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On January 4, 2016 at 1:28 PM, AppleJack said:

I totally didn't notice anyone so I apologize if you tried to catch my attention or something. I was on a mission to find cheap cat food :(  and a calendar for 2016.

You can have my 2016 calendar.  A driver from a tow truck company gave it to me.  You can imagine how artistic it is.......



Edited by riffraff
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48 minutes ago, Mainly Mattias said:

is that me? because i should be on that list.  actually, there should be another on that list too; didn't colon dee see you at a skytrain platform a few years back?

When did you see me o: and yeah Dee said I gave him the cold shoulder cause I made a b-line to get on the bus XD

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1 minute ago, ReggieBush said:

Confidence is a gift that I have yet to receive

I mean so many dudes are scared to talk to girls.  So I bet if you talked to her you'd be in....ye never know.


either way if she shuns you it'll be easier next time.  That's another thing about girls - there are lots of them.::D

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On 2016-01-06 at 10:21 PM, Twilight Sparkle said:

When did you see me o: and yeah Dee said I gave him the cold shoulder cause I made a b-line to get on the bus XD

I messaged you after I saw you and aj at mcdonalds near science world.  We were all in line and I left first but was like, why do these two look so familiar?  after i figured it out and went back to where you guys were lining up, you had left.

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Just now, Mainly Mattias said:

I messaged you after I saw you and aj at mcdonalds near science world.  We were all in line and I left first but was like, why do these two look so familiar?  after i figured it out and went back to where you guys were lining up, you had left.

ohhh yeeah! my memory kinda sucks OcO

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Just now, Mainly Mattias said:

B)  Too bad my head was too slow in making the connection or else we could have actually met. lol

first person who actually meets me we'll break cdc LOL i was at the jets game last year and i was paranoid like, omg who here is from cdc. we're porbably gonna go to one towards the end of the season. i have a friend who hooks me up with tickets. i need to defend my streak of going to canucks games! ive gone to games each of the past 7 years, and the team is 7-0-0 x__x

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