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CDC Puck 2017/18


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I find this ongoing debate somewhat annoying to be honest.


First of all, complaining about GMs 'hoarding' assets is absurd - that is the name and point of the game - to accumulate the best depth of good assets that you can.  I find it complete nonsense to hear GMs, perfectly capable of - and who wouldn't hesitate themselves to "hoard" assets - protesting what is effectively the name of the game.


I see lots of teams that lack NHL depth - with prospects and picks in their system that they could use to acquire NHL assets - but don't.  That is their choice, but anticipating which players will make rosters, be callups, be useful and viable NHL depth in the short run is part of being a good GM and assessing talent, NHL readiness, etc.

Listening to people complain that SV is proficient in this sense is, on a certain level, akin to playing a small violin.


There is no fixed number of assets to hoard - there are always new assets emerging (and departing) - do your homework, scout, draft and sign the emerging ones - and avoid the declining ones.


If you don't like SV's New York Yankees of CDC, put in the work to become a Billy Bean.  Otherwise, I have little sympathy for you.


SV's strategy is effective in the regular season - it doesn't necessarily translate in the playoffs, which is also what this game is also all about.  President's trophies are fine and all, but that's all they are.  Do they matter that much?  I'm personally not terribly concerned about sitting 2nd or 3rd or whatever in my division - that's not the finish that counts.

His strategy may translate some year into a championship - and fair enough if it does.


I've seen GMs in other leagues pull similar antics but far more annoying - recalling and assigning players day after day attempting to extract extra games played (effectively the exact same phenomena)- and in the process creating all kinds of extra work in a scoring system (Pickup) that requires admin to make these changes.


I love the fantrax system - the ability to make these changes ourselves - to set rosters in advance (in case a person happens to be busy on a day to day basis).


Having young waiver ineligible assets is crucial to this game - and any fantasy game - as well as irl.   It's also the case that these assets tend to be less predictable.  But if you want them, make the effort of acquiring them, simple as that.  If you're as good at SV at it, good for you.


Nothing wrong with what SV is doing imo - it's part of this game.  People may find it incongruent with the irl NHL where a team plays 82 games and has a fixed amount of man-games - but that is irrelevent.  This is a different game, with different parameters - that I'm not keen to see changed - and have been a part of this league since it's inception and original draft. 


There are things in every fantasy league that don't make irl sense.  In one league I'm in you can bury waiver eligible assets in your minors system and they don't require waivers to remain there at the beginning of the season.  In two other leagues penalty minutes are a positive in the scoring system - something I find to be a dinosaur concept of value/scoring - but those are conventions of those fantasy leagues, and teams have been built accordingly.  In this league we've avoided the restrictions on player movement that limiting clauses pose - and the problems they cause, the control they give to those who decide them in fantasy leagues - that doesn't mirror irl, but imo is a positive distinction from other leagues, some that proliferate them to the extent that it becomes a stifling element of the game and player movement, and introduce far too much discretion in the hands of one or a few people.  In the real world each player and agent decide whether or not they waive and to whom - it's not in the hands of one subjective person.  I value this distinction - we're not trading real people here, their families are not moving, there is no loyalty to imaginary assets - this is a fantasy scoring league - if you can move a bad contract, kudos if you find a GM willing to take it on - but I'm glad this is not controlled at the discretion of one or two agents.  The more objectivity - and clear and level playing field the better imo.


Setting a roster and leaving it is not good enough in this league.  If you want to contend, at least in the regular season, you need to attend to your team.  Fortunately, fantrax enables you to do so well in advance, so there's not much excuse for GMs who have assets at their disposal but fail to cycle them in and out of the lineup accordingly.


I've had a look at SV's minors assets to see how significant the 'problem' in fact is.

His Blackhawks have one asset that played more than 20 games in the NHL last year.  One.  Connor Sheary.

The rest of the players that have played NHL games this year - are Tyson Yost, Gemel Smith, Giovani Fiore, Sam Girard, Tim Heed, Tucker Poolman, Calle Rosen.

I think the issue is being blown out of proportion to be honest.

Young players that break in are absolutely fair game.  Poolman is active in Wpg due to an injury to Byf.  Rosen is a temp sub in for Carrick - injuries create new opportunities - any GM can do the work of identifying who the next group of callups might be.  Many of these are borderline assets that SV deserves credit for identifying as potential NHL callups. some of them are likely to have very little sustained value in the long run.  None of it is fair game for protesting imo.


My opinion on this debate is that it's a complaint that someone else is effectively a better GM in the parameters of this league - one that takes more effective advantage of the system than other GMs.  If that GM is dominating - so be it - it reflects the real effort and expertise they've put into the game.    If anything all the disclosure that fantrax provides regarding player scoring - trackable to past seasons - creates more parity and less need for expertise than in other leagues - not a whole lot of excuse for not realizing player value.

I'm not in favour of changing the playing field to suit GMs that are not as able to do so.  This isn't an affirmative action playing field.

It's no secret - acquire all the depth you can - and imo don't complain if you don't have enough.

For newer GMs - I sympathize - but at the same time, I took on a few teams in other leagues that were quite bad.  That's also part of the game and the challenge.  At least in this league you're not saddled with limiting clauses that weren't of your own making.   A large factor is simply putting in the time and negotiations (and in SV's case the sweet talking) to get enough volume of changes done to continuously position your team to contend.  Clearly SV does that.  Fair enough.




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31 minutes ago, oldnews said:

If you don't like SV's New York Yankees of CDC, put in the work to become a Billy Bean.  Otherwise, I have little sympathy for you.

The Yankees have won championships though :ph34r:

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On 10/13/2017 at 0:15 AM, Captain Azzy said:


Sorry can't get rid of the quote.



Something very is doing a stellar job and like he said spent his picks to build his team.


It'd be a joke to change the rules now after some of us have literally spent years building teams within the scope of the rules. I'd be tempted to leave the league.


Just my two cents.

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2 minutes ago, oldnews said:


if you don't like SV's Mike Gillis Vancouver Canucks (President's Trophy Champs) of CDC, then schoolz yerself on thanalyticzzz!

Oh man I am all out of +s right now ::D

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As long as the same few people aren't consistently signing touted free agents, you can't control who is exchanged in a trade if the trade is ultimately fair. It is up to the commissioners to keep a fair but competitive league, and while I think they have done that, I've seen some shifty trades go through, regardless of who made them.


Unfortunately in a 31 man league you will have some incompetent GMs and that's just part and parcel of running an unpaid fantasy league.


If anybody should complain it's me, I had to leave this league because I couldn't do this, RGMG and my new job mixed in. I come back to my team completely gutted. That's just how it works. In a perfect world we would have 31 smart, active GMs, but sadly that's not possible.


Regardless, to blame somethingvery is ridiculous.

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I do have to ask though, how is Connor Sheary waiver ineligible at 25 years? Tim Heed is 26. That's not even reflective of real life NHL rules....


Are we not required to have 2 rostered goalies? I traded for Aaron Dell assuming I was required to have 2 rostered goalies... I've never been in a league where only 1 was required.


Taking a second look, it is a bit weird these are allowed to happen. I'm sure there's an explanation, I'm just curious toward these odd league rules.

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36 minutes ago, Baer. said:

Regardless, to blame somethingvery is ridiculous.

No one is "blaming" SV, nor is anyone suggesting anything be done immediately. 


I just thought it's silly that the parameters of the structure of this league allow one team to play 50% more man-games than 1/3 of the league. That's all.


I merely suggested the league may be better if this discrepancy could be limited (not removed) in some way, at some point in the future. Fine-tuning rules to increase parity each year is something that is already happening in this league (NCAA free agents, moving teams), and others (FL changed the value of PIMs in the playoffs).


The only reason I pointed out SV is because he's been most effective at "exploiting" this. That is another way of stating he has been the best GM (and I voted for him as such). Nothing but respect for his abilities.


If others disagree, it's all good.


(And I'm sorry if you find discussions that challenge your opinion annoying @oldnews... My dad is like that. Perhaps message boards aren't the place for you? :P)

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16 minutes ago, Baer. said:

I do have to ask though, how is Connor Sheary waiver ineligible at 25 years? Tim Heed is 26. That's not even reflective of real life NHL rules....


Are we not required to have 2 rostered goalies? I traded for Aaron Dell assuming I was required to have 2 rostered goalies... I've never been in a league where only 1 was required.


Taking a second look, it is a bit weird these are allowed to happen. I'm sure there's an explanation, I'm just curious toward these odd league rules.

Fantrax’ system prioritizes games played over age, so if the player hasn’t played 150(?) games, then they’re all clear.


We really should be having no less than two rostered goalies on the team. @somethingvery really should have a backup tendy.

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2 hours ago, D-Money said:

No one is "blaming" SV, nor is anyone suggesting anything be done immediately. 


I just thought it's silly that the parameters of the structure of this league allow one team to play 50% more man-games than 1/3 of the league. That's all.


I merely suggested the league may be better if this discrepancy could be limited (not removed) in some way, at some point in the future. Fine-tuning rules to increase parity each year is something that is already happening in this league (NCAA free agents, moving teams), and others (FL changed the value of PIMs in the playoffs).


The only reason I pointed out SV is because he's been most effective at "exploiting" this. That is another way of stating he has been the best GM (and I voted for him as such). Nothing but respect for his abilities.


If others disagree, it's all good.


(And I'm sorry if you find discussions that challenge your opinion annoying @oldnews... My dad is like that. Perhaps message boards aren't the place for you? :P)

The original rules were meant to best emulate the NHL in as reasonable of a way possible. As far as I am aware teams may call up and send down waiver in-eligible players at will, no? 


I mean, obviously it wouldn't be as quick due to travel etc, but the essence of the rule does represent the NHL rules? 



One thing you seem to be overlooking is Somethingvery has sacrificed basically all of his draft picks to accomplish this so while he may have an advantage, it came at a pretty hefty cost that will greatly affect his future success accordingly. 50% is  a bit of an overstatement. Last time I checked he had four or five nhl players in the minors. Last season I had two or three and no one complained. 


Unless I am missing a part of the picture I don't see the issue. 

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The only issue i see, and even then it's a non issue. Gm's around the league can try and acquire all these waiver ineligible guys they want. The name of the game is to have more depth for sure. But these "depth" players who can go up and down freely without waivers and are playing full time have become such a hot commodity that the price to acquire one is retarded. That's where the issue lies. In order to get one you'd have to pay the price of what it would cost to get say a Stamkos. A 1st and another prospect for a waiver ineligible guy is crazy.


I'm not saying to combat it, because you can't. I'm just saying that's the price to acquire these guys. Most people wouldn't be willing to pay that for a guy who is going to say maybe 40 games all year on a 4th line. 

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