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Mafia: La Nostra Famiglia


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hmmm you dont remember 2 games ago when you, me, caboose were mafia and you sacrificed me without consent?

And here you accused me on no evidence.

lol you went offline for 6 hours what were we supposed to do twiddle our thumbs and wait for your input?

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vote Caboose for being the morals officer here.

using one of my few remaining post for a serious one here...

I am not homosexual, thought I should just let you all know that :P

But I do have quite a few friends that are, and for most if them their lives were made hell by people who used the word that doughty did. To say that caboose reacting as he did to that post to being some kind of morals officer is just way off base.

What people have endured with that word is not unlike another certain racial slur or the word some people use to describe people with disabilities.

I believe in freedom of speech but the negative emotion behind these words is one that is reasonable to see people emotionally upset when others use it. These words when used in derogatory or offensive manners should be removed completely from our language as there is no intelligence behind the use of those words... Only ignorance.

To vote for caboose because he objected to the use of this type of insult is off base IMO. If you want to vote for him for any other reason be my guest but for disliking what doughty said really should not be the reason.

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Lol no, I just find a game based on strategy to suddenly get emotionally charged because someone said one word to be silly, especially when there's a possibility people might be voting for that person because of it.Keep that ish in Off Topic please.

he didn't say it to be silly, he said it with a mean spirited intent behind it. If this was my game he would have instantly been god killed, but that's on me I suppose and Toews is much more lient soul god bless him :P
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