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Kinder Morgan Pipeline Talk


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3 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

Great attitude. But I'm willing to bet what the federal government does with the revenues from that pipeline are in your interests. It's likely why Trudeau has repeatedly said it's getting built.

are you really suggesting that someone can't disagree with a policy issue because we all benefit as citizens from government spending? Nice view of democracy. I guess you'd better keep it zipped next time the current government does something you don't like since Trudeau is doing something to benefit Albertans. 


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14 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Trudeau isn't from Alberta and he keeps saying it will get built. You even voted for him and his party. I guess I agree with JT on one thing he doesn't want the U.S controlling our oil industry.

Trudeau is just playing Albertans...  so far it has gone perfect for him.


Albertans will soon see how they have been tricked..... / misled.  


Alberta will never vote provincial liberal again.... not a big loss to JT.  Especially if he can parlay that into many lower mainland liberal ridings....


Politics is pretty dirty...    but not as dirty as Alberta toxic Tar sludge. 



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5 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

are you really suggesting that someone can't disagree with a policy issue because we all benefit as citizens from government spending? Nice view of democracy. I guess you'd better keep it zipped next time the current government does something you don't like since Trudeau is doing something to benefit Albertans. 


She said it's not in her interest thats why she opposes it. I don't think paying the most in equalization payments is in the interest of us in Alberta but yet we still do it.

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3 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

Trudeau is just playing Albertans...  so far it has gone perfect for him.


Albertans will soon see how they have been tricked..... / misled.  


Alberta will never vote provincial liberal again.... not a big loss to JT.  Especially if he can parlay that into many lower mainland liberal ridings....


Politics is pretty dirty...    but not as dirty as Alberta toxic Tar sludge. 



More like JT is playing you.


When did we vote provincial liberal? :lol:

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2 hours ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

I guess you missed the part where 1.2 billion out of 1.4 billion equal Enbridge paid the BULK of the cost. Not tax payers.


That was your, why would i have to prove anything.  What does claiming bankruptcy have to do with the discussion at hand.  It has nothing to do with Kinder Morgan pipeline yet here you are talking about shady things many small business do.  


Enbridge paid 550 million in the first year, the cost didn't jump until year 4 when they made some miscalculations.



What does that have to do with anything. Are you claiming Kinder morgan will just declare bankruptcy?  You do realize after the oil is on the tanker the International oil fund and canada's oil fund is on the line. 


It's fear mongering, that's all, just like you just did. The examples people like to give are the biggest spills in history, spills that are completely preventable in today.  There's a reason why we have see less that 10 spill over 700 metric tones in the last 7 years..  Compared that to 13 spills in year 1989 alone.  This is despite the fact that oil traffic has nearly doubled in the last 30 years.  The spill in valdez in 1989 was 37,000 metric tones where 9 of 11 tanks were ruptured.  The largest spill in the last 10 years was less than a 1/3 of that, the hebei spirit spill in 2007, (10,700 metric tones) which clean up cost came around 330 million.  There's a reason people don't know these statistics, it's because fear is the agenda and predicting armageddon causes more fear to get people to fall inline.





You're doing it again.


It's annoying.


You're not always right.


I'd enjoy it if you stopped pretending you were.


The examples I gave were recent spills very recognizable.  I can dredge up almsot 1100 more if you'd like that serve my purpose equally as well.


You've yet to capably refute or prove wrong my statements about taxpayers footing the bill more often than not in incidents of spills, abandoned mines and wells.

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7 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

This is too funny.

Sorry, had to add on am at work right now.


It's only funny because you know I am correct but at the same time your personal interests and political leanings push you to the other side.


Facts are everything in argument, opinion, arrogance or the like not so much.


Notley just passed legislation to throttle oil and fuel to BC.  How do you feel about that? 




B.C. Premier John Horgan says he’s surprised and concerned that Alberta is preparing to pass legislation that could drive up the price of gasoline in British Columbia over an escalating pipeline feud.

Alberta’s New Democrat government introduced Bill 12 Tuesday, the Preserving Canada’s Economic Prosperity Act.

Alberta Premier Rachel Notley says the legislation gives her province the power to reduce oil flows to B.C., which could send gas prices in the province soaring.

Horgan says he’s concerned Alberta’s provocative actions will have adverse consequences on B.C., which could include increased prices at the pump.

Motorists in Metro Vancouver are already paying the highest prices in Canada at above $1.50 a litre.

The dispute between B.C., Alberta and the federal government heated up Sunday when energy company Kinder Morgan announced it was scaling back on the federally approved $7.4-billion Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project because of opposition and delays within B.C

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Sorry, had to add on am at work right now.


It's only funny because you know I am correct but at the same time your personal interests and political leanings push you to the other side.


Facts are everything in argument, opinion, arrogance or the like not so much.


Notley just passed legislation to throttle oil and fuel to BC.  How do you feel about that? 

Obviously a plan needs to be in place in the event of a spill everyone agrees on that. What annoys me(you aren't one of them) are the people that flat out want to hurt Canada while helping the economies in Arabia, Venezuela and the U.S while also allowing the U.S to control our oil industry and make sure we get as little as possible for our oil. 



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Just now, Ryan Strome said:

Obviously a plan needs to be in place in the event of a spill everyone agrees on that. What annoys me(you aren't one of them) are the people that flat out want to hurt Canada while helping the economies in Arabia, Venezuela and the U.S while also allowing the U.S to control our oil industry and make sure we get as little as possible for our oil. 



It bugs me to the core that the mayor of Montreal shut down line 3 so easily yet Trudeau is stating that this expansion to BC is the line in the sand.  We need more pipelines.  We need more refining capacity and we need better responses and mitigation not just promises and possible money that won't be spent.  It's galling to know how openly bias that is when line 3 would have served this country FAR better than a simple line expansion


I'll never argue that.  I am very pro pipeline but I am more pro Canada and I do think Horgan is right in his requests but that this expansion should go through regardless at least while the research is going on.


NAFTA, Mulroney and Lougheed screwed this country by scrapping the NEP and selling unrefined product south for less than Alberta would have been selling to Ontario.


And it makes no fn sense to be buying oil from places with known humanitarian issues and having it shipped across the world at great cost while complaining that Albertas oilsand development is polluting the world.


But I do agree with Horgan and he has every single right to demand proper legislation to ensure polluters pay the full amount, period.  $1.5 billion is a pittance for a clean up fund for these companies.  Not knowing how to properly clean up dilbit is another issue, information is gold.  Then finally the pennies thrown to BC for taking the majority of the risk is insulting.  Without question with Alberta having all the jobs BC deserves a far larger portion of the revenues as we take all the risk, get none of the good jobs or monies.


Told ya man, I'm very centrist.  I can argue both sides but at days end this pipleine WILL be built

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Just now, kingofsurrey said:

Haha  I meant the province voted in liberal MPs  ... haha

Ya 4 of them I believe. But before that was zero and 1 ndper in Edmonton and the few elections before that just landslide Annie. About 6 mps not conservative in the last 12 years.


I do agree with you I think the liberals will once again get swept out of Alberta in 2019.

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6 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

@Warhippy are you trying to get me to vote ndp? :lol:


In all seriousness B.C deserved that new legislation. The downside is we will be in Penticton May long I hope fuel prices come down by then.:lol:

$1.40 ish is my estimate, which is laughable because Vernon was I think at like $1.12 yesterday while we hit $1.36


No I am not trying to get you to vote any way other than what you believe would be the best actual candidate for your riding.


But you cannot argue that Notley is doing everything she can for Alberta and Albertans and is far more effective than Redford ever was

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Sickens me that we're being extorted for money.


We need to delay them and seriously get with the times. Switch to electric, solar and these ravenous, psychopathic dinosaurs can slowly die.


Running 400 tankers per year through the Georgia straight is a completely *&$#@$ idea. 


I'm a working blue collar BC born man and I'll take time off work to stop this and have been fighting it monetarily for years.


Lets get it on.

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7 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

It bugs me to the core that the mayor of Montreal shut down line 3 so easily yet Trudeau is stating that this expansion to BC is the line in the sand.  We need more pipelines.  We need more refining capacity and we need better responses and mitigation not just promises and possible money that won't be spent.  It's galling to know how openly bias that is when line 3 would have served this country FAR better than a simple line expansion


I'll never argue that.  I am very pro pipeline but I am more pro Canada and I do think Horgan is right in his requests but that this expansion should go through regardless at least while the research is going on.


NAFTA, Mulroney and Lougheed screwed this country by scrapping the NEP and selling unrefined product south for less than Alberta would have been selling to Ontario.


And it makes no fn sense to be buying oil from places with known humanitarian issues and having it shipped across the world at great cost while complaining that Albertas oilsand development is polluting the world.


But I do agree with Horgan and he has every single right to demand proper legislation to ensure polluters pay the full amount, period.  $1.5 billion is a pittance for a clean up fund for these companies.  Not knowing how to properly clean up dilbit is another issue, information is gold.  Then finally the pennies thrown to BC for taking the majority of the risk is insulting.  Without question with Alberta having all the jobs BC deserves a far larger portion of the revenues as we take all the risk, get none of the good jobs or monies.


Told ya man, I'm very centrist.  I can argue both sides but at days end this pipleine WILL be built

Obviously you know Trudeau or any PM for that matter doesn't want to piss off Quebec. Mulroney is to blame not really Lougheed. As for what B.C should get, I agree they should get more but it should come from Ottawa's cut not Alberta, It's our resource.

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4 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

$1.40 ish is my estimate, which is laughable because Vernon was I think at like $1.12 yesterday while we hit $1.36


No I am not trying to get you to vote any way other than what you believe would be the best actual candidate for your riding.


But you cannot argue that Notley is doing everything she can for Alberta and Albertans and is far more effective than Redford ever was

Redford was the worst premier of Alberta ever.

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14 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Ya 4 of them I believe. But before that was zero and 1 ndper in Edmonton and the few elections before that just landslide Annie. About 6 mps not conservative in the last 12 years.


I do agree with you I think the liberals will once again get swept out of Alberta in 2019.

I really do wonder if JT is just playing politics. 


Is JT trying to gain BC ridings at the expense of Alberta ridings ?


Is this whole pipeline drama just a political play by JT ?

How is a Alberta vs BC trade war going to play in Ontario  / Quebec ?

Does Eastern Canada even care about the KM Pipeline expansion ?  

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4 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

I really do wonder if JT is just playing politics. 


Is JT trying to gain BC ridings at the expense of Alberta ridings ?


Is this whole pipeline drama just a political play by JT ?

How is a Alberta vs BC trade war going to play in Ontario  / Quebec ?

Does Eastern Canada even care about the KM Pipeline expansion ?  

Do they even know we exist?

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2 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

She said it's not in her interest thats why she opposes it. I don't think paying the most in equalization payments is in the interest of us in Alberta but yet we still do it.

No person in Alberta pays more than any other Canadian making the same wage. If you don't like personally contributing more, then get a lower paying job. 


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