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[GDT] The Vancouver Canucks @ Boston Bruins | SNET-P | 4:00PM | Can we get a win? |


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Not counting the empty netters the Canucks have lost 9 one goal games since January. I don't even want to try to remember in how many of those games did we have a PP late with a change to tie it. It's been the same script here for 5 weeks now.

They have to the worst 3rd period team in the league right now, and if you can't finish games strong, you're not going to finish the season strong. We're just too easy to play against right now.

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Kinda nice GDT by the OP. Sedinery and Lui maybe a tad bit much, no?

On a sidenote, the game starts at 2 A.M here for me, so it requires for me to be very strong mentally and go to sleep now and 8 P.M. And it better be a good game from my Canuck team! Cuz of that I'll be pretty much dead at work tomorrow and I better be happy at least!

Looks like the Nucks have to climb a mountain just to get to the same level as the Bruins. We need to turn this ship around and head into the lengthy break with a positive spirit in the room. It'll be a long olympic break if our top guys can't work their way out of that horrible slump of theirs.

I'll leave it at that.

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Second game of the back to back and going back to Boston.

I have a bad feeling that if Lui doesn't steal this one tonight, it's going to be a long night.

In order for Lu to steal this game, he will have to also score. Odds are not in favour of that happening.

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sooner or later the wins will start coming again, it wont be easy, but we'll get there.

we will get there quicker, however, if MG goes and some re-tooling takes place.

good luck tonight boys! your gonna need it!

ps. DESTROY Marchand!!

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The ship has already sailed. Quit wasting time and start rebuilding.

I have been a Canuck fan since they entered the league and have been through many a bad time as well as a few really good ones. The one thing that kept it positive was that there was always that big draft pick to look forward to or a few players aquired via trade.....in other words there was always hope for something good.

Which brings me to the current situation, I really do not see this team going anywhere in the playoffs and we are not in a favorable draft position if we make it to the first round. Once there, there is no way that we are going to get past Anaheim or LA. The bar was raised when this team went to the 7th game for the Cup...that is what the goal should be...to win the Cup...not just make the playoffs. If that means traded some of our aging favorite players to a team that is ready and getting picks and prospects to rebuild with, do it. Watching the futality in Calgary as they kept trying to retool around an aging Iginla should be lesson enough to not want to go down that road. There are no endless buckets of cash to buy a winner anymore so you have to turn your older players into an asset that you can utilize instead of just letting UFA's walk away. If you view this team as a team that is good enough to make it to the final round, then you have every reason to say I am wrong....but, if you think this team is only good enough to play in the 1st round then you are also ready to accept mediocrity.

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