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[Speculation] Kesler to remain a Canuck


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two simple facts. yes, his family grew up here. he enrolled his son because for most good schools you have to enrol early or you won't get in.

i didn't feel like either statement added weight.

And yet if he was planning on forcing a trade (which was the rumour to begin with) then why enrol his son in school in Vancouver and, again, why bother saying it on top of, "I love this city and want to stay here," if he's just trying to calm the rumours or be a good team guy?

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Many people keep saying that we need players to play with Kes. My issue is that the past two coaches both made comments about Keslers inability or refusal to work with his team-mates. As he is our 2nd line center who some want to be 1st line center, I find that disturbing. His ego is too large. I now hope that he is traded and we get a decent return for him. We need a player that cares more about winning than being the "man".

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And yet if he was planning on forcing a trade (which was the rumour to begin with) then why enrol his son in school in Vancouver and, again, why bother saying it on top of, "I love this city and want to stay here," if he's just trying to calm the rumours or be a good team guy?

Not sure that he is planning to force a trade (and the rumors NEVER said he was forcing a trade) but there is a good chance he's more then happy to go. Trading him now is the best for both. As another poster said the school thing is chump change to him and probably just an insurance move.

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Ok, let's say he'd requested a trade instead of forced. If the rumours I've heard are true then he's actually not happy to go (and that's all I'll say on that for reasons previously mentioned) so as long as it isn't forced on him it seems he'd prefer to stay.

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True, but why stack up on tons of potential #2 centerman instead of going after something we genuinely need and are unlikely to draft this year and the next? Pouliot will fill a need in our prospect pool now and we don't have to worry about drafting someone of his calibre down the line and then wait longer for that player to develop. You have to realize where the holes on your team are going to be and in 2 years both Hamhuis and Bieksa have their contracts expire at which point Hamhuis will be 33 and Bieksa will be 34. We'll end up building a solid forward group in the draft and then we're going to have this aging D that will need to be replaced. The only serious D prospect we currently have that even comes close to those two players potential-wise would be Corrado. Additionally, if we ARE in theory to draft a #1 centerman in this draft why the heck would you want to keep that player and then proceed to trade Kesler for Couturier when you already have Horvat in your farm system?

The reason they want Kesler is they want an overtalented 3rd line centerman (much like Stoll) who can shut people down, provide more offense than what Sutter gives them and can step up and take over the role of #2 centerman unlike Goc if there is an injury to one of their top 2 or if Malkin and Crosby need to play on the same line. The acquisition of Kesler would also allow them to play Crosby less (especially on the penalty kill). Kesler would be willing to go to Pittsburgh because he would end up on a contending team rather than be stuck on a mediocre one that is in need of a rebuild and may no longer want him in the future as Horvat and Gaunce progress in their development.

Tanev says hi.

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Interesting to see Linden comments on 1040 on needing to work stuff out with Kesler.

Hmm so Linden wants to go with the same team from last year? I thought he was smarter then that. We need to at least partially rebuild. He should trade Kesler if they can work out a good deal for us and Kes.

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It's unfortunate that Henrik was coming off an Art Ross trophy win after Luongo was stripped of the captaincy. I always thought Kesler should have been the player to pin the C on and lead by his example. The return had better be a roster player a top prospect and at least a 2nd rounder to even consider trading Kes. If you trade him you have to replace him with a 2-way center, and at a 5 million cap hit, who are you going to replace him with?

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Hmm so Linden wants to go with the same team from last year? I thought he was smarter then that. We need to at least partially rebuild. He should trade Kesler if they can work out a good deal for us and Kes.

Linden saying he wants to work things out with kess doesn't mean he is asking him to stay. It could mean he wants to work out his trading options?

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the point though is that no player would ever give less than a very positive review of the city they live in while speaking publicly. "i love it here and we have the best fans in the world" is a stock response for any player in any city in any circumstance. it doesn't necessarily represent their true feelings.

I agree regarding the fans. I'm not so sure any players actually love the fans. Not so much regarding the city though. Although a player is unlikely to slag the city while still there, if he didn't like the city he would be unlikely to stick around for a decade or more.

But still, you can't say what the player says doesn't represent his true feelings either. Do you know Kesler personally and what his opinion is away from the general public? I'll guess not. Therefore you can't make any assumptions about his honesty regarding the city. It really isn't the same a band passing through town.

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And yet if he was planning on forcing a trade (which was the rumour to begin with) then why enrol his son in school in Vancouver and, again, why bother saying it on top of, "I love this city and want to stay here," if he's just trying to calm the rumours or be a good team guy?

Personally I think tas is really hoping Kesler is moved and is thus simply believing what he wants regarding Keslers honesty about the city.

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I agree regarding the fans. I'm not so sure any players actually love the fans. Not so much regarding the city though. Although a player is unlikely to slag the city while still there, if he didn't like the city he would be unlikely to stick around for a decade or more.

But still, you can't say what the player says doesn't represent his true feelings either. Do you know Kesler personally and what his opinion is away from the general public? I'll guess not. Therefore you can't make any assumptions about his honesty regarding the city. It really isn't the same a band passing through town.

that's why i used the word "necessarily".

while i do absolutely want kesler traded, and have for many years, that doesn't play into this. i'm not saying kesler is definitely lying about his feelings toward vancouver, i'm merely saying that his denials to the media are 100% meaningless.

everything that every player, coach or manager says to the media has to be taken with about a metric tonne of salt.

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