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JB failed miserably by not drafting Ronning

Stanky Legs

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First of all, I just want to reiterate we are talking about a frigging 7th round pick which they have 2 of.


I get it, Ty Ronning is a lemming BUT the optics of not drafting a fan favourite, son of a former Canuck AND the restoration of the Canucks relationship with the Giants by just sacrificing a mere 7th rounder is really bad.


Canuck fans all over social media are clamouring, pleading to just draft the dwarf as its like 180 something spot anyway, what is there to lose ? 


JB could have gotten some X-Factor points today but since they are so out of touch with what's going on around them, they took some overager that doesn't even have that much upside.


Canucks failed to put a happy ending to an otherwise feel-good story.

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5 minutes ago, Monteeun said:

We don't need the X-Factor points. I don't mind JB getting the best possible player at any round. Regardless of where that player comes from. 

He didn't draft the BPA from round 3 and above at every round. Actually, even round 1. He drafted Juolevi out of need. (Which is ok with me btw)

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12 minutes ago, Stanky Legs said:

First of all, I just want to reiterate we are talking about a frigging 7th round pick which they have 2 of.


I get it, Ty Ronning is a lemming BUT the optics of not drafting a fan favourite, son of a former Canuck AND the restoration of the Canucks relationship with the Giants by just sacrificing a mere 7th rounder is really bad.


Canuck fans all over social media are clamouring, pleading to just draft the dwarf as its like 180 something spot anyway, what is there to lose ? 


JB could have gotten some X-Factor points today but since they are so out of touch with what's going on around them, they took some overager that doesn't even have that much upside.


Canucks failed to put a happy ending to an otherwise feel-good story.

I like the idea of drafting Ronning as well but I'd rather use the pick on the best player available. Besides, its hard to get excited about ECHL players.

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