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[Mafia] Game of Thrones (Game On)

Beluga Whale

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Just now, JAY JAY said:

And you mentioned this earlier, where exactly?

Discussion part is new, I'll give that.


But I asked you to identify and naturally, there would be reactions that I think would make discussion.


What's done is done.  Now, can you tell me why you were hesitant to reveal?

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On 19/05/2016 at 9:06 PM, Beluga Whale said:

Round 2 Final Vote Counts



Otherwise (6)


Blue Jay, Kazmanian Devil, King Heffy, Dr.Strangelove, falcon45ca, Time Lord,




Dr.Strangelove (3)


One one two, JohnLocke, Aladeen,


Falcon (2)


Jay Jay, Mau5trap


Blue Jay (1)


Alain Vigneault


King Heffy (1)




Dral (1)




Aladeen (1)




Not Voting (3)


 Kakanucks, Zfetch,




Trial by Thunderdome Vote Count


Kakanucks (7)


Kazmanian Devil, One one two, Aladeen, Blue Jay, Dral, King Heffy, Time Lord,




Mau5trap (4)


Alain Vigneault, falcon45ca, Otherwise, Dr.Strangelove,


Not Voting (6)


Jay Jay, JohnLocke, thejazz97, Mau5trap, Kakanucks, Zfetch





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On 16/05/2016 at 3:43 PM, Kakanucks said:

Impressions (very vague points, will need to re-read some posts later today):

Alain Vigneault - TP, MO is similar to TP AV when I played with him.

JohnLocke - Neutral, leaning abit towards Mafia. Seems to be hiding in the shadows.

Dr.Strangelove - Neutral vibes, nothing said up to now gives off certain vibes.

Time Lord - borderline mafia vibe for me, as I feel TL isn't as engaging in his posts than when he was TP in previous games, but may just be the long round 1.

Aladeen - 45%/55% on whether TP or scum. (I think 112/Aladeen either one is TP other may be Mafia, just a gut feeling)

g_bassi - no comments as not much posted.

112 - TP leader as of now, though constant changing of votes in the beginning was confusing. Legit scum hunting.

Kaz - Neutral. Helpful in trying to put focus on players that were slacking and

Chris (unknown whether to be subbed/GK) - was engaged to play in the beginning of the round, but got frustrated by players questioning/play too easily. No real read.**

Mau5 - was quite defensive when called out earlier by 112, just a scummy vibe, hasn't heard from much today.

Falcon - TP as of now, mafia falcon usually derails scum hunting by posting useless memes when questioned.

Kassian87 Jazz - No real read as subbed in. **

Zfetch - TP for now. Was offering insights to posts and tried to scum hunt early on. Haven't heard from today.


Qwags Dral - No real read as subbed in. **

Kakanucks - TP, no reasons needed.

fwybwed - Really no effort in fighting his lynch. No reasons for PM, etc.

King Heffy - Mafia KH usually slacks and rarely posts when he's mafia. TP for now.

Blue Jay - neutral vibes, 1st time playing here, but comes off very skillful in the mafia game. Hard to read in this first round.


Note: list was copied from BW's post on page 7.

** I feel 1 of the 3 players subbed/GKed could be mafia.

Ok I have reposted this summary post of Kaka's and enlarged her reads on BJ and AV. Also Underlined the 2 players we know she was telling the truth about and put in blue the one's we know she lied about. 

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It's interesting the term she used for BJ "Skillful".


Why would she use that term specifically? Perhaps a skillful strategist in Mafia chat? Skillful wouldn't have been the words I would have chosen for BJ, experienced or quick to learn would have been more accurate if just basing it off of ITT. 


It is interesting to note that she did put AV as town without much explanation. However she did tell us the truth about falcon and 112. Would all her town reads be actually town? Doubtful so her remaining town reads of 





I would personally assume that there has to be at least 1 mafia in there and possibly 2. Although if I was personally picking order of scummiest to most townie AV would be the last on that list. 

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On Monday, May 16, 2016 at 3:43 PM, Kakanucks said:

Impressions (very vague points, will need to re-read some posts later today):

Alain Vigneault - TP, MO is similar to TP AV when I played with him.

JohnLocke - Neutral, leaning abit towards Mafia. Seems to be hiding in the shadows.

Dr.Strangelove - Neutral vibes, nothing said up to now gives off certain vibes.

Time Lord - borderline mafia vibe for me, as I feel TL isn't as engaging in his posts than when he was TP in previous games, but may just be the long round 1.

Aladeen - 45%/55% on whether TP or scum. (I think 112/Aladeen either one is TP other may be Mafia, just a gut feeling)

g_bassi - no comments as not much posted.

112 - TP leader as of now, though constant changing of votes in the beginning was confusing. Legit scum hunting.

Kaz - Neutral. Helpful in trying to put focus on players that were slacking and

Chris (unknown whether to be subbed/GK) - was engaged to play in the beginning of the round, but got frustrated by players questioning/play too easily. No real read.**

Mau5 - was quite defensive when called out earlier by 112, just a scummy vibe, hasn't heard from much today.

Falcon - TP as of now, mafia falcon usually derails scum hunting by posting useless memes when questioned.

Kassian87 Jazz - No real read as subbed in. **

Zfetch - TP for now. Was offering insights to posts and tried to scum hunt early on. Haven't heard from today.


Qwags Dral - No real read as subbed in. **

Kakanucks - TP, no reasons needed.

fwybwed - Really no effort in fighting his lynch. No reasons for PM, etc.

King Heffy - Mafia KH usually slacks and rarely posts when he's mafia. TP for now.

Blue Jay - neutral vibes, 1st time playing here, but comes off very skillful in the mafia game. Hard to read in this first round.


Note: list was copied from BW's post on page 7.

** I feel 1 of the 3 players subbed/GKed could be mafia.

A good rule of thumb for mafiosos is to always put at least a teammate or two in their scum lists.







Now Fwy came up TP and Aladeen looks the most TP of anyone alive, so that leaves us with Mau5 and TL.


Of course there is a chance she tricked us all with her list and put 0 mafia in her scum pile, but let's get real.


Mau5 went up against Kaka in a TBT. Kaka got lynched and came up mafia. However, this does not rule out Mau5 as mafia. Both TBT candidates could have been mafia and one's role could have been greater than the others hence the fair but not substantial lead Kaka had in the vote.


In terms of TL, my mafia radar on him hasn't gone off yet and that's the only way I really judge him as it works most of the time when he has enough posts. Problem is, so far he hasn't had enough posts. He could either be hiding in fear of me calling him out like I always do when I notice a big red flag in his posts, or he could genuinely be inactive. I would like him to explain himself here since activity isn't always the best measurement of scumness. 


Mau5 and TL about equal in scummyness until either of them posts a little more. 

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The one thing I should note is that Kakanucks said she felt one of the three subbed in players could be mafia.


That's a weird thing to say, especially when she singled out the subs who barely posted up until that point.


Otherwise died and came up TP so this leaves us with Jazz and Dral.


Jazz insignificant contributions make me think he is the more likely mafia out of him and Dral. It's not even that Jazz has been inactive or anything, he's had chances to post and made very little out of it.


Let's add to that list with this other observation and we get ourselves a list that's almost 100% confirmed to carry mafia in it:






From scummiest to least.

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Just now, Zfetch said:

The one thing I should note is that Kakanucks said she felt one of the three subbed in players could be mafia.


That's a weird thing to say, especially when she singled out the subs who barely posted up until that point.


Otherwise died and came up TP so this leaves us with Jazz and Dral.


Jazz insignificant contributions make me think he is the more likely mafia out of him and Dral. It's not even that Jazz has been inactive or anything, he's had chances to post and made very little out of it.


Let's add to that list with this other observation and we get ourselves a list that's almost 100% confirmed to carry mafia in it:






From scummiest to least.

Vote me out then, if that's what you think.

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On Monday, May 16, 2016 at 3:49 PM, Kazmanian Devil said:

Agreed, what's worse is that he hasn't made any game-related posts aside from that.


Agreed. Looked like Time Lord is trying to create an excuse to slank.


Meh, not really enough in this to read Falcon imo


Gbassi shows up when his name is called.


This looks townie from Dr. S to me


Well get on it soon.


Townie points for BJ.


I didn't find anything scummy about JJ's interaction with you.


Agree that TL is scummy, but that's a great point against yourself. Why did you choose TL out of everybody for your "TP Leaders" post?


This is awful.


Agree with most of this, especially the town reads. Disagree with labeling Aladeen scum. 112 and Aladeen most likely are not Mafia teammates. 


Pretty sure this was the 3rd vote on Fwy after TL and Heffy.


If that's how you feel.


Pretty weird to draw that conclusion when 112 and I were clearly anti-Qwags since before the game started.


Uh, he definitely needs to defend himself, or start posting on-topic. I get town vibes from Dr. S.


Because it's improbable, not impossible.


Defends KH quite a bit, and that reasoning is really weak.


Falcon is more scum than town for sure.


I've seen her do it as either side, so I wouldn't use that 


TL looks to be throwing suspicion at myself, 112, and Dr. S (3 people I believe are town at this point), while defending an obvious slanker in KH.


Haven't noticed JL much, strongly disagree with him.


Very bold theory. Who is actually pushing for GK's though? Asking to GK Virt doesn't count because he's just a POS.


Also Falcon decided to completely spam the thread on this page (30). Not reading off of it, but it's annoying.


Agreed that Falcon's scumhunting has been very minimal.


More piss-weak voting from Falcon.


Very scummy entrance from Kaka.




I agree and will be very disappointed if Fwy is town and does nothing to try and avoid the lynch.


Poor reasoning to scum read Falcon. I think Heffy and Falcon are both scum.

While scrolling on the same page, I found another post that is scummy and it's Kaz who has been one of my favorites for lunch all game long.


The key thing to note is his lack of connections. He calls out a post by Kaka "very scummy" yet in his conclusion he doesn't even note that, instead he notes Falcon and KH as scummy.


To add, with all that in his conclusion, he doesn't end up voting for anyone in his scummy list and votes Fwybwed instead. 


Oh, oh, oh, and one more thing. He has some serious foreshadow here. He says he will be dissapointed if Fwy is TP and does nothing to avoid a lynch. That is either a huge slip-up or a pure coincidence based off speculation. However, all of Kaz's posts are coming together as irrational and rather sheltered which would be a strong indication that he could be mafia.




Mau5, TL



And all of a sudden just disecting a few words on page 34 and we have a strong list put together.

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6 minutes ago, thejazz97 said:

Vote me out then, if that's what you think.

Dude stop playing this brutal game. It's obvious you don't care, if you're town then I fracking care if you're mafia just tell BW to GK you if you seriously have this little respect for your team mates. Qwags has played better this game than you have. 

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Just now, Aladeen said:

Dude stop playing this brutal game. It's obvious you don't care, if you're town then I fracking care if you're mafia just tell BW to GK you if you seriously have this little respect for your team mates. Qwags has played better this game than you have. 

I'm sorry, man. I care - I just didn't expect this week to be this busy and I fell behind. I don't know who my teammates are. 


But when people attack me like that, what defense I have? Yeah, I've played a $#*% game so far. But I'm trying to change that.


If you think I'm mafia, there's really nothing I can do to change that.

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Jazz is Virt's sub.


Also, I ain't voting until I'm done here. There's still more to go that I and nobody else has even touched on.

That defense helps, but it's seriously weak of you to your teammates whether you're TP or mafia. I understand that you're a sub and all, but I'm not concerned about your activity. That's expected from a sub. It's the effort level or hiding that kills. Putting a minute or two more effort into one post could help us TP distinguish you as TP from mafia or vice versa.



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Just now, thejazz97 said:

I'm sorry, man. I care - I just didn't expect this week to be this busy and I fell behind. I don't know who my teammates are. 


But when people attack me like that, what defense I have? Yeah, I've played a $#*% game so far. But I'm trying to change that.


If you think I'm mafia, there's really nothing I can do to change that.

I don't even have an opinion if you are TP or mafia. I just hear excuses as to why you can't play a game you said you would but are posting in wish threads and ask various members of white noise crap, but have no time to give us any input into this game whatsoever. Then when you do come in you vote without explanation....


If people think you're mafia there are things you can do about, like helping the town to actually win the game. If you're honestly too busy, that sucks, but if you're not too busy to find out what important questions people are asking Kaz I can't see how you're too busy to come here and take a scan through the thread tell us what you think and give a justification for a vote.


You don't have to be posting like me, Dral is at the same level of activity as you and at least he is up front about it, and gives his reads and leaves. 


If you are TP chances are the mafia are never going to target you, if you slank your way through the game and avoid the noose then this game is going to be depended on you to win. So put a little effort in IMO... I like you jazz but it's frustrating to see you posting in other threads then coming in here and simply voting Dr.S without so much as a word to why you are doing so. 

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2 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

I don't even have an opinion if you are TP or mafia. I just hear excuses as to why you can't play a game you said you would but are posting in wish threads and ask various members of white noise crap, but have no time to give us any input into this game whatsoever. Then when you do come in you vote without explanation....


If people think you're mafia there are things you can do about, like helping the town to actually win the game. If you're honestly too busy, that sucks, but if you're not too busy to find out what important questions people are asking Kaz I can't see how you're too busy to come here and take a scan through the thread tell us what you think and give a justification for a vote.


You don't have to be posting like me, Dral is at the same level of activity as you and at least he is up front about it, and gives his reads and leaves. 


If you are TP chances are the mafia are never going to target you, if you slank your way through the game and avoid the noose then this game is going to be depended on you to win. So put a little effort in IMO... I like you jazz but it's frustrating to see you posting in other threads then coming in here and simply voting Dr.S without so much as a word to why you are doing so. 

Yep. And that's fair.


The difference between mafia and the other threads is that this takes time and brainpower, two things I can't really overspend at a data entry job. With the wish threads or AMAs, it's simple, quick, and doesn't take too much thought. 


Analyzing posts people make takes a lot more work, which is why I like to save it for when I'm home. Unfortunately, I've been home to pretty much drop off my stuff before I go out again, and sleep. I want to help the town win the game. But when I'm busy, all I can really afford to do is look at the past couple pages and post regarding whatever sticks out - like the strangelove vote, which I did end up giving justification for.


And honestly, my reads haven't been all that great either, and I know this. I'll probably give one gigantic read through the thread once I get home and give my reads as best I can.


Anyway, I'll be back on my break. Sorry to everyone I've confused. I'm TP, and I want the TP to win this game (obvies). I'll try to do that better this weekend.

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I can't see Mafia AV poking JJ about his TBT vote...if he's Mafia, then AV would know that JJ was telling the truth, and his Mafia teammates would've told him to shut up & quit poking the Lyncher so as not to get TBT.


Jazz, next time you go to the pool I'm gonna take all your shirts & burn em' & you'll have to be shirtless the rest of the day. That's your punishment if you're TP & playing this lack lustre. If you're Mafia, then Ill burn your swimming pool down while you're doing laps.



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