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Mafia: Uomini di Onore


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I'm pretty sure we don't know that CA was Vig, let alone TP. Don't see what you're trying to say.

Pretty sure he was referring to this.

Vote Captain Aerosex if it means I get to live.

KH or Malkin Cookies would be my choices for the lynch, though. Would be nice if VIC and IlDuce could come to an agreement on who they want lynched.

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You have to admit it was weird that so many people voted for Il Duce's suspicion in Captain Aerosex over VIC's suspicion in Mau5trap. The best part is there was absolutely no reason to vote for CA but something tangible for Mau5trap. The people voting for CA should def be looked at.

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Okay, time to sort some things out.

I don't know if CA is bluffing or not, but we obviously can't lynch him now without giving him a chance to prove himself. Please PM me who you killed, CA, so that we can verify.

Also, I'm far from convinced that 112 is guilty. I'd suggest letting her live.

My vote for Mau5 isn't set in stone here. My evidence wasn't too strong, but I found it curious that no-one followed my vote after all bandwagoning on PPCLI last round. GFY has also been acting a lot like he was last game as mafia and BDM has been oddly quiet.

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