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Chinese-only sign reignites language debate in Richmond, B.C.


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If you can't understand it, then don't buy their product.

Companies should be able to advertise in whatever language they want. As long as warning labels and instructions include both of Canada's official languages, the advertising doesn't matter.

Completely disagree. I don't want to travel to richmond and see chinese writing for advertisements all over the place without being able to understand it. I live in Canada, not China.

This goes for Surrey too, except it's not as big as a problem compared to Richmond.

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For a world/society that constantly tries to preach tolerance to everyone/everything such as homosexuality, individualism, acceptance of all cultures etc. , it's funny that we get hung up on something as small as an advertisement not being put in english.

That being said, there should be a catering to the country of residence. I guess it's different since the presumption is that English is a universal language worldwide for the most part, which only makes for an argument of putting english on the sign to begin with

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Well here's to a first cdc post. I love the canucks but haven't been found anything I could write in the hockey threads that hasn't already been said many times over.

Anyways, in regards to this sign, I was born in central BC and then moved to the lower mainland this fall. I love the diversity, and I live in an extremely Hindu region of vancouver. This does not bother me, nor does it bother me that Richmond is very Chinese. What bothers me is that I had been forced to learn French in school (and read it on signs my whole life) as it is the other official language BUT people who now migrate to Canada might NOT have to LEARN ENGLISH OR FRENCH. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO COMMUNICATE WITH THEM. I CAN NOT LEARN EVERY DAM LANGUAGE THAT PEOPLE WHO MOVE HERE SPEAK. Sorry for the caps but this situation bothers me. I am the son of an immigrant to Canada so don't try saying I have zero idea what I'm talking about. IMO It's unacceptable to house a society of people who cannot communicate with one another. I also want to say I would be happy to learn Chinese or Punjabi or any other language. Its just that it should not be a requirement to live in certain parts of my own country.

TLDR- Be respectful when you move to another country.

Welcome to the board :)

Hope we don't scare you off to early.

I totally agree to your last line. Having traveled extensively. I can say that trying to pull some of the stuff that goes on in this country would get you laughed at at the least....shot or imprisoned at the worst in other countries demanding favoritism or special rights.

I know in Belize that putting up signs in portugese can get your shop blacklisted and your family ridiculed. Kriol, english or spanish only

I just don't get the never ending attempt to be more "sensitive"

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We have Chinatown, Little India, Little Italy, etc. for a reason. Those are some places I'd understand having only ethnic languages for signs/advertisements.

This. But they should still have English as well in those signs. Even if it is smaller, fine, but it should be there.

Going to Richmond already makes you feel so out of place sometimes, this does not help.

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Its just that it should not be a requirement to live in certain parts of my own country.

That's the thing. It's not a requirement. We're talking about an advertising poster here.

If a company chooses to advertise in Mandarin or French or Spanish or Russian or Klingon, who cares? The only people it should matter to is that company's marketing department. If they have chosen badly, then they won't get any benefit from the advertisement.

It's not like we are talking about somebody trying to access government services and they weren't available in either official language. We are talking about people being WAY too over-sensitive about an advertising poster that isn't directed at them.

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Speaking as a son of a landed immigrant I totally agree. Yeah we are multicultural, but we have our own identity and rules too. Personally I'm sick of people playing the immigrant card. You are here now... Time to make some adjustments.

My grandparents came from Scotland in the 30's, they worked their butts off in BC in the face of anger and racism and made it work without special interest or assistance.

I don't care what colour creed religion a person is. But at some point in time people have to recognize when enough is enough.

You came here for a reason, left your former country for a reason. We don't ask you to drop your values and beliefs. but for the love of gods....just try to assimilate even a little.

As a first nations person I can stand back and chuckle at that minority card. As after First Nations...white folk in BC are the next unrecognized minority and that number is ever growing.

Honestly you white people are screwed when you look at the numbers.

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That's the thing. It's not a requirement. We're talking about an advertising poster here.

If a company chooses to advertise in Mandarin or French or Spanish or Russian or Klingon, who cares? The only people it should matter to is that company's marketing department. If they have chosen badly, then they won't get any benefit from the advertisement.

It's not like we are talking about somebody trying to access government services and they weren't available in either official language. We are talking about people being WAY too over-sensitive about an advertising poster that isn't directed at them.

It's people being over sensitive about people not following advertising laws.

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That's the thing. It's not a requirement. We're talking about an advertising poster here.

If a company chooses to advertise in Mandarin or French or Spanish or Russian or Klingon, who cares? The only people it should matter to is that company's marketing department. If they have chosen badly, then they won't get any benefit from the advertisement.

It's not like we are talking about somebody trying to access government services and they weren't available in either official language. We are talking about people being WAY too over-sensitive about an advertising poster that isn't directed at them.

Well maybe the picture caught my interest and I want to know more but I can't find anything else about the product because the text is in Chinese :lol:

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That's the thing. It's not a requirement. We're talking about an advertising poster here.

If a company chooses to advertise in Mandarin or French or Spanish or Russian or Klingon, who cares? The only people it should matter to is that company's marketing department. If they have chosen badly, then they won't get any benefit from the advertisement.

It's not like we are talking about somebody trying to access government services and they weren't available in either official language. We are talking about people being WAY too over-sensitive about an advertising poster that isn't directed at them.

No we are not being over sensitive.

I mean for crying out loud man. Look at the state of things as it is.

Try opening a shop in Richmond without traditional Asian signage or languages, you'll not get half the business you should.

This all starts somewhere.

Imagine opening a whites only store, or a christians only meeting group, imagine demanding more rights for being a caucasian.

You're a racist a bigot and a disgusting individual

Now, apply ALL of the same to both the Chinese and Hindi population of the lower mainland. All of those kinds of places exist. Specific places of worship, meeting, shopping And it is acceptable and if you question it you're told to be more sensitive to the issue

It's not a new issue and this ad only highlights the issue as it stands.

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I don't understand why businesses and advertisers can't simply add a short sentence or a phrase in English to meet the minimal requirements and satisfy the "language police".

Ex. Just add "Crest make your teeth shiny white" and "Crest 3D Routine" and everyone will be happy.

Richmond really needs to work on this and copy Surrey (North Delta, Vancouver, and Burnaby too). The vast majority of the businesses are titled in English. The names are sometimes just "punjabi" words translated to English but at least its spelled out in the official language.

Ex. A lot of shops have punjabi english on their menus (for sweet shops). Meets the minimal requirement.

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Completely disagree. I don't want to travel to richmond and see chinese writing for advertisements all over the place without being able to understand it. I live in Canada, not China.

This goes for Surrey too, except it's not as big as a problem compared to Richmond.

Then don't go to Richmond.

I happen to like the place and it has never bothered me that there are businesses that cater to Chinese people in Chinese languages. It doesn't affect me one bit so why make an issue out of it?

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It's people being over sensitive about people not following advertising laws.

What law? As far as I know, the only law in advertising is don't lie. Unless you are in Quebec, the language laws there are a whole different kettle of fish.

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Because of Canada's language laws ALL advertising and store frontage needs to be recognizable in english. This is a serious source of issue in central and Eastern Quebec where the predominant language is french but they ALL have to be in english as well.

Honestly, we give up WAY to frigging much kow towing to every single frigging special interest or minority group out there.

My kid almost couldn't say Merry Christmas or Happy Halloween. Now no english speaking signs, single religion schools, exclusive stores that cater only to specific and recognized minority.

This is kind of frigging offensive really.

I refuse to be more "sensitive" to the issue

If you want to be Canadian, be Canadian. This includes our holidays our values or laws and our language laws.

I think people are way to sensitive as well. You are showing that. I think in the end if advertisers don't want my money, then its more for who does... lol

The Values in Canada should be all are equal and can feel free to express it. I can say Merry Christmas and not care if it offends anyone. The problem is if laws prevent me from saying it than there is a bigger problem with what people think is equal. I take no offense in others celebrating what they want and I will not change to make the few political correct people feel better.

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I don't understand why businesses and advertisers can't simply add a short sentence or a phrase in English to meet the minimal requirements and satisfy the language nazis.

are you seriously calling people "nazis" because they feel alienated by ethnicity-specific signage that literally divides and alienates consumer and capitalist interest by race? kind of ironic use of language, there, chap

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are you seriously calling people "nazis" because they feel alienated by ethnicity-specific signage that literally divides and alienates consumer and capitalist interest by race? kind of ironic use of language, there, chap

I didn't mean it like that at all. Will edit my post.

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My grandparents came from Scotland in the 30's, they worked their butts off in BC in the face of anger and racism and made it work without special interest or assistance.

I don't care what colour creed religion a person is. But at some point in time people have to recognize when enough is enough.

You came here for a reason, left your former country for a reason. We don't ask you to drop your values and beliefs. but for the love of gods....just try to assimilate even a little.

As a first nations person I can stand back and chuckle at that minority card. As after First Nations...white folk in BC are the next unrecognized minority and that number is ever growing.

Honestly you white people are screwed when you look at the numbers.

Sometimes when I'm out and about I think to myself: "I cannot believe white people are the minority a lot of times in the Lower Mainland."

Take a look around on public transit. I hear more Mandarin than English on the Canada Line.

Don't even get me started on UBC ;).

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But they are in Canada. Part of being in most of Canada is that you are allowed to have advertisements in whatever language you want.


Thank god I live in the US of A

Down here a sign like that would be run over by a pick up in 2 seconds flat.

Y'all just too tolerant of terrorists up there.

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