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Tortorella: Canucks Are Getting Old


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I'm not a fan of when a coach says things like this to the press. He knew what he had to work with before he accepted the job.

For being open and honest and giving the public his coaching perspective on the season? I am absolutely stoked that VAN has a coach like Torts who speaks his mind, who tries to be respectful and considerate yet honest. I don't really care about CDC's opinion of Canuck hockey, I'd rather hear it from a guy who knows a thing or two about hockey like Torts, and he is right about there being a "heartbeat" in the team and management needs to surround that heartbeat with new talent like Kassian and Tanev, Lack, etc.

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I suggest people go and listen to Torts' whole 30 minute presser this morning . Probably the most entertaining and informative presser you'll hear. I didn't want it to end , some gold soundbytes in there .

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OP needs poll

Not a fan of polls. I'm only able to see the Canucks games that aren't airing when the Sabres games are on. Basically I see about 30% of the games that the Canucks play. I enjoy hearing people's opinions. Especially after the year is over.

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Yes and it's his fault. GMMG said he wanted to get younger. What does Torts do?

- Doesn't even give Shinkaruk and Horvat 9 games. Not saying keep them for sure, but at least give them a shot.

- Plays the "old players" 20-28 minutes per game, right from the get go.

- Plays Kassian < 12 minutes per game until the season was virtually over.

- Doesn't give Jensen a shot until the season is virtually over (even though he didn't deserve it really).

- Sent Corrado down for basically the whole season.


Perhaps you need to brush up the roles withing an NHL team. Even so, I wouldn't have played Hunter or Horvat in the NHL either, you can hurt them far more than help them. Kids need to season in junior...even if a fanbase wants to believe they have that special exception.

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Lets not forget it was MG who ran this team into the ground.

This team's success was built from the goalie out,

Luongo/Schnieder --> Steady, Great Defense --> Great Offense from the Defense --> Great Powerplay.

We no longer have the players to do any of these in any great fashion.

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GMMG was the one who pulled the strings for that. You're fooling yourself if you think otherwise. Continue the hate circlejerk, though - it totally hasn't gotten old despite the continued false information.

get your facts straight

Torts played Kassian 12 minutes a game and he deserved that he was inconsistent all season

he played Kesler and the Sedins more because those were the only ones doing anything to start the season

Corrado didn't exactly light it up down in the AHL he was lucky to get a shot even now

Jensen didn't light it up until the last couple of months of the season then got called up he earned his spot

don't kid yourself thinking Gillis had any influence on how Torts coached this team

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Well, TSN didn't even offer an actual quote, so what are we talking about?

If Torts indeed said that, he didn't exactly share anything Canucks fans don't already know. Call it a cop out if you want, but it's true.

Agreed. I can read paraphrased quotes of what Torts said all day long here, I don't crappy Toronto media to spoon feed me their version. We already know more by virtue of being posters here. Call it what you want, everything Torts "said" is true, and I will not be upset if he sticks around...as long as he plays the Sedins with protected minutes and rolls 4 lines.

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Yes and it's his fault. GMMG said he wanted to get younger. What does Torts do?

- Doesn't even give Shinkaruk and Horvat 9 games. Not saying keep them for sure, but at least give them a shot.

- Plays the "old players" 20-28 minutes per game, right from the get go.

- Plays Kassian < 12 minutes per game until the season was virtually over.

- Doesn't give Jensen a shot until the season is virtually over (even though he didn't deserve it really).

- Sent Corrado down for basically the whole season.


The bolded aren't even his choices to make...

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Inject youth by adding Jensen and Horvat, or signing a young first line winger.

Sedin Sedin Jensen

Burrows Kesler Kassian

Higgins Horvat Hansen

Booth Richardson Matthias

Or sign a first line winger and move Jensen to the 3rd line

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Inject youth by adding Jensen and Horvat, or signing a young first line winger.

Sedin Sedin Jensen

Burrows Kesler Kassian

Higgins Horvat Hansen

Booth Richardson Matthias

Or sign a first line winger and move Jensen to the 3rd line

That looks too much like 2013/14. Expect changes.

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Off topic, but just looked at some old former Canucks, Ohlund hasn't scored a single goal since he left the Canucks lol.

And yes of course the core is ageing, we have known this since 2011.

Jovo has sucked eggs too but Ohlund and Jovo are part of a core from 10 yrs ago. They were warriors in their time but players age and the team has to evolve. We as fans all know this.

Its hard to let go but aging core guys like Kes, Burrows, Bieksa...even Sedins need to eventually be replaced.

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Yes and it's his fault. GMMG said he wanted to get younger. What does Torts do?

- Doesn't even give Shinkaruk and Horvat 9 games. Not saying keep them for sure, but at least give them a shot.

- Plays the "old players" 20-28 minutes per game, right from the get go.

- Plays Kassian < 12 minutes per game until the season was virtually over.

- Doesn't give Jensen a shot until the season is virtually over (even though he didn't deserve it really).

- Sent Corrado down for basically the whole season.


as painful ad it sounds....other than give Hunter and Bo their 9 games..... the rest you listed was the right thing to do

the thinking for Bo was that he would go back to junior, win gold at WJC, enjoy memorial cup and enjoy success and avoid the gong show that this season was about to turn into.

Kassian has FINALLY started to come into his own.

Jensen and Corrado NEEDED TO full year in Utica to play top minutes and develope. They're probably thankful for it too

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