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(Speculation) Change coming today?


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Pierre LeBrun ‏@Real_ESPNLeBrun · 4m

Hearing whispers that perhaps change is coming sooner rather than later with the Canucks, perhaps as soon as today or tomorrow...

Darren Dreger ‏@DarrenDreger · 3m

@Real_ESPNLeBrun. Very possible. Hearing the same. "Fire Gillis' chant last night didn't help.

on twitter just now....would not be surprised if there are changes before the end of the season

They (TSN) has 24hr or else their source is made up. Anyone could predict a change is coming with this team, not really going out on the limb. But the fact that they say "today or tomorrow" would show a clear cut line of them being right or wrong. If proven to be wrong, all 3 need to be put in the Eklund tank for a while.

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Rumors based on unconfirmed whispers probably started by Botchford or some local hack trying to stir the pot .. TSN seems to want to continually effect this franchise thru strategically released 'opinions' and 'unconfirmed sources'. Why has no other media outlet reported this?.. it is all blatant conjecture .. maybe they are trying to take the focus off Toronto's slide? .. it would not be the first time .. when TO lost there 8th in a row, Dreger avoided the topic and only wanted to talk about the Gillis and Tort's interview. Classic misdirection .. somewhere, conspiracy theorists are gathering.

I am glad I stocked up on popcorn and kippers .. this should be fun!

Seeing hoe Botch is a TSN knob-gobbler, Im betting tht HE is the source Pierre and Co. are refering to
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Darren Dreger @DarrenDreger

Not sure exactly what will go down in Van today, but Trevor Linden's name is in the mix. Perhaps, Van using Sakic and Av's template...#TSN

Bob McKenzie @TSNBobMcKenzie

Further to @DarrenDreger, nothing official yet, but sounds like Trevor Linden expected to be new president in VAN.

buckle in, here we come McDavid

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Gillis should been fired two seasons ago all you torts haters are forgetting that this is NOT a new situation! Torts has made mistakes and yes the product on the ice hasn't been the most thrilling but how can anyone expect him to do his job when Gillis won't do his? Plus if the rumors that the owners stopped the kesler trade are true do we really want to keep a GM no one has faith in? Gillis NEEDS to go!!

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My vote goes to firing Gillis. Name me 1 good trade he's made. I can name a couple bad ones, Ballard, Booth, Luo (if you're going to retain, at least get a 2nd out of em), Kassian (will take more time to pan out), Schneider (should've gotten at least a 2nd also).

Torts should be gone as well but I'd rather have Gillis gone than Torts.

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Darren Dreger @DarrenDreger 3m

Not sure exactly what will go down in Van today, but Trevor Linden's name is in the mix. Perhaps, Van using Sakic and Av's template...#TSN

Here I have to think Dreger is just blowing smoke. Linden has never shown any indication that he wants to get back into managing/coaching.

Bob McKenzie @TSNBobMcKenzie 5m

Further to @DarrenDreger, nothing official yet, but sounds like Trevor Linden expected to be new president in VAN.

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Darren Dreger @DarrenDreger

Not sure exactly what will go down in Van today, but Trevor Linden's name is in the mix. Perhaps, Van using Sakic and Av's template...#TSN

Bob McKenzie @TSNBobMcKenzie

Further to @DarrenDreger, nothing official yet, but sounds like Trevor Linden expected to be new president in VAN.


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If Linden is made president of the club, does that just buy Gillis a few more months or another season by making a popularity move? or will he throw Trevor to the sharks and make him coach with no NHL or coaching experience, I think Linden would be too wise to fall for that.

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Followed by bashing people who says anything critical about TSN ... so predictable.

Nobody likes TSN i am pretty sure you would have to be a Leaf's fan to not feel offended by the BS they spew about other teams.

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We'll see who has last laugh and who holds on to their jobs longer.

The two guys making millions of dollars and will continue to make millions after being fired would still have the last laugh.

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I lend NO credibility to anything Dreger says or seconds. But I will say that getting a new GM scares me a lot.

new GMs PURGE the old GMs work.

What happens if a new GM comes in starts trading prospects picks and players with their "vision" in mind, or they come in and have the "owners vision" in mind.

Truth be told if the rumours are right, Gillis has been handcuffed the last 2.5 years by ownership interference in everything from the Roy and Pahlsson trade to the Torts hiring.

And if that is the truth than honestly looking at Gillis' body of work....the guys done fairly well.

Fear a new GM with a new "vision"

Because as bad as GIllis might seem to some people...remember what Burke did in Toronto with his "new vision" and literally dozens of other examples.

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Bob McKenzie ‏@TSNBobMcKenzie · 30sOne scenario, as yet UNCONFIRMED, is GM Mike Gillis would be fired, Linden would hire new GM and new GM would sort out future of Tortorella.

I think thats the best thing to do. Linden wants this team to win so bad. He will get the gm that gives us the best chance to win. I trust linden.

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