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Vancouver Salaries: Lowest in Canada?


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Probably why the most incompetent people are the loudest and confident, and the most competent people doubtful in their abilities

Truly intelligent and knowledgeable people are also more aware of the vast chasm of what they do not know.

The ignorant are the first to say: "I've got this all figured out".

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Your Communication's degree is about as valuable as the Cottonelle Comfort Care 2-Ply I use.

Google college degrees with the worst ROI and you'll find that Communications Degree's are right near the top of most lists.

And by top I mean bottom.

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I dont understand where you are getting the "40k" figure? If average rent is $1500, average cost of a degree is $30,000 and there are only 1 out of 10 people to compete with, then according to my calculations there is a lot of jobs available and few people to fill them.

Why would anyone be out of work if they have a degree in a special field? New jobs are created all the time, ecnomy is growing constantly, the need for jobs is always high. I dont doubt I will find a job, its a matter of how high I can negotiate a salary to, the key to getting a large wage is putting your foot down with the employers and showing them you will not back down, you will not be intimidated or f*ed around for low wages.

I almost want to come to an interview, put my feet on the emloyers desk and say " I know what I am worth I want to negotiate" I mean you really need to let them know you are not a pussy and you are willing to work hard for their company.

Employers dont have 40k in their mind, they will give you what you feel you are worth. Based on the ecnomomic conditions of Vancouver there is no reason why we cant ask for higher salaries, especially because so few people I would suspect finish college/university, and those who did already have jobs.

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Honestly....read this.


I think he's completely serious.

The world is going to be what you want OP. It's a much harder place.

Ha ha yeah that's the guy. I hope for the best for everyone but people like this really deserve nothing. People like this will completely bomb out or they are one of the few that end up actually making good money and then they're the people that you sit back and wonder at how the hell they ever got a job in the first place, and how they actually got a decent job.

I dont understand where you are getting the "40k" figure? If average rent is $1500, average cost of a degree is $30,000 and there are only 1 out of 10 people to compete with, then according to my calculations there is a lot of jobs available and few people to fill them.

Why would anyone be out of work if they have a degree in a special field? New jobs are created all the time, ecnomy is growing constantly, the need for jobs is always high. I dont doubt I will find a job, its a matter of how high I can negotiate a salary to, the key to getting a large wage is putting your foot down with the employers and showing them you will not back down, you will not be intimidated or f*ed around for low wages.

I almost want to come to an interview, put my feet on the emloyers desk and say " I know what I am worth I want to negotiate" I mean you really need to let them know you are not a feline and you are willing to work hard for their company.

Employers dont have 40k in their mind, they will give you what you feel you are worth. Based on the ecnomomic conditions of Vancouver there is no reason why we cant ask for higher salaries, especially because so few people I would suspect finish college/university, and those who did already have jobs.

What does your rent or the cost of your degree have to do with your salary? Nowadays you can almost make more money in a trade then you can with a degree, in fact you can probably make more. What school is giving you a degree, there is no way you did that on your own. Not that a communications degree is anything to hang your hat on.

Maybe I should move into a mansion and get a $500,000 dollar raise. Now why I didn't I think of that.

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Well, once we all were told And we took it all as truth If we worked hard and behaved We'd be anything we'd choose And we used to all be happy While pretending that we weren't Now the smiles upon our faces Show how much it all must hurt I don't mean to sound tight But I see it's hard to take So rather this than talk Get your keys and get to work 'Cause them that do nothing make no mistakes - Field Music, Them That Do Nothing

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Is this the same guy that posted in the teachers thread that teachers make to much money and are bad at their job because he got bad grades in high school. LOL!!!

At least he didn't get a teaching degree, he'd be even harder up for a job! :P

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Truly intelligent and knowledgeable people are also more aware of the vast chasm of what they do not know.

The ignorant are the first to say: "I've got this all figured out".


The more you learn the the more you realise how little you know.

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I dont understand where you are getting the "40k" figure? If average rent is $1500, average cost of a degree is $30,000 and there are only 1 out of 10 people to compete with, then according to my calculations there is a lot of jobs available and few people to fill them.

Why would anyone be out of work if they have a degree in a special field? New jobs are created all the time, ecnomy is growing constantly, the need for jobs is always high. I dont doubt I will find a job, its a matter of how high I can negotiate a salary to, the key to getting a large wage is putting your foot down with the employers and showing them you will not back down, you will not be intimidated or f*ed around for low wages.

I almost want to come to an interview, put my feet on the emloyers desk and say " I know what I am worth I want to negotiate" I mean you really need to let them know you are not a feline and you are willing to work hard for their company.

Employers dont have 40k in their mind, they will give you what you feel you are worth. Based on the ecnomomic conditions of Vancouver there is no reason why we cant ask for higher salaries, especially because so few people I would suspect finish college/university, and those who did already have jobs.

man i wish i could watch that 'interview'.

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While the OP does sound like he's trolling it also brings up the point of is going to all that school worth it if your parents aren't paying for it? We all know people don't make 100k out of univerisity. Instead the student racks up a whack load of debt and spends a good part of their early worklife paying it off. That's just sad.

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i honestly can't believe the hostility people shown here towards the op. I mean seriously, wat the fuck is wrong with you guys?

I dont see what is wrong with a kid fresh out of college expecting himself to make certain amount of money a year.. no wonder there was a riot here a couple years ago... you people will find any chance you get to bash on anything until there is nothing left.

So what if he's expecting too much? at least the kid has a goal and you bet he will work his ass off to get to his goal. It's call ambition and expectation and there is nothing wrong with that..

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Thank you for those who responded:

I ) I graduated from SFU with a Communications degree specializing in Marketing. From what I was told all my life is that if I go to school and I finish university I will be better off than 90% of other people. For those who said " a degree is a dime a dozen" give your head a shake. Stats show 1 out of 10 people finish post-secondary, that already puts me in the top 10% of income earners because I finished secondary education.

Everyone knows and everyone who I knew growing up encourgaged me to go to school and finish college. Keep in mind 90% of people can not afford college and are not smart enough to withstand the demanding GPA requirements to get in and to finish. Guess what, I DID! As a result I fully expect to be rewarded with a good salary in a position that matches my school of study.

There is no reason not to have high expectations, we live in a society where our parents provided us with every tool, every opportunity and every chance to get ahead, and I feel my generation have every right to ask for high salaries because we are the future of the retiring "Baby Boomers" you need us more than ever and we can ask for whatever we want.

People seem to think "university kids are a dime a dozen" guess what, I havent checked out the job market but I bet you everyone with a degree has a job. Like I said 1 in 10 have degrees, they are the first people hired and they have a lot of bargaining power with employers.

II ) Its not just about experience its about skill and power of your degree. There are kids going to Wall Street right out of college at 21 years old landing 100k year jobs, lawyers, doctors, electricians, miners, sales people etc.. Experience means nothing if you have a degree and you have high grades, thats the beauty of school.

School is a short cut to experience, its either you go to work after high school hoping to rise through the ranks or you take a short cut and go to school and expet to make just as much as someone who didnt 5 years back.

III ) I fully expect 60k MINIMUM out of school, considering how expensive my degree was it is only fair to ask for that much back. Consdering how expensive housing here is, how hard it was to get my education, the countless hours of homework etc i think i deserve to be rewarded with a nice job and income.

Employers are not stupid they know the cost of housing, they know how hard it is to finish school, they know how good kids are out of school there is no reason not to pay them well and pay them high.

So with that being said, is $60,000 too little to ask for? I cant imagine the job market being any less than that for an average out of school salary, providing you have a post-secondary degree.

I'm sorry, but you are delusional. High expectations are FINE. But yours are dis-proportionally high. You're path of thinking is very, very naive, and I think you'll be in for a huge shock when reality finally hits you. And one more note, I don't think you can classify an undergraduate degree as a professional degree these days. Usually professional requires a PHD/MD/etc.

I'm curious to know where you're pulling these stats from. 1 out of 10 finish post-secondary?

90% can't afford it? Again, I'd like to see this source. I'm sure a significant amount of people can't afford it, but that's why there's the presence of loans, bursaries, work, scholarships, etc.

Yes, we were provided with every tool. It's a much different society than it was years ago. But that's also the problem. How many people went through the educational system back then, as opposed to now? I can assure you it's in the multi-hundred-millions more now. Undergraduate degrees usually do put you in a better position, yes but this is primarily in the way of OPTIONS. An undergraduate degree will get you past a lot of screenings (i.e. must have a college diploma). Not long ago, that used to be replaced by a high school diploma. And there is absolutely no doubt that it's getting to the point where there are so many of them floating out there these days (yes, they are a dime a dozen, FYI), that slowly they're losing their value. Why do you think unemployment rates have spiked in the last several years?

Bargaining power? Oh please. Again, when reality hits you when you finally find someone willing to give you an interview, you'll be begging for them to take you.

Of course there are always going to be people who land super high paying jobs out of school. But those are the ones in the 100th percentile. They are the 1%, as you should be familiar with. Do you think everyone can do that? No. Experience is everything these days? Try finding a job posting that doesn't have the tagline, "at least ____ years experience or equivalent required".

Sorry bud, try using the line "I want more money cause I paid ____ for my degree" and see where that gets you. You need to change your attitude, and fast. Do you know how much doctors coming fresh out of school make after investing $100k+ on education alone? I'm guessing not... a lot of them only make about $50-60k for the first several years.

I will say though, 60k is not an unreasonable target for an entry-level job (depending on the field), but it is an unreasonable minimum.

Why is pay in Vancouver so low, yet cost of living so high? You went into school, you should be able to figure that out no problem. I'm sure a grade 12 student could. What do you get when you have a beautiful city where everyone wants to be, and combine that with all the people looking for work? Hmmm..... Oh right, more competition, meaning companies can afford to pay less.

TL;DR - You're delusional.

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