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17 minutes ago, D-Money said:


To me, I don’t know of a show that has been around for as long as Veep has that remained consistently funny. For me, I really liked Seinfeld and Cheers (and Cosby Show, but I don’t think I can watch that again, as much as I want to), and those always had me laughing, but Veep is so solid. Even The Office (finishing up season 7), which I’ve watched 3-4 times now, gets awful in season 8 and 9. 


Parks and Rec was good, but it wasn’t great for all 7 seasons. Didn’t start getting good until the tail end of season 2.

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1 minute ago, Monty said:

To me, I don’t know of a show that has been around for as long as Veep has that remained consistently funny. For me, I really liked Seinfeld and Cheers (and Cosby Show, but I don’t think I can watch that again, as much as I want to), and those always had me laughing, but Veep is so solid. Even The Office (finishing up season 7), which I’ve watched 3-4 times now, gets awful in season 8 and 9. 


Parks and Rec was good, but it wasn’t great for all 7 seasons. Didn’t start getting good until the tail end of season 2.

Frasier was great right from the start. Tailed off a bit at the end, but the humour held up better than Seinfeld (IMO).

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21 minutes ago, D-Money said:

Frasier was great right from the start. Tailed off a bit at the end, but the humour held up better than Seinfeld (IMO).

I still haven’t watched Frasier

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21 minutes ago, Monty said:

I still haven’t watched Frasier

I didn't watch it much when it came out either - didn't really appeal to me as a teen. But my wife is a huge fan, and got me hooked when it was on US Netflix. Then watched it more on Crave, but when we cancelled that just bought every season on iTunes.


Now I've pretty much seen every episode at least once, but it always makes me laugh. Last few seasons tail off, but there's at least 7-8 seasons of hilarious stuff there. And as a bonus, it's mostly safe to watch with the kids around. In fact, my 6 and 4-year-olds actually like it too.


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The Twilight Zone - Episode 3




I kept on thinking/hoping there was going to be a Twilight Zone twist in this, and it was, without a doubt, the worst thing I have ever seen. No twist at all. Barely a Twilight Zone episode, and more of comment on society of how “white cops hate black people.” Except, we’ve seen movies do this before, and FAR better. To use a Twilight Zone episode for a political message, one that’s been done so many times before, and to do it so poorly, was very sad.


I’d rather watch Mississippi Burning, Loving, or ANY of movie, which are countless, do this message. The only thing that made this a Twilight Zone was the rewinding time factor. This was really, really bad.

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On 4/9/2019 at 6:59 AM, Monty said:

Veep S07E02


Not nearly as good as the season open but, as usual, had some great jokes thrown in.


Selina: Dan f***ed you? What, were you wearing a full length mirror?


“Amy, you’ve got some vomit on your moustache.”


Tom: You really should have been there. You know, it’s one thing I’ve learned. In politics, a lot of the best stuff happens after hours.

Selina: Oh is that so, Captain Morgan? Thank you so much for man-telling me that.

Tom: I believe the word you’re fumbling is mansplaining.


Jonah: I split the bill on all my dates. Why would I pay for a girl to get fatter?


Those last two had me howling. Especially the mansplaining one. Two mansplaining jokes in one :lol: 

This week's episode also didn't live up to the season's opener, but the running gag of how familiar Dan was with abortion procedures really got to me. The peak of the joke was when they were in the doctor's office and he was making small-talk about the type of technology they were using. 

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New Charlie’s Angels movie will be releasing within the year.


How come they didn’t do this one with an “all male” cast? I thought Hollywood liked the gender swap, reboot movies.

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7 minutes ago, Monty said:

New Charlie’s Angels movie will be releasing within the year.


How come they didn’t do this one with an “all male” cast? I thought Hollywood liked the gender swap, reboot movies.

They'd have to change the name. Charlene's Boy-toys?

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barry: 6/10 just not that into it. kinda hoped i'd like it, but after the first season i don't have much interest in going on.


veep season 1: 7.5??/10 - this is such a weird show. it's a comedy, and it's hilarious. so it automatically does the job. but idk, something about it doesn't feel 'right'


if there's a plot, i didn't care about it. it's as if 90% of the sentences exist as a vehicle for a barb or joke, and considering so many of the characters have the exact same voice, it feels borderline exhausting. i've started and stopped this series a few times before, and I guess that's why. maybe it's just not binging material


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Discovery of Witches 

8/10 Entertaining for another witch, vampire, etc type tv show. The characters were pretty good, sometimes there was to much of a love story feel but not enough to sour me completely. Good enough that I checked to see if there was going to be a second season, there is, so we’ll see where it goes from here.

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Maybe I posted here before - but The Leftovers - 9/10, maybe even 10/10. It's only 3 seasons but it's a very.. different show. I'll say that. Carrie Coon is a fantastic, pretty unknown actor and Chris Eccleston the one episode where he's at wits ends.. powerful stuff. I wanted to jump in there and help him out. 

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