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[proposal] LA-VAN the Dustin Brown edition


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OK so I might need an air sickness bag to deal with it, but it seems to me LA needs to shed some salary and veterans, and we need higher end prospects. Brown is a worm, but a worm that can still contribute on the 3rd line and add some much needed nastiness to our lineup. 


Does this work:


Brown with 50% salary retained (2.9375 mil cap for 5 more years) + LAs 2nd rounder (41st OA)  = SJS 4th (the Hansen trade pick)


Whatever else you think of Brown, he is a big upgrade on Crammer, Skille, Shore and Chaput (all of whom could be easily let go frankly) and at under 3 mil is appropriately priced for what you'll get, and is also an easy buy out in seasons 4 and 5 if he really goes south. 


And lets face it he does bring some scumbag factor and we won't be as easily pushed around. 


And we get to upgrade our 4th to another 2nd. 


So is this worth the pick upgrade? 





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9 minutes ago, S'all Good Man said:

OK so I might need an air sickness bag to deal with it, but it seems to me LA needs to shed some salary and veterans, and we need higher end prospects. Brown is a worm, but a worm that can still contribute on the 3rd line and add some much needed nastiness to our lineup. 


Does this work:


Brown with 50% salary retained (2.9375 mil cap for 5 more years) + LAs 2nd rounder (41st OA)  = SJS 4th (the Hansen trade pick)


Whatever else you think of Brown, he is a big upgrade on Crammer, Skille, Shore and Chaput (all of whom could be easily let go frankly) and at under 3 mil is appropriately priced for what you'll get, and is also an easy buy out in seasons 4 and 5 if he really goes south. 


And lets face it he does bring some scumbag factor and we won't be as easily pushed around. 


And we get to upgrade our 4th to another 2nd. 


So is this worth the pick upgrade? 





i just hurled.......the thought a canucks fan would seriously have the idea Dustin Brown would be a match for Vancouver 

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Just now, jono2009 said:

i just hurled.......the thought a canucks fan would seriously have the idea Dustin Brown would be a match for Vancouver 

hence the air sickness bag....  but its also how the league saw Burr.... 

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Just now, jono2009 said:

i would take the latter and give burr way more credit to ability than brown any day of the week. 

think of it like an episode of Survivor... we need to stomach it to up our team toughness and he is still good for 30-40pts 


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If I'm J.B. I would want Brown, but I'd up the ante and play hardball with L.A.

Here's the thing, once Dustin's gone all they need to do is dump Gaborik and that's nearly $10 million available.  Considering we're in the same division and the very same cap space that Brown is eating up could be used to sign or acquire some very valuable assets, I'd want J.B. to push for a 1st for taking on such a long-term deal as Dustin's.  If they want to find support for Carter, Toffoli, Pearson and Kopitar up front (or if they even want to re-sign both Tanner and Tyler) then they better be ready to pony up or put up with an albatross for 5 more years.

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Just now, Phil_314 said:

If I'm J.B. I would want Brown, but I'd up the ante and play hardball with L.A.

Considering we're in the same division and the very same cap space that Brown is eating up could be used to sign or acquire some very valuable assets, I'd want J.B. to push for a 1st for taking on such a long-term deal as Dustin's.  If they want to find support for Carter, Toffoli, Pearson and Kopitar up front then they better be ready to pony up or put up with an albatross for 5 more years.    

if we could get the 10th OA and Brown at 50% for the SJS 4tht thats a deal I'd do in a heartbeat. I don't know if they are that desperate, but they may be.


If they traded us Brown under those conditions and they made the tough call to buy out Gaborik, then they actually have some real cap space and roster space to add youth and speed, exactly what they need to get the most out of the rest of the aging core. 



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1 minute ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

Even only a 1st is debatable. GoodGawd..it's like 5.8 mill for 6 more yrs. Even at 50% the guy's hit is a slap in the maw!

Yah but imagine the joy of him running over Tkachup or Little Johnny. 

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Just now, S'all Good Man said:

if we could get the 10th OA and Brown at 50% for the SJS 4tht thats a deal I'd do in a heartbeat. I don't know if they are that desperate, but they may be.


If they traded us Brown under those conditions and they made the tough call to buy out Gaborik, then they actually have some real cap space and roster space to add youth and speed, exactly what they need to get the most out of the rest of the aging core. 



Man, after the disrespect they showed us in 2012, S'all..just don't know man?


How about a similar concept with an Eastern club? MacDonald in Philly, or someone like Callahan in TBay? Just hate that LA cast!

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Just now, Nuxfanabroad said:

Man, after the disrespect they showed us in 2012, S'all..just don't know man?


How about a similar concept with an Eastern club? MacDonald in Philly, or someone like Callahan in TBay? Just hate that LA cast!

No. It must be Brown. 



I kid, sure that would be fine too, I just think LA is on the ropes a bit and there could be a workable deal there. 



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I'd say it's just as strategic to let LA be handcuffed with that awful contract.


1 minute ago, HerrDrFunk said:

I don't know. The move does make sense for both teams but don't you think Brown would immediately have a huge target on his back from the DoPS for being both Dustin Brown and a Canuck?

Lmao, yeah they'd probably go back and find stuff they hadn't suspended him for once he's in the blue and green.

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2 minutes ago, HerrDrFunk said:

I don't know. The move does make sense for both teams but don't you think Brown would immediately have a huge target on his back from the DoPS for being both Dustin Brown and a Canuck?

he's pretty good at riding the line... but yah probably 

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8 minutes ago, canuckmen84 said:

Having Brown on the team would only remind me of a better player



ugh. what a cluster f***. How could you let things get so bad this guy walks? But lets keep that in the other threads, I'm just starting to recover. 


And I was at that game. I was so happy then. 

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3 minutes ago, S'all Good Man said:

ugh. what a cluster f***. How could you let things get so bad this guy walks? But lets keep that in the other threads, I'm just starting to recover. 

Because Benning was on one side of the debate and she was on the other?


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