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Private insurance


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I've gone through Canadian Direct throughout the years.  They're usually comparable to ICBC in prices.  They do offer a discount if you get other insurances through them (partner's auto, house, etc).  I've had a couple of claims through them and have had no issues.  Quite happy with them.

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Most Autoplan dealers will have someone they work with for the optional insurance.  I go through BCAA and they give me a quote for going with just ICBC or with going private for the optional portion.  That way, it is still a one-stop shop.  As @Wilbur said, they give me a discount because I insure two vehicles, my house and my trailer there.


I haven't had any claims using private insurance in BC, so I can't comment there.  But when I was in Alberta and we had an accident, it was a royal pain trying to get the two private insurers to talk to each other.  The guy who hit us fully accepted responsibility but his insurance company really dragged their heels on paying out for the damages.



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I used to get my optional coverage for my motorcycle through private insurance - long story short,  I learned that you don't save that much and if you ever have to make a claim,  depending on your insurer,  you can be in for a fight to get what you deserve - yes I know,  not unlike ICBC in that regard sometimes. 

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1 hour ago, Fanuck said:

I used to get my optional coverage for my motorcycle through private insurance - long story short,  I learned that you don't save that much and if you ever have to make a claim,  depending on your insurer,  you can be in for a fight to get what you deserve - yes I know,  not unlike ICBC in that regard sometimes. 


Right now with a spotless drivers abstract, no points on license, and my discount, I'm paying $2400 and some change per year. So far through preliminary quotes I've received, coupled with ICBC's basic, I'm looking at paying ~$1900.  $500 in savings is quite a bit. Perhaps it's different for motorcycles?

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1 hour ago, NucksPatsFan said:


Right now with a spotless drivers abstract, no points on license, and my discount, I'm paying $2400 and some change per year. So far through preliminary quotes I've received, coupled with ICBC's basic, I'm looking at paying ~$1900.  $500 in savings is quite a bit. Perhaps it's different for motorcycles?

Perhaps, but you have to consider the possibility of having to file a claim. 


Everyone has their own personal experiences, but for myself - any time I've ever had to make a claim with ICBC I've been treated....wait for it....very fairly!    When I had to make a claim from my private insurer - it was a 'no fault' claim at that - they put me through the ringer so to speak and I never felt I got 'fair value' on my claim.  The money I saved on my policy was easily erased because they short-changed me on my claim - makes sense doesn't it, if they're giving you a discount on your policy guess what, they're going to have to make that difference up somewhere, no?   You have to factor that possibility into your decision imo. 

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24 minutes ago, Fanuck said:

Perhaps, but you have to consider the possibility of having to file a claim. 


Everyone has their own personal experiences, but for myself - any time I've ever had to make a claim with ICBC I've been treated....wait for it....very fairly!    When I had to make a claim from my private insurer - it was a 'no fault' claim at that - they put me through the ringer so to speak and I never felt I got 'fair value' on my claim.  The money I saved on my policy was easily erased because they short-changed me on my claim - makes sense doesn't it, if they're giving you a discount on your policy guess what, they're going to have to make that difference up somewhere, no?   You have to factor that possibility into your decision imo. 

I work in the physical rehabilitation industry and absolutely loathe ICBC - for every 100 ICBC claims, there's 1 of you. So I am biased :)

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1 hour ago, NucksPatsFan said:

I work in the physical rehabilitation industry and absolutely loathe ICBC - for every 100 ICBC claims, there's 1 of you. So I am biased :)

Well, to clarify, when I said 'fairly' earlier, I don't expect much from ICBC and when I was treated 'fairly' I knew what I was doing when dealing with ICBC and consulted legal advice, so I knew what I got in my settlement was about as good as it was going to get. 


But my point stands, if any insurer is giving you a 'discount' rate or even a 'favorable' rate compared to other insurers - you can pretty much guarantee they're going to be making up that difference somewhere down the line and that almost always means when payouts are supposed to happen. 

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