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Bob McKenzie: Fools gold to win this late in the season


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Neat little piece by the godfather and refreshing to hear the most respected media member in hockey mention the same thing which team tank has been saying since it became crystal clear this season was a write off for the Canucks.



Just find it dumbfounding how some people take it personally, as if it insults them in some sort of sick way, when Canucks fans hope for the team to lose as much as they can. You do know by wishing for that, we are the ones actually hoping for the BETTERMENT of the franchise right? A top 3/4 pick in this years draft is hands down the best way this team can improve right now and it's simply something which cannot be refuted. 


Don't get those who are excited seeing the team win meaningless games at this stage of the season. California teams swept? Sweet! Those 6 points are helping us right? Oh, right. They're not.  All it did was bring down our odds of winning the lottery by some crucial percentages and it will possibly be the difference between picking a franchise player or not. If that ends up being the case, all those people who pride themselves in not seeing this team give up and win meaningless games - well I guess you'll be happy to see Matthews/Laine/Puljujarvi/Chychrun turning around their respective franchises as we continue to see the same old mediocrity because a franchise player is a MUST for any team to turn their fortunes around. It's just the nature of hockey and has been since the game originated. I get we'd still be getting a very solid prospect if we picked after 4th but the difference between very solid and a franchise player is colossal. It's the difference of prolonging a rebuild another year+ (depending on when you finally get that franchise player) or turning it around right away.


And please, do not bring up the Oilers as a comparison/precedent as to why we should not hope for the highest pick possible. Edmonton is a toxic wasteland and the odd bunch who completely screwed up many years ago, seeing the results pile on and snowball ever since. Instead, you can look at the history of the game of all the Stanley Cup winning teams ever and see how many top picks/franchise players they had to lead their teams. It's right there in front of anyone to see and fact. 



tl;dr...all the anti-losing/anti-high pick people, shove your loser "pride" away. Stubbornness is all it is and winning these games helps this team in no way compared to what upping or odds at a lottery pick do. Throw that pride away aka effort aka winning culture, acknowledge this team sucks, and embrace that the higher we pick the better it is for this organization. It's not a complicated concept and pretty common sense after all considering it's been around ever since hockey began being the nature of the game. "Too good/too proud to lose" heroes...all you're wishing is for a dimmer future by supporting that flawed logic gaining useless points. Lesser the points, better the odds, better the team will be. Enlighten yourself, please.




At this point, all you can do is hope these late season wins don't end up biting the Canucks in the rear end and they don't climb any higher in league standings than they already have.


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Fan 1: Yay, we beat LAK, ANA, SJS!

H.Sedin: You do realize these teams are barely trying...
Fan 2: Well, good bye top 3 pick...


"What does it mean to win 3 straight against Stanley Cup contenders?"



"Nothing. Would have been nice to do it earlier.

You go into next year thinking you’ve got a good shot at it. We’ve got to remember we’re playing teams getting ready for the playoffs and I don’t see them putting their full, full effort into it. "

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3 minutes ago, Gstank29 said:

You didn't even post the link/quote the article


It's not the fan base that is clueless its you so called "fans"

Are you the new decider of fans? I get really confused on these boards because everyone claims to be the one that decides what a fan is. 

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3 minutes ago, Brad Marchand said:

I just want the season to end because it's clear that this forum is incapable of having this discussion without resorting to labelling large groups of people "idiots" or "clueless".

Everything was clearly presented in the OP, but everyone will just dismiss it and just bash the OP, just like every other non-fanboy thread on here.


You want a discussion? Lol, you know I'm capable.

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2 minutes ago, Comet Fan 0727 said:

Maybe the ones shelling out hard earned dollars may want to see a win?  Especaily against hated rivals. 

I along with my sibling was a Canucks season ticket holder last season. And let me tell you, it was a huge waste of money seeing the state the franchise was in. Only ended up going to a select few games all season long and even then, knowing the money we gave up, the general consensus among STH's was we didn't care about how much the team won and would much rather see the team do the right things (aka sell assets which would leave aka get a high pick instead of a measly 1 round of playoffs aka actually move on from 2011 and focus on the REBUILD). 


And that's pretty selfish anyways to say that. If you're going to games you're a fan of the team. And being a fan of the team means supporting what's best for the team which is getting a higher pick. I honestly found more excitement in going to games this year in which we would lose but the young guys would get a good chunk of icetime because I knew it moved us closer to the goal of getting the highest pick possible. Winning a few games here and there is just temporary and meaningless now. Get a temporary high, cool. But long term, you'll feel the effects as you continue to be a middle of the pack team and don't get that player you desperately need.

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1 minute ago, TheRussianRocket. said:

I along with my sibling was a Canucks season ticket holder last season. And let me tell you, it was a huge waste of money seeing the state the franchise was in. Only ended up going to a select few games all season long and even then, knowing the money we gave up, the general consensus among STH's was we didn't care about how much the team won and would much rather see the team do the right things (aka sell assets which would leave aka get a high pick instead of a measly 1 round of playoffs aka actually move on from 2011 and focus on the REBUILD). 


And that's pretty selfish anyways to say that. If you're going to games you're a fan of the team. And being a fan of the team means supporting what's best for the team which is getting a higher pick. I honestly found more excitement in going to games this year in which we would lose but the young guys would get a good chunk of icetime because I knew it moved us closer to the goal of getting the highest pick possible. Winning a few games here and there is just temporary and meaningless now. Get a temporary high, cool. But long term, you'll feel the effects as you continue to be a middle of the pack team and don't get that player you desperately need.

Wait, you decide what a fan is? Will someone help a guy out. I always thought a fan was someone who simply cheers for a team whether it's for a game or for a decade? 

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I agree with you OP that losing now is best for the team in the long run. But what irritates me is how "fans" here are literally crying over a win like it's the end of the world. Sure, losing could increase our odds of winning the draft lottery a bit but it does not guarantee anything. Buffalo and Arizona tanked hard last season while Edmonton simply sucked and we all know which team walked away with Connor McDavid. Losing hardly guarantees anything. 


Bob McKenzie also mentioned in the same link that there are many ways to get a top player outside of drafting in the top 3. He provides examples such as Karlsson and Larkin in recent years of how good scouting is an important part of the draft. 


Yes, we lowered our chances to get Matthews by a couple percent by winning three games in a row but that doesn't mean we won't walk away with a very good player. The Canucks haven't had an elite defenceman for many years and if we draft anywhere in the 4-10 range we will be in a position to draft a high-ceiling defenceman prospect. Doesn't seem like the end of the world to me.

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Colorado has had high picks where are they?

Florida had high picks for 10 years and they are only figuring it out now

NYI have had high picks and even have a franchise center yet they are still the middle of the pack

Winnipeg same thing

Carolina where are they after having back to back top 5 picks?

Columbus oh look same thing multiple high end picks but haven't been able to do anything


And I degress as this argument has been beaten to death then revived and then beaten to death again



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