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Quit being gullible, you are the problem with this team.


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You do see the irony here? Why are players fair game but not certain sections of the fanbase?

Cause having someone with thin skin like you start a thread pointing the finger at fans saying they are the problem with this team is a little rich, don't you think?

I'll choose my words carefully, but the fact that you created this thread speaks to your intelligence or lack of.

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Cause having someone with thin skin like you start a thread pointing the finger at fans saying they are the problem with this team is a little rich, don't you think?

I'll choose my words carefully, but the fact that you created this thread speaks to your intelligence or lack of.

I'll give that one to you, maybe I said it out of shock value, and I agree it's not the only problem, but I think it's a huge problem that's never been properly addressed, looked at, and attempted to remedy.

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I like Kesler as a player. But the Twins are a package deal, and I don't think too many clubs have $14 million plus in cap space.

Of the players with NTC the only two I see fans talking about is Edler and Kesler.

- Edler, because he's struggling mightily. A change of scene might do him a world of good. And despite his struggles, we can get probably decent return for him.

- Kesler. Compounding injuries, does have a good track record, and he's 29 years old. Bottom line it's doubtful we'll get better value for him than we are now (Unless it's next year at the trade deadline).

The fans are not fickle. We see that the core needs to get younger, faster, and add more skill. Trading players like this with a good GM like Benning, hopefully we can maximize the return. You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

I notice most fans aren't saying "Dump them they suck". They want them traded only if it means a good return. Same deal with Booth. If we can get something decent for trading him, I'm all for it.

It's not a matter of "what have you done for us lately". It's being realistic and knowing that you can't get good prospects/picks/players without doing some moves.

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What could possibly lead you to believe that any player on the team reads what's written on this forum?

They don't have to. Are you really that naïve to think that what is said on these forums stays on these forums always?

I hate to break it to all of you people, but the OP is right. I'm not surprised to see this level of denial on the subject. Stop acting like we are some small group of people living in the vacuum. We are much bigger than you give us credit for. When enough people talk about a certain topic, it doesn't stay bottled up on an internet forum for long. When it's big enough, it can be brought to the attention of people associated with the team.

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No I don't know what you mean because this thread is about rumour-mongering, not criticism of player talent.

The thing is, when rumour mongers from other fanbases spread their lies in an attempt to create dissent between the Canucks fanbase and team itself, it somehow works. I can't think of any other sports franchise in North America where this occurs except maybe the Yankees.

Support the team and it's players, and if they do end up leaving don't trash them on the way out.

You basically implied that the Canucks fan base is the ONLY fan base that criticizes their players by telling us to support them and by saying that Vancouver is the only city besides NY that rumors about their team.

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They don't have to. Are you really that naïve to think that what is said on these forums stays on these forums always?

I hate to break it to all of you people, but the OP is right. I'm not surprised to see this level of denial on the subject. Stop acting like we are some small group of people living in the vacuum. We are much bigger than you give us credit for. When enough people talk about a certain topic, it doesn't stay bottled up on an internet forum for long. When it's big enough, it can be brought to the attention of people associated with the team.

Honestly, if they're that emotionally fragile and intellectually limited that they'd take anything they read on this forum seriously, they're in the wrong business.

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Don't mind people wanting to trade Kesler, that's fine, but don't make up rumours that you heard from a friend of the nephew that player X doesn't want to be a Canuck anymore, that kind of crap does get blown out of proportion and if believed by the gullible will cause a rift between said player and fans, people are human beings, and I'd like to think that players like that fact that we put our trust in them.

You might want to check my post. I didn't hear it from a friend, I heard it from MDC straight up. I said I MET him through a friend. Some people hate the Canucks go figure eh? Not every player in the draft wants to be a Canuck. You're just butthurt because a player you covet hates the Canucks. Live with it.

EDIT: Here's his facebook page with that 1 mutual friend :)


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Another dumb as hell argument from you. There is nothing wrong with being a human and having emotions. It doesn't make someone stupid or fragile. I do have to question your intelligence though when you act like a broken record and parrot that ridiculous statement that you just made.

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You might want to check my post. I didn't hear it from a friend, I heard it from MDC straight up. I said I MET him through a friend. Some people hate the Canucks go figure eh? Not every player in the draft wants to be a Canuck. You're just butthurt because a player you covet hates the Canucks. Live with it.

EDIT: Here's his facebook page with that 1 mutual friend :)

What? What does Michael Dal Colle have to do with this? And why does anything he have to say about Kesler wanting to leave the Canucks be taken as gospel?

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As a former mod I ask the mods to give me some leeway here as this needs to be said.

When you ask what is wrong with this team, look at yourself first.

I've been reading the Kesler thread and I can't fathom why people are making up rumours to somehow justify trading him. I don't know personally whether that is the best move or not for this team, that's up to Jim Benning and Trevor Linden.

The thing is, when rumour mongers from other fanbases spread their lies in an attempt to create dissent between the Canucks fanbase and team itself, it somehow works. I can't think of any other sports franchise in North America where this occurs except maybe the Yankees. The difference is they actually win championships.

I honestly don't know what to say, our fanbase is the laughing stock of the NHL and the Kesler thread just proves it. You are all mindless lemmings doing the bidding of eastern media types who want nothing more than to see our team fail, you are part of the problem, and you don't even realize it. It's happened so many times before with players on this team. I'm 33 years old so I know a thing or two about the BS that happens with this team, quit being played like a fiddle because it's shamefully pathetic.

Support the team and it's players, and if they do end up leaving don't trash them on the way out. I'm deeply disappointed with the lack of courtesy towards this team on our boards. Yeah they had a bad year, try being a fan in the 80's or late 90s, you're spoiled little children who don't know any better, but there is hope. Support the Canucks, the players who we have, because who is going to want to play for us, if all we ever do is turn on them?

As a fellow 30 something year old fan of this team, I share your sentiment entirely. CDC aside, the internet has empowered a generation of morons, and granted them license to disseminate their drivel and rhetoric with impunity.

I browse these forums trying to gain insight and information regarding the Canucks and the goings on within the league, however 9 times out of 10 I end up disappointed and downright embarrassed... not because I'm a Canucks fan, but because of who some of the "fans" are.

I suppose it speaks to the ever present disconnect in society, where people feel the need to virtually socialize with people they don't know. I'm all for the sharing of opinion and healthy debate online as it helps gain perspective, however there is no perspective to be gained from reading 99% of the crap on this board other than to be very selective about who you discuss your Canucks fandom with in the real world and in what context.

That being said, I believe that the perception of the Canuck fanbase being a laughing stock is derived mostly because of what we are discussing here and now, while the true, authentic fans tend to steer way clear of CDC.

I don't know if post counts are indicative of anything, but combined with this boards "reputation" metric, I believe I stand in pretty good company. I won't go into explaining what I mean because if you get it, you get it, and if you don't then my point has just been proven true.

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What? What does Michael Dal Colle have to do with this? And why does anything he have to say about Kesler wanting to leave the Canucks be taken as gospel?

Well, I failed there I'll be honest. I met MDC through a friend so I shared information that he doesn't like the Nux since he told me that, so I thought that's what you were referring to since you quoted my post. I apologize.

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Well I tried, the point went above everyone's head... might as well close it. No hope at all.

I better bloody well clarify myself again since people seem to want everything spelled out for them, I have lost faith in the fanbase, not the team.

Fickle does not begin to describe 'us'. the sorriest bunch that ever gathered in one spot .. I hear you loud and clear .. the 'facebook fans' dinna fathom a friggin t'ing, don't ya know?

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Well, I failed there I'll be honest. I met MDC through a friend so I shared information that he doesn't like the Nux since he told me that, so I thought that's what you were referring to since you quoted my post. I apologize.

No I haven't read that.

As a fellow 30 something year old fan of this team, I share your sentiment entirely. CDC aside, the internet has empowered a generation of morons, and granted them license to disseminate their drivel and rhetoric with impunity.

I browse these forums trying to gain insight and information regarding the Canucks and the goings on within the league, however 9 times out of 10 I end up disappointed and downright embarrassed... not because I'm a Canucks fan, but because of who some of the "fans" are.

I suppose it speaks to the ever present disconnect in society, where people feel the need to virtually socialize with people they don't know. I'm all for the sharing of opinion and healthy debate online as it helps gain perspective, however there is no perspective to be gained from reading 99% of the crap on this board other than to be very selective about who you discuss your Canucks fandom with in the real world and in what context.

That being said, I believe that the perception of the Canuck fanbase being a laughing stock is derived mostly because of what we are discussing here and now, while the true, authentic fans tend to steer way clear of CDC.

I don't know if post counts are indicative of anything, but combined with this boards "reputation" metric, I believe I stand in pretty good company. I won't go into explaining what I mean because if you get it, you get it, and if you don't then my point has just been proven true.

I get what you mean completely, as you see I've been a member of the current boards since 03, I was a member of the boards before this one, and in the way back when when it wasn't a forum but just a list of comments.

I've seen people come and go here because of reputation and what have you, honestly, I don't care about my reputation because I've been on the ups and I've been on the downs, and one thing I've learned it doesn't really matter, cause if you have something meaningful to say, people will read it.

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Well, I failed there I'll be honest. I met MDC through a friend so I shared information that he doesn't like the Nux since he told me that, so I thought that's what you were referring to since you quoted my post. I apologize.

Now I really hope he falls to us, just so we can piss him off. Even better is that we have you to report to us how he feels about it

Can't wait!

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They probably don't, maybe they do? One thing I know for sure, it's ignorant to assume they don't have a general inkling as to how the fanbase thinks of them, especially the loud vocal minority.

There is plenty of fan-girling going-on here on this forum too. Just choose ur threads more wisely.

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Another dumb as hell argument from you. There is nothing wrong with being a human and having emotions. It doesn't make someone stupid or fragile. I do have to question your intelligence though when you act like a broken record and parrot that ridiculous statement that you just made.

You attach such importance to the opinion of people on the internet and you're questioning my intelligence. That's rich.

People with half a brain don't believe everything they read on the internet, whether it's on forums like these, Twitter, Facebook or whatever.

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