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Nikolaj Ehlers

S N Y P E R S 7

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i really love assumptions from people that likely have never watched any of these prospects play lol (not you, who you responded to)

Same. It just makes them seem so stupid for having to make up things.

I dont even bother answer them when they make up crap to put the guy down

I just reply sarcastically.

At that size he's going to have to play through way tougher defensive checking, no way is he going to skate in from the corners or skate through to the slot without enduring physical punishment, and no I haven't seen him play live but from the tape I've seen he does look skilled but those moves eerily remind me of Raymond, so no I don't want a soft forward.

Good thing Ehlers isn't a soft forward then.

In an unintentional way, your really making a good case for drafting him.

Yeah. Schroeder weighs 20lbs more.

This is what's startling. Ehlers is like 2-3 inches taller, but weighs like 15-20lbs less at the amateur prospect level.

Let me say it again so it's clear:

Schroeder, he of no physical consequence whatsoever, is 15-20lbs heavier than Ehlers.

Holy fracking crap Ehlers is skinny!

Schroeder weights a bit more than Claude Giroux.

So why is it that Schroeder gets "thrown around" but Giroux doesn't?

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When every scout says he absolutely needs to build strength, um, that means he's soft. Watching him play reminds me of Raymond as well. Raymond lit it up in October this season, but as the season went on and teams went into playoff mode, he vanished. Ehlers will likely do the same.

I'm wondering if there's a chance he can become a center. He'd be more useful at center if he would just become another Drouin instead of a winger who'll have to win battles along the boards. Like Raymond, he'll be no good at that. But then being a center requires a lot more skill and overall hockey ability. Not all players can just become a center, certainly. Edmonton tried Hall there and that was a disaster. Scoring -and nothing else- wingers are rewarding when they score, of course, but man, they can become team goats and coaching nightmares when they don't.

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When every scout says he absolutely needs to build strength, um, that means he's soft. Watching him play reminds me of Raymond as well. Raymond lit it up in October this season, but as the season went on and teams went into playoff mode, he vanished. Ehlers will likely do the same.

I'm wondering if there's a chance he can become a center. He'd be more useful at center if he would just become another Drouin instead of a winger who'll have to win battles along the boards. Like Raymond, he'll be no good at that. But then being a center requires a lot more skill and overall hockey ability. Not all players can just become a center, certainly. Edmonton tried Hall there and that was a disaster. Scoring -and nothing else- wingers are rewarding when they score, of course, but man, they can become team goats and coaching nightmares when they don't.

#1 You didn't answer my question.

#2 He is nothing like Raymond aside from speed and being an offensive player. You saying he is is the equivalent of me saying Jake Virtanen is like Dale Weise because he can hit & skate.

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#1 You didn't answer my question.

#2 He is nothing like Raymond aside from speed and being an offensive player. You saying he is is the equivalent of me saying Jake Virtanen is like Dale Weise because he can hit & skate.

Still feeding the trolls? Do you honestly believe the guy is trying to have any kind of objective 'debate' ? Put him on ignore. You will feel a lot better.

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And where'd you get this information from? Please provide where you got these staggering facts that you seem to be implying if someone still attempts to build mass to their frame, 99% of the time they won't gain anything.

Once again spewing bull.

It's not bull. It's genetics. If a person has narrow clavicles, then it's literally impossible to grow from narrow shoulders to broad shoulders. For an NHL player, this is what you'd label undersized. And the total improbability of significant weight gain from these type of bodies is a major reason why undersized guys fall in the draft. You can still get ripped, yes, but that may not be the best move for an agile hockey player. Ultimately the frame is the same, so there's very little that can be done about it except stay in shape and hope for the best.
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#1 You didn't answer my question.

#2 He is nothing like Raymond aside from speed and being an offensive player. You saying he is is the equivalent of me saying Jake Virtanen is like Dale Weise because he can hit & skate.

speaking of Weise, its too bad he couldnt make that step up because I saw 3rd line potential from him. I am glad he is doing ok in Montreal.

The problem with Raymond was he just floated around the perimeter and invariably fell down. He never cut to the middle , never fought for the puck in the corners , and never threw a body check.

I would say he is almost as fast as Ehlers , and both are 6ft but thats where the similarities end. As I recall, Raymond was undrafted in his draft year of 03 and again in 04. He was taken in the second round by us in 05.

For a second rounder May Ray was worth it. I hope the leafs re sign him . He was a bargain for the salary.

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Yeah. Schroeder weighs 20lbs more.

This is what's startling. Ehlers is like 2-3 inches taller, but weighs like 15-20lbs less at the amateur prospect level.

Let me say it again so it's clear:

Schroeder, he of no physical consequence whatsoever, is 15-20lbs heavier than Ehlers.

Holy fracking crap Ehlers is skinny!

And you know what? Super-skinny 18yr olds 9.9 times out of 10 grow up to be skinny 'grown men.'

you know nothing, or are a troll, your reasons do not make sense, shroeders 23 of course hes heavier then ehlers, and your dead wrong about people staying skinny, maybe in regular life but in the nhl where they work out all the time and have specific nutrition plans its closer to the opposite

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When every scout says he absolutely needs to build strength, um, that means he's soft. Watching him play reminds me of Raymond as well. Raymond lit it up in October this season, but as the season went on and teams went into playoff mode, he vanished. Ehlers will likely do the same.

I'm wondering if there's a chance he can become a center. He'd be more useful at center if he would just become another Drouin instead of a winger who'll have to win battles along the boards. Like Raymond, he'll be no good at that. But then being a center requires a lot more skill and overall hockey ability. Not all players can just become a center, certainly. Edmonton tried Hall there and that was a disaster. Scoring -and nothing else- wingers are rewarding when they score, of course, but man, they can become team goats and coaching nightmares when they don'tb

but wait, scouts say like 90% of prospects need to build strength... what the hell is your definition of soft? because someone needs to add weight they are soft? so fabbri must be soft, gallagher must be soft, every small player must be soft, you make no sense you should just stop posting here

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speaking of Weise, its too bad he couldnt make that step up because I saw 3rd line potential from him. I am glad he is doing ok in Montreal.

The problem with Raymond was he just floated around the perimeter and invariably fell down. He never cut to the middle , never fought for the puck in the corners , and never threw a body check.

I would say he is almost as fast as Ehlers , and both are 6ft but thats where the similarities end. As I recall, Raymond was undrafted in his draft year of 03 and again in 04. He was taken in the second round by us in 05.

For a second rounder May Ray was worth it. I hope the leafs re sign him . He was a bargain for the salary.

Raymond always been that way, skate in fast and button hook fall down. His game hasn't change since i played with him. He had decent hand but feds off line mate. cough* me in junior, Demitra/ Kesler in van and Bolland (when he was healthy) in TO. He's never been the go to guy. And if Ehlers is a 6th overall pick, you don't want just another supporting piece to a line, you want a go to player.

Is he the type of player that can put a team on his back and carry them when things get tough? I honestly don't know. Hopefully our scouts do.

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Raymond always been that way, skate in fast and button hook fall down. His game hasn't change since i played with him. He had decent hand but feds off line mate. cough* me in junior, Demitra/ Kesler in van and Bolland (when he was healthy) in TO. He's never been the go to guy. And if Ehlers is a 6th round pick, you don't want just another supporting piece to a line, you want a go to player.

Is he the type of player that can put a team on his back and carry them when things get tough? I honestly don't know. Hopefully our scouts do.

At this point I would be willing to lay 100,000 to 1 odds that he isnt :lol:

Ehlers is a support piece, on a super star line. He isnt a center. As was mentioned earlier in the thread the guys talent put him in the same category as the others who got 100plus points in their draft years in the Q







I think the point is pretty much talked out. There is no sure thing in life, but his pedigree speaks for itself. Hes going to be a top line player. Why we wouldnt want an elite level player is beyond me. In my opinion Ritchie is going to be good but not in the same league as Ehlers .

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Well, tonight Ehlers had another assist as the Mooseheads pulled out an OT win over Val-d'or . They now lead 3 games to 2

Mantha had two goals in a losing cause. Ehlers was picked as one of the stars.

Drouin had no points . :huh:

Ehlers > Drouin

Mantha is a horse in the Q. There's a prospect to be excited about. Detroit does it again.

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Raymond always been that way, skate in fast and button hook fall down. His game hasn't change since i played with him. He had decent hand but feds off line mate. cough* me in junior, Demitra/ Kesler in van and Bolland (when he was healthy) in TO. He's never been the go to guy. And if Ehlers is a 6th overall pick, you don't want just another supporting piece to a line, you want a go to player.

Is he the type of player that can put a team on his back and carry them when things get tough? I honestly don't know. Hopefully our scouts do.

You were line mates in junior? You played for Camrose?

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At this point I would be willing to lay 100,000 to 1 odds that he isnt :lol:

Ehlers is a support piece, on a super star line. He isnt a center. As was mentioned earlier in the thread the guys talent put him in the same category as the others who got 100plus points in their draft years in the Q







I think the point is pretty much talked out. There is no sure thing in life, but his pedigree speaks for itself. Hes going to be a top line player. Why we wouldnt want an elite level player is beyond me. In my opinion Ritchie is going to be good but not in the same league as Ehlers .

I wouldn't put to much stock into that stat. Anthony Duclair is less than 6 month older than Ehlers and put up 5 points less than him. People in NYR are going crazy thinking he's the next super star.

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Ehlers > Drouin

Mantha is a horse in the Q. There's a prospect to be excited about. Detroit does it again

ive realized you are nothing but a dirty troll, i thought for a while you were just really stupid, but obviously your a troll after some recent comments ive seen by you

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Kyle Parkes?

As for Q stars this season, what about Louick Marcotte? Plays with Mantha and scored 100pts this season. Undrafted. He's an overager, but who cares? Pick him up and build up hype about him like we did Dane Fox. Or hell, how about Guillaume Gelinas. Same team. Undrafted. 92pts as a defenseman! Marcus Power (Cooler name than Electric Ehl) Undrafted. 109pts! Hype, hype, hype!




Seeing a pattern here?

Legit stars need players to pass to and receive passes from.

This year featured a Q with a ton of awful teams that did nothing but give up goals. That's gonna boost the stats of those players playing with legit future stars.

btw Why did Mantha fall to 20th overall? That's ridiculous. But then again, I've heard he's invisible. All he does is score invisible goals?

ive realized you are nothing but a dirty troll, i thought for a while you were just really stupid, but obviously your a troll after some recent comments ive seen by you


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