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ADF: (1) Boston Bruins vs (3) Montreal Canadiens

Who will win the series?  

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  Can't view videos on the work computer. Is this the one where Julien says "but we're the bad guys"? Because if so, he also admits that they aren't saints either, just that both teams are dishing it out as well as taking it. A pretty accurate statement, from what I have seen so far.

Nothing "hypocritical" about that.

Nope, its the old video where he says his team wouldn't taunt other players in a way in which his players do exactly that the very next game... pretty definitively hypocritical. Among other clips where him and Chiarelli talk about their team is classy and clean followed by their team, diving, etc. All teams do this stuff, but its the Bruins that act and pretend they don't. Maybe they are that self-unaware, but most likely just hypocrites which is why there's the hate.

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I find it hilarious that anyone defends Boston. It's been clear (and yes we're more aware of it due to Mak) since 2011 that they rely on so called "bush-league" tactics in order to get an advantage.

Now are they the only team to do it? Hardly, pretty sure every team is guilty of it. However the difference is that Boston cries wolf and tries to play the victim card every single time they're called out on it, and tries to turn it back on the other team. Also I get that a person in management and players themselves have to support their own team, but when you're saying that your team plays an honest clean game when it's blatantly obvious that you don't, it's better to just not comment at all.

Like I've said before, Julien has come out to the media quite a bit stating that it's all the media's perception that the Bruins are the bad guys and <insert team> are the good guys in the match-up, but really there's no wondering why that's the case.

I can respect (while disliking) the Hawks because it's for the most part (taking Keith out of the equation) just a team that uses it's assets very well without resorting to the antics of diving. I do love that Toews whine though.

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Chicago plays some nice hockey and Toews/Kane are insanely fun to watch. I think #7 is a dirtier player than #2 tbh

Other than Anaheim, Chicago is the team I want to come out of the West. I just don't want Minnesota or LA winning.

I think that Seabrook is just able to inflict more damage because of his size. Keith is cheap in that he hacks and whacks away at guys but won't stand up for himself when the time comes.

That said, Keith is my favourite dman to watch. His twitch reflexes are crazy and he looks like a waterbug on ice.

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&nbsp; Can't view videos on the work computer. Is this the one where Julien says "but we're the bad guys"? Because if so, he also admits that they aren't saints either, just that both teams are dishing it out as well as taking it. A pretty accurate statement, from what I have seen so far.

Nothing "hypocritical" about that.

Its when he calls out players for diving and talks about how they are embarrassing the refs.

Julien is the biggest hypocrite because he loves the smarmy backhand comments where he will talk about how he isn't going to comment on a team or talk about how they lack integrity (in his mind) and then he'll go on a 30 second tirade about how much integrity that team lacks.

He'll say things like (paraphrase) "its not our teams style to complain about the reffing, but the reffing was awful and something has to be done about it". "It's not my place to talk about another team, but they are a disgrace to the league and making a mockery of the rules".

His delusional beliefs rival those of Donald Sterling in that he has this belief that his team is somehow morally superior. It isn't that he is defending his team, that would be perfectly fine and expected. Its the idea that he puts the integrity of his group on this massive pedestal above everyone else that is delusional.

Of course, maybe its just his way of providing a distraction. All coaches have their ways of distracting the media, this could be Julien's. If so, he is very good at his job. He's certainly a great coach, but I really don't like him.

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Its when he calls out players for diving and talks about how they are embarrassing the refs.

Julien is the biggest hypocrite because he loves the smarmy backhand comments where he will talk about how he isn't going to comment on a team or talk about how they lack integrity (in his mind) and then he'll go on a 30 second tirade about how much integrity that team lacks.

He'll say things like (paraphrase) "its not our teams style to complain about the reffing, but the reffing was awful and something has to be done about it". "It's not my place to talk about another team, but they are a disgrace to the league and making a mockery of the rules".

His delusional beliefs rival those of Donald Sterling in that he has this belief that his team is somehow morally superior. It isn't that he is defending his team, that would be perfectly fine and expected. Its the idea that he puts the integrity of his group on this massive pedestal above everyone else that is delusional.

Of course, maybe its just his way of providing a distraction. All coaches have their ways of distracting the media, this could be Julien's. If so, he is very good at his job. He's certainly a great coach, but I really don't like him.

yeah, I'd say your last paragraph pretty much nails it. All coaches (and GMs/owners for that matter) will try and use the media to manipulate things in their favor. I'm sure most Canuck fans will remember the famous (infamous?) Brian Burke "Sedin is not Swedish for punch me!", speech...

I get that people don't like Julien. I'm not particularly a fan myself, (I especially hated the way he tried to defend Marchand for submarining Salo) but I don't think his media comments are much different than that of most NHL coaches.

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Absolutely disgraceful. Hope that team gets crushed by the B's in game 7.

Just Montreal fans being classy as always.

Wonder how CDC would act if Boston fans threw crap at the Habs, but they wouldn't sink that low.

Being a Leaf fan, I guess you don't know how it feels to finally get your big chance to with the cup and then get your heart stomped on. Van fans have a special hate for Boston and will for a long while.

FYI Bruin fans are renowned for some of their classless actions, including throwing beer at the bench and starting fights with opposing team fans in the bleachers.

Doesn't justify those Montreal fans, but who cares? We hate the Bruins.


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Impressive hypocrisy here. If this had been bruins fans, everyone here would be talking about how classless the fans are.

speaking of nut shots:


funny, haven't heard anyone here discussing that one, or a couple of the other ones by the canadiens this series. nope, only the bruins would do things like that.

exactly. the habs have used some pretty greasy tactics, but are overlooked by the blind hatred people have on this forum, and when someone calls out the habs for their dirty play: "are you blind?" "what game were you watching?"

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Not exactly defending them, just poking fun at all the hypocrites on CDC. I'm not a Bruins fan AT ALL. I just hate the Habs and their fans and I cheer for whoever plays them. I can't wait until they're out of the playoffs.

The foolish ones are the posters who think it's funny what MTL did at the end of the game while they know damn well they'd chirp the Bruins if they did that at the end of game 5.

O goodness a nother conspirasy theorist :picard:

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Being a Leaf fan, I guess you don't know how it feels to finally get your big chance to with the cup and then get your heart stomped on. Van fans have a special hate for Boston and will for a long while.

FYI Bruin fans are renowned for some of their classless actions, including throwing beer at the bench and starting fights with opposing team fans in the bleachers.

Doesn't justify those Montreal fans, but who cares? We hate the Bruins.


I am a Vancouver fan more than I am a Leafs fan so yes I know how it feels. It isn't fun. At the same time it's 3 years ago and I'm personally over it. They were the better team in that series. Luongo is the sole reason why we won game 5. Wanna know what else isn't fun? When all your friends bandwaggon one team and think they're the best and won't shut up about them. So yes, I will be beyond ecstatic when Montreal is eliminated. And that's nice you hate Boston. I hate Montreal.

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I am a Vancouver fan more than I am a Leafs fan so yes I know how it feels. It isn't fun. At the same time it's 3 years ago and I'm personally over it. They were the better team in that series. Luongo is the sole reason why we won game 5. Wanna know what else isn't fun? When all your friends bandwaggon one team and think they're the best and won't shut up about them. So yes, I will be beyond ecstatic when Montreal is eliminated. And that's nice you hate Boston. I hate Montreal.

I disagree that they were the better team.. I think we sustained horrible injuries that allowed Boston to run away with it.

I also think that the league was on their side and still is.

And lastly, I definitely believe that some of the comments youve made in this thread has lostvyou a ton of credibility, and with that I will leave you to your mumbo jumbo.

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I disagree that they were the better team.. I think we sustained horrible injuries that allowed Boston to run away with it.

I also think that the league was on their side and still is.

And lastly, I definitely believe that some of the comments youve made in this thread has lostvyou a ton of credibility, and with that I will leave you to your mumbo jumbo.

Oh no not my CDC credibility! How will I ever get over a bunch of Habs lovers not thinking I'm credible. You people need to seriously chill out. It's a damn hockey game and not even one involving our team. It's not even fun cheering against you guys because you take it to a whole other level and get way to serious about it.

LETS GO BOSTON!!!!!!! Crush the habs.

After that happens, I'll be on your side and cheering for the Rangers vs. Boston

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I said at the beginning I wouldn't be surprised if it went to OT of Game 7.

What are your predictions for tomorrow?

Pattricceeee Berrgerronnnn!! Game winner in 3rd!

Honestly if it goes to OT I have a bad feeling PK will get the clap bomb to seal it.

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