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i dont have my game open, but i have that legendary leg guard from a mirelurk. And a legendary shotgun from some raider. I'll name them when I load my game.

I stll have yet to meet the railroad, the institute, or the brotherhood of steel. But I have had to face the mirelurk queen. God damn, the mirelurk queen, lol. 

I have about 22-23 hours in. I've had some fun with random encounters. My favourite moment so far was tracking down cries for help to the roof of an abandoned, unmarked building, to find to guys who looked the same, but one was a synth.  Was able to solve the situation using charisma and speech. It was awesome.

I hated the mirelurk queen, I fired two mininukes at her and she still didn't die. Was able to finish her off, and now praying that I don't run into another one lol

I like the assaultrons, hard to kill but are fun to take down.

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Stupid work interrupting my Fallout 4 playing!! I am just over 48 hours in playing on survival. Such an Awesome game. To whoever said about not enough resources I agree, I have completely cleared out all of the settlement I have come across of all scrap-able junk and I always need more more more!!! 

Oil is the biggest one, I am always taking everything that contains oil and get flak for it from my companions. I wish I could just build an Oil rig or something that gives me a constant supply. 

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I was level 13 when did it. I shot 5 missles at it (you can find a missle launcher and missles within the building itself), and then finished it off with pistols.

I tried the first few times trying to defeat it with only pistols while dancing around the central radio tower to avoid it's attacks, but the poison lingers on the ground, and if you touch it, about 75% of your health disappears. And when I managed to knock off half its health, it started chucking babies at me, which made the task impossible. 

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75 Hours in. Still have not completed main quest. Too busy exploring. Though I still have not helped the Minutemen take that fort... lol.

My haul of Legendaries which I've found and sold would be too high to name, but a couple of my favourites are: My Rocket Launcher that does double damage if the target is at full health - I put a quad Barrel on that sucker pretty quick; A .44 Magnum that explodes for 15 points of aoe damage, and an assault rifle that freezes people on Crit. - Oh yeah, and an Automatic Shotgun that costs 25% less in vats.


I think I enjoy setting up settlements a little too much, Sanctuary has a wall that would put Alexandria from TWD to Shame, I've got Machine Gun/Heavy Machine Gun Turrets all over the damn place, and I've never even heard any of them go off, I've got supply lines from Sanctuary to Boston Airport.


You guys do know you can assign companions to Power Armor Right? ;)


What types of builds have you guys rolled with? I ended up going very heavily into Charisma - Pacifying people is fun.



By the way, if you use the "Tag for search" option, when crafting, the game will automatically highlight any junk items you find that have the material you're looking for. Personally, I have a bitch of a time keeping of top of Adhesive and Aluminum.


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75 Hours in. Still have not completed main quest. Too busy exploring. Though I still have not helped the Minutemen take that fort... lol.

My haul of Legendaries which I've found and sold would be too high to name, but a couple of my favourites are: My Rocket Launcher that does double damage if the target is at full health - I put a quad Barrel on that sucker pretty quick; A .44 Magnum that explodes for 15 points of aoe damage, and an assault rifle that freezes people on Crit. - Oh yeah, and an Automatic Shotgun that costs 25% less in vats.


I think I enjoy setting up settlements a little too much, Sanctuary has a wall that would put Alexandria from TWD to Shame, I've got Machine Gun/Heavy Machine Gun Turrets all over the damn place, and I've never even heard any of them go off, I've got supply lines from Sanctuary to Boston Airport.


You guys do know you can assign companions to Power Armor Right? ;)


What types of builds have you guys rolled with? I ended up going very heavily into Charisma - Pacifying people is fun.



By the way, if you use the "Tag for search" option, when crafting, the game will automatically highlight any junk items you find that have the material you're looking for. Personally, I have a bitch of a time keeping of top of Adhesive and Aluminum.


I went with high charisma too. Manipulating people makes the game much easier.

I find the number of settlements overwhelming. I tend to 3; Sanctuary, The Drive-In and the Castle. The amount of time put into all other settlements is negligible at best.

I'm level 24, 29 hours played.

My notable weapons are the Ashmaker, an incendiary minigun, the Deliverer, a lethal silenced pistol with a 25% increase in VATS hit chances, and 25% decrease in VATS cost, the Righteous Authority is still my best power weapon, I also came across a seraded Chinese sword at a vendor which is the best melee weapon I have found to date. My favourite is definitely the Deliverer, which you earn as a Railroad quest reward.

am currently wearing an Assault Gas Mask, only 1 DMG, but has 15 rad resistance. I wear the Brotherhood of Steel uniform, with a Bolstering Alloyed Metal Left Leg, Braced Alloy Metal Left Arm, a Pocketed Brotherhood Combat Armour Chest Piece, with a Sharp Shadowed Metal Right Leg.


Adhesive is definitely a pain in the ass to keep on top of. I also run out of screws a lot.

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I have literally just the first power suit still. Haven't used it beyond the first mission, so it's not relevant that I find more. I find it very cool that they beefed it up, and gave it its own style of gameplay, but I'm never a heavy armour guy.

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Has anyone been to the Dunwich Borers site yet. The &^@# is that about. Lol. Firstly, the raiders are insanely overpowered if you're only level 15/16, as you're getting everything and the kitchen sink thrown at you. I just went there on a minutemen quest, there was no warning.

Then there's the ghoul tunnels, which I won't spoil. But it's pretty epic. Also messed up, and difficult like a bitch. But it's all pretty epic.

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Has anyone been to the Dunwich Borers site yet. The &^@# is that about. Lol. Firstly, the raiders are insanely overpowered if you're only level 15/16, as you're getting everything and the kitchen sink thrown at you. I just went there on a minutemen quest, there was no warning.

Then there's the ghoul tunnels, which I won't spoil. But it's pretty epic. Also messed up, and difficult like a bitch. But it's all pretty epic.

Yeah, that part was pretty crazy. The ghoul tunnels were nuts, and I saw a couple of legendaries in there as well. Also the Sneak PipBoy down there, too.

The setting of the haze and the ghouls running around, with the flashbacks was nuts.

I also agree with your power armor opinion. I have 3 of them right now and don't use any.

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14 hours ago, BaerOxHitman said:

Does anybody else find power armour too easy to find? I have 5 separate suits.

Yah but having more than 1 doesn't do anything for you, they are all the same and only depend on what armour pieces you attach to them. Although I do have 2 extra sets on display in my Armour repair Garage :P



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39 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

Yah but having more than 1 doesn't do anything for you, they are all the same and only depend on what armour pieces you attach to them. Although I do have 2 extra sets on display in my Armour repair Garage :P



I collect them anyways. There are different models as well. I have a BOS armor set which is really heavy and slow and I have some light stuff which I can move faster in. I find myself using the BOS one more though.

I found a gamebreaking glitch. I'm going to spoiler it just in case.

Shouldnt be any spoilers now.

There's a mission that involves meeting a Courser near a floating raider village made of old boats and stuff. Just before entering the floating raider base, a bunch of brotherhood guys in power armor show up.

Well the Courser can't die, he just sits there for a bit then gets up. So the brotherhood try and kill him cause he's a courser, and its an infinite loop. I have to follow the Courser but he won't move cause he's trying to kill all the brotherhood guys. But they are too strong for him to kill.

Eventually you hit an infinite loop of them trying to kill each other.

The only way around this I could find (even after loading wayyyyy back) was to kill all the brotherhood knights. I really didn't want to do this because I'm in the brotherhood. But I had to.

After killing them all, I go back to find the Courser stuck underwater. Not in one occasion. Twice. First time I went back to try and kill them again and he was in the water again, not moving.

This is a game breaking glitch, because I can't advance in the main campaign without doing this mission.

I'm not sure where to go to bring attention to this, but it's really pissing me off.

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