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Mafia: Valentine's Day - GAME OVER: TOWN WINS!

Master Radishes

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I still don't understand the votes for D. Doughty, he didn't seem any different than from last game

caboose says his sheriff investigated him and he turned up mafia. Best lead at this point IMO at least gives us some info either way.
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well if you're right easy lynch next round

Aladeen, my master, how many times have I been wrong after telling all of the TP that Toews was clean my first game? :bigblush:

In all seriousness I'm really uneasy about this decision tonight. Don't think it's the right move but I guess we get some info about caboose and his "sheriff" if there is one.

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I don't buy this Doughty is mafia thing, Why would a sheriff contact caboose with this info without knowing if hes mafia or not? Either way I'm calling BS.

your opposition to this is suspicious :P

like others have said, it would be pretty stupid to try and pull a stunt like this if you're mafia, and if Doughty comes up TP, Caboose is done for next round...

also it wouldn't be the first time someone was contacted by a legit special without being investigated...

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your opposition to this is suspicious :P

like others have said, it would be pretty stupid to try and pull a stunt like this if you're mafia, and if Doughty comes up TP, Caboose is done for next round...

also it wouldn't be the first time someone was contacted by a legit special without being investigated...

It's not an opposition, it's an observation.

yes it would be very stupid, that's why I'm having a hard time believing it.

well yeah it wouldn't but why the frack would a legit sheriff contact Caboose? Dafuq has he done to make himself look clean? This whole situation reeks of BS, I just want to figure out who's spewing it out.

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I don't buy this Doughty is mafia thing, Why would a sheriff contact caboose with this info without knowing if hes mafia or not? Either way I'm calling BS.

I did the same thing as sheriff a few games ago, worked out pretty well, even if it was the SK I ended up contacting (MR can confirm this)

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Is anyone else confused about Caboose's story? Why would the sheriff contact him if he investigated Doughty? Caboose isn't confirmed TP by any means. I won't vote this round, seeing as it won't make a difference. I don't see the reason behind everyone blindly trusting Caboose.

Also one of Big Mike and King Heffy are probably the silencer, acquainted with the mafia, and I'm leaning towards KH.

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Is anyone else confused about Caboose's story? Why would the sheriff contact him if he investigated Doughty? Caboose isn't confirmed TP by any means. I won't vote this round, seeing as it won't make a difference. I don't see the reason behind everyone blindly trusting Caboose.

Also one of Big Mike and King Heffy are probably the silencer, acquainted with the mafia, and I'm leaning towards KH.

no one "trusts" him but this will let us find out if he is telling the truth and it's not like doughty mounted an amazing defence
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