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Antonio Martin, 18 year old black teen, shot dead by cops in Berkeley, Missouri


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Actually I am a defender of "individual rights". You're confusing rights of people who are innocent with people who are not innocent. I have a thread where I point out where discrimination occurs against blacks who are innocent (hijacked by a bunch of blocked freebuddy posts), but I find it interesting that a thread about a black person who aimed a loaded gun at a cop and deservedly was killed stokes yet another liberal red herring harangue about unrelated circumstances of blacks being arrested/killed/whatevered. Right on par with the stupidity of the "Hands Up Don't Shoot" / "Can't Breathe" / "Trayvon Hoodie" movement.

If you think its stupid, stop posting about it and move on. He's exactly right, you keep crying about individuals rights, but that only applies to wealthy white corporatists or people who espouse racism on Facebook, not people who are trying to fight, or are victims of, police brutality, especially if they aren't white.
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I agree that Antonio Martin made a stupid move and the shooting by the cop was justified. Yet many of these cases are not nearly as cut and dried. The debate about blacks being unjustly arrested is relevant because it's a systematic trend which these cases are often a part of. And many times altercations start after police approach citizens simply going about their lives.

And the police trying to do their job and getting attitute, insults, assaults, and no co-operation has nothing to do with these altercations?

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The cops should just let themselves get shot by the black men so they can make everything "fair" then, right? You ever think that maybe a black man is 21 more times likley to put himself in a deadly force sitution with the police? Or is that just a racist thing to say? I mean hey, a dead cop is just a statistic no matter the race, but a dead black man is an instant martyr and reason to riot against the KKK police no matter the facts of the case justifying the shooting. Yeah, that's it.

Rabbis Recite Kaddish, Jewish Mourning Prayer, For Eric Garner, Later Arrested In NYC Protest

Yeah, all those stupid churches and civil rights leaders just love to protest things, don't they.


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And the police trying to do their job and getting attitute, insults, assaults, and no co-operation has nothing to do with these altercations?

I am merely pointing out that most cases are not as cut and dried as this one. Perhaps if you had spent your whole life being harassed by police you wouldn't be so cooperative. Fault often lies with both parties and if police were better educated about respecting people's right, and if citizens were better educated about how to defend their rights, this stuff would be more rare. There is clear evidence that racial profiling is rampant especially in certain parts of the USA.

So what about this reminds you of all these circumstances you cite?

Because no matter what the result, who was at fault, and whether you like it or not, these events are all part of a larger narrative happening in the US right now. Perhaps Antonio Martin pointed a gun at the cops because of a mistrust of police due to these other cases. Not saying it wasn't stupid, but all this stuff is linked. Whether you like it or not, these events do not exist in a vacuum, and when studying historic events we study them in the context of current events.

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If the cops in a lot of these shootings had proper training, the incidents wouldn't have happened in the first place, and they wouldn't escalate into a "business-as-usual" approach. Instead, you have the situation you have now, and people are tired of it. That's why you have people protesting all over the USA over it. Can't think of too many other countries where these type of shootings are so constant.

I think that in the US especially, the police have to assume the worst and it's a direct result of the country's interpretation of the 2nd amendment.

When handguns were declared protected by the amendment, it meant that virtually anyone could be armed, without anyone else's knowledge. With the proliferation of firearms and the attitudes towards them displayed by so many Americans, cops really have little choice but to assume the worst when going into a potentially hostile situation.

This is why we see lethal force leveled at unarmed suspects, when they make a move or gesture that can be construed as "threatening".

In a nutshell, incidents like this one, Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin are going to continue in the US, because the American public has willingly created an atmosphere that makes them inevitable.

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Personally I feel like black culture has one major issue. Who their youth idolize. I mean they look up to drug dealing gangsters who get rich or just plain violent criminals. Slogan F the police really seems to hold true most of the time. Yet same people call the police when they have a problem. So yeah if your kids look up to drug dealing gangster rappers it probably won't turn out great.

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Personally I feel like black culture has one major issue. Who their youth idolize. I mean they look up to drug dealing gangsters who get rich or just plain violent criminals. Slogan F the police really seems to hold true most of the time. Yet same people call the police when they have a problem. So yeah if your kids look up to drug dealing gangster rappers it probably won't turn out great.

So how do you explain the white sovereign citizens movement being cop killers?


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I think that in the US especially, the police have to assume the worst and it's a direct result of the country's interpretation of the 2nd amendment.

When handguns were declared protected by the amendment, it meant that virtually anyone could be armed, without anyone else's knowledge. With the proliferation of firearms and the attitudes towards them displayed by so many Americans, cops really have little choice but to assume the worst when going into a potentially hostile situation.

This is why we see lethal force leveled at unarmed suspects, when they make a move or gesture that can be construed as "threatening".

In a nutshell, incidents like this one, Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin are going to continue in the US, because the American public has willingly created an atmosphere that makes them inevitable.

So shoot first, ask questions later, no matter the outcome? The "American public" didn't decide to interperate the 2nd ammendment on handguns, the U.S. Supreme Court did.
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So shoot first, ask questions later, no matter the outcome? The "American public" didn't decide to interperate the 2nd ammendment on handguns, the U.S. Supreme Court did.

That's true, but someone had to bring the case before the courts. BTW: I'm not saying that I agree with the "shoot first" mentality, I'm just pointing out that this is the way things are and that it's a direct result of the prevalence of firearms in the US.

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That's true, but someone had to bring the case before the courts. BTW: I'm not saying that I agree with the "shoot first" mentality, I'm just pointing out that this is the way things are and that it's a direct result of the prevalence of firearms in the US.

Yes, lots of guns and their easy access are a big problem, I agree.
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Who, Glenn Beck?

Nah this Martin kid.

I know young people can do stupid crap but come on. Pointing a gun at the police is asking to be shot. It is unfortunate that this had to happen but this kid got in with the wrong people and this is the result. Martin was just expelled from school and his mother was encouraging him to get a job. As I said though he got in with the wrong people which is unfortunate.

Important fact: Martin served 30 days in jail as a 17 year old by committing two crimes in less then a month. One assault and one armed robbery.

Another interesting fact is that Martin's criminal actions made him 'known to police'

There are no ifs, ands, or buts. This kid was an armed criminal and the police were in their justifications to use deadly force.

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Personally I feel like black culture has one major issue. Who their youth idolize. I mean they look up to drug dealing gangsters who get rich or just plain violent criminals. Slogan F the police really seems to hold true most of the time. Yet same people call the police when they have a problem. So yeah if your kids look up to drug dealing gangster rappers it probably won't turn out great.

Lotta white kids look up to those same black rappers and think the " gangsta" lifestyle is something to admire..........true dat

Do you think it was only black people watching breaking bad or the wire ?

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Try Google and/or YouTube. I know it's not cut and paste, but I'm sure you'll figure it out.

This is by far the clearest footage i can find and i never see a gun in his hand , you do not really even see his hand.

I can barely make out anything in these vidoe's

It is obvious in this vidoe he extends his arm but I cannot determine if he has a gun in his hand.

This video shows hin raising and extending his arm but i am buggered if i can see a gun in his hand.

I am not saying he did not have a gun but in all the those video's i cannot see a gun in his hand.

Can you ?

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