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[Official] Toronto Blue Jays Major League Baseball thread

The Stork

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Tough one to lose last night, especially after Dickey had such a strong start.

Hopefully last night's performance by the bullpen lefties was an anomaly. Castro looks great, but you need a southpaw who can get hitters out to be successful in this league.

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I dont like Pillar..just a personal thing..maybe from last year when he flipped out in the dugout against Gibby about playing time and was sent down ..not sure..I just find him very unlikeable..but I have to say he is playing lights out..cant deny that..when Saunders is ready..Gibbons said they will go back to 7 pitchers,,which means they will keep Pompey up as well...counting Tolleson that will be 5 outfielders..until Izturis comes back I guess.

Edited by ShakyWalton
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I dont like Pillar..just a personal thing..maybe from last year when he flipped out in the dugout against Gibby about playing time and was sent down ..not sure..I just find him very unlikeable..but I have to say he is playing lights out..cant deny that..when Saunders is ready..Gibbons said they will go back to 7 pitchers,,which means they will keep Pompey up as well...counting Tolleson that will be 5 outfielders..until Izturis comes back I guess.

I read a story a while back about that. (I think it was by Shi Davidi)

He basically talked about how that demotion was a wakeup call for Pillar and that after some introspection, KP realized he had messed up and put himself ahead of the team. He rededicated himself at that point and waited for his next opportunity.

When the Jays recalled him, he didn't start crushing the ball right away, but you might remember that he was getting a lot of playing time in center (thanks to the benching of Rasmus) and he started to show signs that he could be an excellent defensive outfielder.

This spring, he carried on and even started to hit. Last night, he showed that his defense is still improving with one of the best catches of this young MLB season.

Like you, I was disgusted with Pillar's antics before his demotion last season, but looking at the way he's dealt with it and turned things around, I'm definitely willing to forgive and forget. My hat is off to KP for taking a bad situation and turning it into a good one. That doesn't always happen with "attitude" players.

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I read a story a while back about that. (I think it was by Shi Davidi)

He basically talked about how that demotion was a wakeup call for Pillar and that after some introspection, KP realized he had messed up and put himself ahead of the team. He rededicated himself at that point and waited for his next opportunity.

When the Jays recalled him, he didn't start crushing the ball right away, but you might remember that he was getting a lot of playing time in center (thanks to the benching of Rasmus) and he started to show signs that he could be an excellent defensive outfielder.

This spring, he carried on and even started to hit. Last night, he showed that his defense is still improving with one of the best catches of this young MLB season.

Like you, I was disgusted with Pillar's antics before his demotion last season, but looking at the way he's dealt with it and turned things around, I'm definitely willing to forgive and forget. My hat is off to KP for taking a bad situation and turning it into a good one. That doesn't always happen with "attitude" players.

I guess I have to forgive and forget because he will be the centre fielder this year for the most part after Saunders returns...if he keeps up the great play it wont be hard,,but I just find him unlikeable..but he sure isnt a liability right now.

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You know you are in trouble when your pitching is bad and you cant get a hit.

Jiminez was dominant yesterday. That is going to happen from time to time.

I actually thought that Sanchez did well to limit the damage. The way the O's were knocking him around, I thought giving up only three was a minor victory.

Unfortunately, Redmond came in and poured a few gallons of gasoline on the fire. Hendriks was pretty good, but it was far too late by the time he was brought in.

In any event, if Hutch can pick up another W tonight against Tillman, it will be a successful road trip. Sweeps are great if you can get them, but the goal is to win the series.

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Jays off to a better start today..at least hitting the ball...I was looking at the early stats and Lind and Gose are hitting the cover off the ball in the early going..Lind is 9 for 17 going into todays play with 3 doubles,,4 rbis and a dinger...Gose is 9 for 20 with 5 rbis....I guess they just needed to be played more with confidence...would have been hard on this years Jays.

Edited by ShakyWalton
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Ughhhhhh Hutchison looks shaky af early. He's lucky the bats are alive early.

I don't like Pillar either but the dude can play!

agree on Hutchinson..this outing is a little shakier than his 1st...yeah..I dont know what it is with Pillar..but he sure has learned how to play since his 1st call up last year.

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