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[Mafia] Game of Thrones (Game On)

Beluga Whale

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14 hours ago, thejazz97 said:

It wasn't a date as far as I was concerned. We were just hanging out. But my roomies almost killed me after learning I didn't make a move.

Why didn't you make a move?

Why didn't you consider it a date?


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Back again.

Finally caught up and I must say that we're really lacking leadership aside from Aladeen.

If I was Sheriff, I investigated Bassi round 1. Only to see him/her/it die.
And investigated KH round 2 and see him come up mafia.

Also, I don't know how everyone here failed to use the most basic way of finding other mafia.
Looking at dead mafioso's posts.

Kakanucks had a whole list for us to devour once she died.
I'll look in depth in my next post.

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Wow! Jazz really offers nothing.

It seems a waste to put him in a Thunderdome,  just wait and lynch him in another round or 2.


TL and JL are the only 2 that are in my scum lists from pages 31 and 42.


I've gone through the thread so many times that I see scum everywhere.


Any thoughts out there on a  AV - BJ  Thunderdome?


I'm really not liking AV (game wise of course)


Vote AV



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59 minutes ago, Time Lord said:

The only reason people even think I'm mafia is because a few people said it in round 1 and now everything I say has to be twisted to suit that thought.



I have played enough games so far, that I know it can be done with everybody and with everything they say.

How about you select those things you've said and defend them against those who say your mafia because of those twists.

Wouldn't it be better to clear any thoughts of a mafia alignment now, rather then in a Thunderdome.

Have you given us your Sheriff's investigations in each round with your reasons, yet.

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3 hours ago, JAY JAY said:

Wow! Jazz really offers nothing.


Thanks, man. If I can make it to the weekend, I should be fine. I've just been way busier than I expected to be.


I would have been able to be on here last night for a solid bit of time, but someone took my shirt while I was at the pool last night - I kid you not - and so I had to wait for my stoned roommates to bring me a shirt, which they forgot, and then I came home and had to make something to eat. I'm not making any of this up. I voted for Dr. Strangelove because from what I had read, he had a sketchy (re?)entry. I'm sorry for being practically useless so far, but I'm not planning on doing much tonight so I'll try and contribute more then.

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14 hours ago, Alain Vigneault said:

A sidenote:  You seem to be way more active now as opposed to yesterday (ya ya everybody has a life).  Does that have anything to do with your name (seemingly) being clear of the lynch? 

Gee, do you think it's because as a confirmed tp, I'm free. (almost tempted to declare every time I'm special just for that)

I'm not required to constantly defend myself against other tp, and have time to seek out mafia.

You mean I could still be lynched?

I'm expecting to be killed but not lynched.


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Just now, thejazz97 said:

Thanks, man. If I can make it to the weekend, I should be fine. I've just been way busier than I expected to be.


I would have been able to be on here last night for a solid bit of time, but someone took my shirt while I was at the pool last night - I kid you not - and so I had to wait for my stoned roommates to bring me a shirt, which they forgot, and then I came home and had to make something to eat. I'm not making any of this up. I voted for Dr. Strangelove because from what I had read, he had a sketchy (re?)entry. I'm sorry for being practically useless so far, but I'm not planning on doing much tonight so I'll try and contribute more then.

Good to know. I don't want to tell you what to do, but maybe since your time is so short, you can spend all your CDC time here on this thread only.

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19 hours ago, Aladeen said:

If/when the sheriff gets killed they will flip sheriff, then we know that those people they investigated are Town and for sure not mafia, that way we don't lynch them. The Mafia already know who is town, so giving up information about who is town to the mafia doesn't really matter. And I think you ultimately missed the whole point of my previous post.




This will help give cover to the sheriff and will give us valuable SPEW when someone flips mafia. Also everyone has to do it otherwise it doesn't work. 

Just a reminder.

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Put me in a thunder dome if you want.  There's a 100% chance I'll flip TP if voted out.


But the logical move is to put KH and Dr.S as I think they are better candidates.  You could extend that list to Jazz, JL, BJ, or Dral too but Doctor and King are still my primary choices.


Also reconsider your vote on me.  Don't let your short fuse cloud your judgment and take away from the reality of this game.  There isn't a scenario where I'm scum.



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After reading a few more pages, I'm getting TP reads off of Strangelove. As well as the "lol" I saw and the ensuing aftermath wasn't really all that suspicious after all.


Dral is kind of interesting.


14 hours ago, Dral said:

If I was the sheriff, I probably would have investigated Aladeenis to see how big his penis was... but I would be very disappointed in the end...


I'd also probably investigate... AV - he seems like he might actually be TP this time around...

8 minutes ago, Dral said:

Also, if I turn up sheriff, look at who I vote for and not who I claimed to investigate... so easy to spot the non-sheriffs by saying who you investigate ;)

Just to keep this in mind. Not saying he's mafia at all tho.


I gotta go to work. See yall later.

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18 minutes ago, Alain Vigneault said:

Also reconsider your vote on me.  Don't let your short fuse cloud your judgment and take away from the reality of this game.  There isn't a scenario where I'm scum.

You truly insult me by making that claim.


Actually, I have been over this thread so many times that I could show you to be mafia.

Not saying I will do it, just saying I can show it.

To a stronger degree than the (fwybwed pm thing), that was used on me.


For now, my vote on you is sufficient.


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Reading over the thread again....


If you're truly the Lyncher, calling your last thunder dome would make you useless after that.


So, no, I don't think you'll be killed but being lynched is obviously a possibility, no matter how low the odds.

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