! Common sense should have prevailed. And - after a lot of drinks & late-night partying...that can often be missing - even among friends.

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meh... I don't really care. Good riddance Lucic. We don't need to see you and your shnauze in DT Van.

So much emphasis is put on class.

Who really cares.

I just want a cup.

No more time needed to waste trying to change other team's fans perception of Van.

Yeah we are a hockey crazed city. Yeah we are no better and have douches like some of your cities.

I've been to enough road games in opposing arenas to understand every big hockey city has their fair share of retards.

Thats why I only go to games in friendly cities like Phoenix. Guess what, at those games, there are tons of Canucks fans. The people in Phoenix are super nice.

If we make things friendly and inviting for opposing cities, get ready to have the seats filled up with Bruins, Leafs and Canadiens fans...

You should care...actions like this would make less players want to sign in Van...and what happens when nobody wants to play in Van? No cup...These incidents push top players that in the past have said they would love to play in Van and now Lucic who was one has changed his mind

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Then we will be known by classless fans because of the actions of a few and your fine with that? I guess you must be one of them. If I played on a hockey team on the other side of the continent for 8 months plus playoffs I would take every opportunity at seeing my family and friends because I wouldn't see them as much as any other regular person does...

Define classy fans. Show me a team (that has an actuial large fanbase) that has these super classy fans with zero incidents.

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You are too close to the source and that makes it too easy to self loathe. Spend any time in any hockey hotbed and you will find the same thing. There will always be some that take things too far.

I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy. When this happens in another city, posters on CDC are the first to point the finger and accuse other fans for their lack of class. But when it happens here the acts are somehow defended and justified.

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You should care...actions like this would make less players want to sign in Van...and what happens when nobody wants to play in Van? No cup...These incidents push top players that in the past have said they would love to play in Van and now Lucic who was one has changed his mind

If that was the case then free agents would only sign in Phoenix or Florida where there are no passionate fans at all.

Really. If you guys are so worried about our image then do something about it instead of frothing on a forum. Make some kind of petitioned and signed apology facebook page and send it to Lucic, Boston and the media.

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I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy. When this happens in another city, posters on CDC are the first to point the finger and accuse other fans for their lack of class. But when it happens here the acts are somehow defended and justified.

Some do, sure. But that's the other side of being too close to the source.

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It's obvious that someone tried to goad Lucic into doing something that would get him in legal trouble. He's lucky that laws exist because if Lucic decided to take the bait and drop a few fists on him, the guy would have a wired jaw for a long time to come.

It's too bad that these are the headlines everyone reads about Vancouver and about Canucks fans. The bulk of us have moved on since losing the Cup finals, but stories like this implies that we're all stuck in a warp holding on to old grudges.

And the fact that Lucic is from Vancouver makes it even worse.

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