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Gallagher Stuck In The Zone

The Bookie

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Why does the ref just look over and let them keep hitting him?

Because he dives on almost every play. He purposely tries to knock the net off. When he 'gains balance', instead of skating directly up the ice where the play is going, he detours into the goaltender's crease. I'm not sure I agree with the non-calls, but Gallagher is certainly no innocent victim. He's always trying to bend the rules to screw people over, and I don't feel it's a shame it works against him sometimes.

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okay its as simple as this. either its interference or its a dive. a penalty should have been called on this play.

Has anyone ever been called for a dive alone? At least every time I have seen a dive called they also called the other player for a penalty and they just offset.

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Because he dives on almost every play. He purposely tries to knock the net off. When he 'gains balance', instead of skating directly up the ice where the play is going, he detours into the goaltender's crease. I'm not sure I agree with the non-calls, but Gallagher is certainly no innocent victim. He's always trying to bend the rules to screw people over, and I don't feel it's a shame it works against him sometimes.

So ya they push him once then let him go but they kept on doing it then HOLD HIM IN PLACE SO HE CANT SKATE AWAY then when he gets free he he gets tripped anyways. Sure the first one maybe two pushes were fine but when you keep doing it, it should be a penalty

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he actually has a reputation of going to the crease and bumping the goalies. The refs arent dumb. they know this. they know he dives and they arent going to let him make them look stupid so they let him get roughed up a bit. i actually wish someone would really teach him a lesson and anyone else who plays that way. its disrespecting the game.

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lol I wonder if any of those collisions wee recorded as hits. also how is this not interference?

Goalies rarely get called for roughing . Its an unwritten rule that if the goalie is pissed off enough to attack a player (goalie not named Ron Hextall that is) that the player probably did something to the goalie to piss them off so the refs dont call a penalty.

In that sequence, the clown keeps trying to draw a penalty and I quite enjoyed the refs watching and not calling anything.

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