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Mafia: Uomini di Onore


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Solid round. I guess it's fairly safe to assume CA was blocked and is actually the vig after coming out in the thread. There hasn't been anyone else that's claimed vig (unless someone has to VIC), so that's also a plus towards CA being a vig.

I'm a little worried at the amount of bandwagon votes mau5 received so close to nightfall; it smells of Mafia.

King Heffy, Go Faulk Yourself, Bo Hunter Booth, Peaches in particular should be looked at.

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Solid round. I guess it's fairly safe to assume CA was blocked and is actually the vig after coming out in the thread. There hasn't been anyone else that's claimed vig (unless someone has to VIC), so that's also a plus towards CA being a vig.

I'm a little worried at the amount of bandwagon votes mau5 received so close to nightfall; it smells of Mafia.

You smell of mafia you track-covering yellowbelly.

P.S. I want an apology.

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Solid round. I guess it's fairly safe to assume CA was blocked and is actually the vig after coming out in the thread. There hasn't been anyone else that's claimed vig (unless someone has to VIC), so that's also a plus towards CA being a vig.

I'm a little worried at the amount of bandwagon votes mau5 received so close to nightfall; it smells of Mafia.

Well, I wanted Kesler dead, but I didn't get any traction when I voted. So follow the TP Spokesperson of course.

But hey, investigate me pls.

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Yes.. I'll make a disclaimer that I'm terrible at these lists but Mau5, Beluga, CA, Heffy and Aladeen in no particular order would be up there. Maybe BDM as well.

2 Mafioso and a Vig. the Duce-o-meter is firing on all cylinders this game.. for both teams :(

Still like the remaining 3 I have left but I'm going to ride shotgun on 112's wagon for a bit.

Vote BHB

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Vote BHB - thoughts?

Apart from his vote for mau5, which I found weird, other than that I don't really see anything too suspicious. He could be added to the list of potential investigations I suppose.

But...I'm awesome...I can prove it :(

You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.

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Okay, here's the deal. Kesler was the claimed twinblade, and came out to ilduce when it looked like he might have been hung and then to me when I came out as spokesperson. Tonight, he said he was going to make a kill. At the last minute, he tried to back out, saying that he wanted to wait a round before making a kill and to get the sheriff to investigate him if I found him suspicious (which obviously made me more suspicious). I told him to make the kill then and that we wouldn't be wasting an investigation on him if he didn't, and he agreed to do it. Then, after nightfall, he said that he was 30 seconds late in submitting the kill and provided a quote from Toews as "proof".

So, seeing as the TB gets priority over the mafia kill, I think it's safe enough to come out with his name if he really is the TB (which I doubt at this point). What should we do? Lynch him? Let him get another try knowing that it's very possible that he may be lackey or KP?

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