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players need to bring out the goods


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i know its a long season and players get hurt and other distractions are around and players get edge and players just burnt out but my recommendation are as follows if i was running this team...first of all i was the one that said hansen would do well on pp and sedans..look what he's done but yet others on here said I'm on glue..i only give tips rarely and here goes to turn things for the better...      team needs horvat higgins and breaths bartkowski and others too just start playing with more emotion that simple...its not easy but id like to see horvat play bigger with a mean streak..virtanen is doing it but a bit too much but he is learning..jared is just fine...there is no emotion and extra gritty..burrows has shown some and they obviously miss prust and dorsett in those type of games..just  push back harder canucks when things are not working ..get involved with smart ways of getting into the game..not by dumb penalties                                    

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I'm not sure you were the only one singing the praises of Hansen.

And this was pretty difficult to read...try to split up your thoughts vs running them all together.  I'm happy you're providing "tips" but I'm not sure if this post was about piling the team in a car or the WWE because it's all over the map.


I do agree that emotion and physicality are part of intensity in a game, but when you're the team on the short straw of the ref penalty straw, it's also a fine line.  So they tend to hold back a bit and I'm with you in the thinking that a few good body checks when they're down can sometimes rattle the chains.

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Because he's earned the right to do that imo. 

You might be right, but you're not going to stop 1000's of idiots from calling out this team every time they have a hiccup or two unfortunately.  You've been around long enough to understand this. 

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  6 minutes ago, PlanB said:

Because he's earned the right to do that imo.

Problem is, when you call out others there may come a time when the tables are turned and accountability must also be part of the equation.  So it's important to be equally hard on yourself...then you've earned the right to. 


I'd prefer the team didn't point fingers at one another.  It's up to those around struggling teammates to try to help carry them through that, NOT to call them out in a holier than thou way.  Because encouragement is often more effective than criticism.  These are big boys, they know when they're not performing their best.  And to create division with an angry stare down or statements that point out flaws?  That's not being a teammate...there are coaches in place to do that stuff.

Important to all be on the same page and have each others' backs.  The team wins AND loses together.

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What hg77 is saying will work if you can get team to play as a team..you need to get involved ...its about one shift at a time and thats not happening..more shots down low and more traffic at the net...there is a time to carry the puck and time to shoot it in but i see that passing is not working and skating with the puck is wasted energy..look to spring open players more often to stretch the defence and look to fake the point shots to open wingers...  the canucks are going to be just fine...lots of teams  struggling...not getting puck luck and not getting good calls from the refs...im not complaining I'm just pointing out they can do better with some good tactics and better entertainment for the fans...hockey is a business it aint easy buy gees do the job what you get paid for well...there are guys waiting to get in the line up...

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Danny didn't disagree with what Miller said.  He finally took accountablity.  Whats happened in the room since then im not sure.  Miller prob just needs a break.  Put Marky in for a game.  If he does well give him a 2nd to give Miller some rest.  

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