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Some eye opening numbers that show exactly where this team is.


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No website offers that service so I do the research myself.

This.... gives you like 0 creditabiility... lol

EDIT: Okay. To give you credit, the rest of your particular post is correct in my opinion although defense can also be grown from within.

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They are garnering 17% offense from D the last time I did the numbers a few weeks ago.

The Kings,Black Hawks and Bruins ran 20-25% offensive production from their back ends in cup winning years.

The Canucks need a second unit PMD ,which '70seven' articulated above.

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While I view this team as mediocre, there are a few details coming to pass that change my overall outlook on the team.

#1. The play of Ryan Miller. After listening to goaltending annalists explain the process of changing your game and how long it takes for the thinking to remove itself and the natural reaction to occur, (bout half a season), Millers performance has really come along over this period. He's been a top 5 goalie over the last 6 weeks. He's playing with great confidence and the team is feeding off of it.

#2. With the absence of Hamhuis, the duo of Tanev and Edler have really impressed me with how theyve handled big minutes vs the best opposition. They are proving to me to be a highly capable #1 pairing, which means Hammer can settle in as a 2nd paining D man. Now if he had a PMD/PPQB partner on that 2nd pair, our combo of D and G could really separate us from teams like Dallas, Minni, Col, and even SJ whom all have more opposing top end offenses that can be nullified with sound D and G, and allow our forward depth to take advantage of some matchup opportunities, especially late in games when we may have the fresher of the forward groups.

Hamhuis is far and away the best dman on the team. Even coming back rusty he's had a bigger impact on the games than either tanev or edler (whom I both like as dmen). In my opinion, Hammer is the franchise player on this team atm.

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The only two good teams on the road trip and we lose to both of them by a combined score of 9-2. This is not looking good going into February when most of the teams will be a lot tougher. Hopefully this game was more fatigue then anything and some time off for the sedins couldn't come soon enough.

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The only two good teams on the road trip and we lose to both of them by a combined score of 9-2. This is not looking good going into February when most of the teams will be a lot tougher. Hopefully this game was more fatigue then anything and some time off for the sedins couldn't come soon enough.

Doesn't every team say that, and wouldn't it include the Canucks? What about the tankers and those soon to be out of the race?

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Remember not long ago?...all the rumbling about our PP being awful and that was the reason for a lack of success? So now it means little to have it rolling....unimportant and inadequate (that's not what was being said at the time).

Oh boy, people have short memories and just move on to the next thing without realizing it's a difficult thing to be a top team in pro sports. "Just do it".

And yet teams like LA and Chicago have not only become top teams, they've managed to stay at the top for the past few seasons now

we were 1 and done basically

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Right now we're 14th in league standings. Surprised Winnipeg is above us, but the rest above us are legit.

And how would we fare in the playoffs vs teams below us:

SJ - On-par with us. They do control the play in games though. 7-game series. We'd likely lose and blame the refs.

Calgary - Still below us, but catching up quickly. Games can go either way now instead of us trucking them regularly. 6-game series we'd win.

LA - Underacheiving this season (heard this before), but still own us. 5-game series we'd lose.

Florida - Still below us, but vastly improved and getting better quickly. Games can go either way now. 7-game series we'd win.

Dallas - They can either dominate us or fade. Depends how their defense performs that night. Younger and improving. 6-game series we'd win.

Colorado - Games can go either way now. 7-game series we'd win.

TO - It's over now for them this season and they've packed it in, but they did manage to win a game vs. us this season. 4-game series we'd win.

Minnesota - Definitely underacheiving, but can still beat us. 6-game series we'd lose.

Ottawa - On-par with us most nights. 7-game series we'd win.

Philly - Struggling again this season, but top guys could carry them through when they showed up. 6-game series we'd lose.

CBJ - Resurging lately and pretty nasty to play against. On-par with us as of late as they get healthier. 6-game series we'd lose.

NJ - Re-tooling as we are, their bones are right, but the muscles aren't there. 6-game series we'd win.

Arizona - Like Dallas, they can either show up vs us or not. 7-game series we'd win.

Carolina - Doesn't look too interested. 5-game series we'd win.

Edmonton - Doing a bit better against us lately, but still disjointed. 6-game series we'd win.

Buffalo - Good God. 4-game series we'd win.

Based on this knowledge, with lineups remaining where they're at, we're the 18th-19th best team in the league.

There are 17 games to be played before the trade deadline. 12-13 of those will be tough to win. We're going to find out pretty quickly if this team as it is will rise or fade.

imho, regardless of how those games go, Benning had better not make Gillis-like rental trades because they won't pan out. We just have to accept facts and continue the rebuilding process.

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Right now we're 14th in league standings. Surprised Winnipeg is above us, but the rest above us are legit.

And how would we fare in the playoffs vs teams below us:

SJ - On-par with us. They do control the play in games though. 7-game series. We'd likely lose and blame the refs.

Calgary - Still below us, but catching up quickly. Games can go either way now instead of us trucking them regularly. 6-game series we'd win.

LA - Underacheiving this season (heard this before), but still own us. 5-game series we'd lose.

Florida - Still below us, but vastly improved and getting better quickly. Games can go either way now. 7-game series we'd win.

Dallas - They can either dominate us or fade. Depends how their defense performs that night. Younger and improving. 6-game series we'd win.

Colorado - Games can go either way now. 7-game series we'd win.

TO - It's over now for them this season and they've packed it in, but they did manage to win a game vs. us this season. 4-game series we'd win.

Minnesota - Definitely underacheiving, but can still beat us. 6-game series we'd lose.

Ottawa - On-par with us most nights. 7-game series we'd win.

Philly - Struggling again this season, but top guys could carry them through when they showed up. 6-game series we'd lose.

CBJ - Resurging lately and pretty nasty to play against. On-par with us as of late as they get healthier. 6-game series we'd lose.

NJ - Re-tooling as we are, their bones are right, but the muscles aren't there. 6-game series we'd win.

Arizona - Like Dallas, they can either show up vs us or not. 7-game series we'd win.

Carolina - Doesn't look too interested. 5-game series we'd win.

Edmonton - Doing a bit better against us lately, but still disjointed. 6-game series we'd win.

Buffalo - Good God. 4-game series we'd win.

Based on this knowledge, with lineups remaining where they're at, we're the 18th-19th best team in the league.

There are 17 games to be played before the trade deadline. 12-13 of those will be tough to win. We're going to find out pretty quickly if this team as it is will rise or fade.

imho, regardless of how those games go, Benning had better not make Gillis-like rental trades because they won't pan out. We just have to accept facts and continue the rebuilding process.

These teams have high powered offense that we have had trouble containing like the 08/09 Hawks. You can't shut them down. I'm interested to see how we do against them again as since we last played them Edler and Tanev have really emerged as a good shutdown pairing.

We did good against dallas but too bad we still lost.

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"Hammer is the MVP"

And what happened in the Boston cup series? Need I remind folks?

People blame Luongo but nobody I've seen brings up the fact that Hammer was out. I firmly believe that Lord Stanley's Mug would be in the rafters here had Hammer not been injured in Boston.

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"Hammer is the MVP"

And what happened in the Boston cup series? Need I remind folks?

People blame Luongo but nobody I've seen brings up the fact that Hammer was out. I firmly believe that Lord Stanley's Mug would be in the rafters here had Hammer not been injured in Boston.

Yup, that hipcheck ended our quest for the cup. Our best and most steadiest d-man was out and we still took them to 7.


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"Hammer is the MVP"

And what happened in the Boston cup series? Need I remind folks?

People blame Luongo but nobody I've seen brings up the fact that Hammer was out. I firmly believe that Lord Stanley's Mug would be in the rafters here had Hammer not been injured in Boston.

Kesler injury messed up things too, essentially made us a one line team as Boston could focus on the sedins and not have to worry about kesler whereas against chicago and san jose kesler took the top line freeing up the sedins and the other way around against nashville. Kesler's injury is the reason we lost imo cause what we desperately needed was offense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You jinxed the PP! lol

Teams figured it out. Vrbata was new to the team so teams had to adapt to what he brought and it took some time but the teams trying to make the playoffs behind us know how important it is to shut it down.

Although I must say, the time I made this thread to now a few things have changed that I couldn't anticipate like our rookie line playing so well 5 on 5.

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