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Quit being gullible, you are the problem with this team.


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Yeah I bet 28 other teams would like to have Kesler, doesn't mean he ever said he doesn't want to be a Canuck or was ever willing to waive his NTC does it?

Then why were the Canucks talking to other teams about the possibility. Burying you head in the sand accomplishes not much except leaves you a little exposed! Why would Pittsburgh say they were interested in Kesler if the Canucks hadn't said he was available. You never see teams talking about other teams stars with a NTC unless they have been approached!

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There is plenty proof in the responses I have got, thank you, you see how easily that worked out for me? I've been a fan of this team so long, I know how the sheep work.

You really need to adjust your posting style. All you are doing is solidifying those that agree with you already and making those that you are trying to address vengeful. Instead of making an appeal you are putting their backs against the wall and they'll come out swinging right or wrong.

You are reminding me of the vegans who just want to yell at people. Instead of listening to them people would rather eat a cheeseburger in front of them out of spite.

You use terms like "sheep" and this implies that you believe you are a superior free thinker and that sets people against your ideas regardless if they are valid or not.

Are you here in hopes of making change or just to yell at people? If it's the former then you need to work on your approach and if it's the latter then you can't be upset about the response since you are pushing for it.

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There is plenty proof in the responses I have got, thank you, you see how easily that worked out for me? I've been a fan of this team so long, I know how the sheep work.

Ascribing proof because people responded to you does not prove your premise that fans are controlled by the Eastern media. What it does indicate that people are passionate about their team. I am passionate. I have been an active fan since the 1970s.

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What an arrogant thread. If a mod did infact give him permission to openly insult and generalise the entire CDC community, you should be ashamed of yourself. I don't care how people see our fan base. I care to talk hockey with people who want to do the same. The fan rumour mill is not going to drive players away, they have more important things to worry about. Nothing about enjoying the hockey experience should involve you comming in here and spewing your condescending c**p. If you don't like the discussion here, find a board where you do like it. You then have the nerve to say your point is going over our heads when we get upset with you for blatenley insulting us. You may be trying to "fix" our fan base, but all you're accomplishing is bringing people down. You're an awful or misguided person. I can't decide.

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Nope, so you make up negative conclusions about the team from media writers who aren't enamoured with the Canucks nor have any actual insight into the team.

I'm beginning to think a lot of these fans are plants just to get the sheep all riled up.

I've been on this board since 2007 and a fan since 1994. Im far from a plant. I used to be the rah rah support the team no matter what girl. But I draw the line when players put themselves before the team. We've already seen this movie with luongo and now we're seeing it again.

Kesler was one of my favorite players at one time, but if he wants to leave I want the team to be more than happy to oblige him. Its not reasonable to want a team to be made up of players that want to be there.

As for the idea that he wants to leave, making up the whole thing serves no purpose for the media or the team. If he is truly as valuable as people say he is, a smear campaign would be the last thing anyone would want to do.

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Then why were the Canucks talking to other teams about the possibility. Burying you head in the sand accomplishes not much except leaves you a little exposed! Why would Pittsburgh say they were interested in Kesler if the Canucks hadn't said he was available. You never see teams talking about other teams stars with a NTC unless they have been approached!

Yeah, that worked out so well with the Leafs and Luongo situation if we're gullible enough to believe Toronto was actually ever interested in acquiring him, or like what I believe is happening now, making s--- up to stir the pot.

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I don't think it's that we are gullible. When Botchford prints "Kesler Gives a List of Teams", fans will click to read what it's about. What fan wouldn't?

Can't really blame Botchford either because if it isn't him, it would be someone else, as it was even before him. Sensationalist journalism works. Sadly we all fall for it.

It is absolutely idiotic though. Lowest common denominator level. But it exists beyond this city and beyond sports. Especially on the internet where attention = $.

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What an arrogant thread. If a mod did infact give him permission to openly insult and generalise the entire CDC community, you should be ashamed of yourself. I don't care how people see our fan base. I care to talk hockey with people who want to do the same. The fan rumour mill is not going to drive players away, they have more important things to worry about. Nothing about enjoying the hockey experience should involve you comming in here and spewing your condescending c**p. If you don't like the discussion here, find a board where you do like it. You then have the nerve to say your point is going over our heads when we get upset with you for blatenley insulting us. You may be trying to "fix" our fan base, but all you're accomplishing is bringing people down. You're an awful or misguided person. I can't decide.

Or maybe I'm just the guy that's finally willing to call out those fans who I and many others believe are detrimental to the well being of the fanbase, if that makes me an evil person, then so be it.

If what I'm doing is bringing people down, good, maybe they'll put two and two together if they're smart enough and realize the irony of it.

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Yeah, that worked out so well with the Leafs and Luongo situation if we're gullible enough to believe Toronto was actually ever interested in acquiring him, or like what I believe is happening now, making s--- up to stir the pot.

So your theory is that NHL execs have nothing better to do than stir up shit! wow...

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Or maybe I'm just the guy that's finally willing to call out those fans who I and many others believe are detrimental to the well being of the fanbase, if that makes me an evil person, then so be it.

If what I'm doing is bringing people down, good, maybe they'll put two and two together if they're smart enough and realize the irony of it.

What is it you are doing anyways, besides trying to stir up crap, what team did you say you were a fan of?

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Did anyone from the Canucks organization actually come out and say this? If you have a link to someone who works in the NHL and not some media hack like Dreger or Botchford, please let me know. Gillis never said it, Linden and Benning haven't said it.

Rumor starting is one thing but what you just said is something I hate. If you only believe what the team comes out and publicly states your missing a lot of the story. A lot goes on that we as fans have the right to talk about and speculate on after all this is a message board not tsn. Mosts recent example, trev said the day before he was hired that he's not talking to the nucks about joining the team... Then. They tell the reporters what they want you to hear it's not always what's going on and we souls be able to use the form to let others know what we think is going on what we've heard is going on etc. again anyone who flat out makes up a rumor is another thing but none the less most rumors have fact and should be talked about.
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I see what you're trying to say OP, but what it sounds like is something different.

If someone has an opinion or poential insight (from whatever alleged source) about the inner workings and personal relations of the team we should really celebrate the opportunity as a community to move toward a greater understanding.

It seems to me that you are merely questioning the validity or credibility of an individual's alleged source of information, regarding potential rumours or insights as to whether player A does Y or thinks X, or player B enjoys playing poker with Player C.

You're post is more about presuming the capacity to determine the truth of one's statement based upon your supposed individual interpretation of the truth.

It seems more appropriate, given the intent of this board as an avenue for discussion, to instead of discarding outright one's claim to a brother who's girlfreind knows something, to rather ask a question, seeking to clarify the information.

Oh really, you've heard that player X doesn't want to be here? Oh, where did that come from, what makes you think that? The poster or presenter of said information can then reply, and a civil, democratic discussion can then ensue as to the truth validity or credibility of whatever statement or proposal of fact that was made.

You're post seems to reflect more a dictatorial presumption of knowing what is and is not true. This is dangerous, and stiffling to any community seeking to engage in meaningful discussion.

Yes, perhaps some people make stuff up. So be it. Engage, discuss, question, inquire. I understand your frustrations with rumours that might negatively impact this team. Personally I like hearing the stories, both good and bad, and I can make up my own mind or look further into someone's claim if I want. Afterall, opinions are like a**holes, everyone's got one.

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Kesler shouldn't be traded, i hope he stays and signs a 3 year extension, with a limited NTC

He won't, he'll take the hugest offer and it won't be the nucks. Quote me on it. If he's not traded he walks. He tried to do it before and he will again.

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I see what you're trying to say OP, but what it sounds like is something different.

If someone has an opinion or poential insight (from whatever alleged source) about the inner workings and personal relations of the team we should really celebrate the opportunity as a community to move toward a greater understanding.

It seems to me that you are merely questioning the validity or credibility of an individual's alleged source of information, regarding potential rumours or insights as to whether player A does Y or thinks X, or player B enjoys playing poker with Player C.

You're post is more about presuming the capacity to determine the truth of one's statement based upon your supposed individual interpretation of the truth.

It seems more appropriate, given the intent of this board as an avenue for discussion, to instead of discarding outright one's claim to a brother who's girlfreind knows something, to rather ask a question, seeking to clarify the information.

Oh really, you've heard that player X doesn't want to be here? Oh, where did that come from, what makes you think that? The poster or presenter of said information can then reply, and a civil, democratic discussion can then ensue as to the truth validity or credibility of whatever statement or proposal of fact that was made.

You're post seems to reflect more a dictatorial presumption of knowing what is and is not true. This is dangerous, and stiffling to any community seeking to engage in meaningful discussion.

Yes, perhaps some people make stuff up. So be it. Engage, discuss, question, inquire. I understand your frustrations with rumours that might negatively impact this team. Personally I like hearing the stories, both good and bad, and I can make up my own mind or look further into someone's claim if I want. Afterall, opinions are like a**holes, everyone's got one.

The problem is these half truths and outright lies end up gospel here for some reason. I've seen it all before.

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Several teams said they were interested in Kesler, were their execs just trying to stir up crap also?

Is there a giant conspiracy in play here?

Nope not at all, it's when people use this fact as basis for false allegation that Kesler no longer wants to be a Canuck is where my problem lies.

Still have not once said I have a problem with Kesler being traded.

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