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13 hours ago, hammertime said:

Ill throw this in here. 

To Ari: Virtanen + Gagner?

To Van: Domi + 5th

That's my top offer. 

Interesting.  Getting the Coyotes to take a bad (but not terrible) contract in a deal.


I don't see why the Coyotes would sell Domi at a low value right now.  Might as well try to turn him around.  With that said, if they are willing to do it, I think he's worth taking a risk on similar to Benning's trades for young underachieving players like Baertschi.  I'd be happy to do this deal you suggested.  I'd also be happy to do the Hutton or Goldobin (plus low picks) for Domi deals suggested.  Take a shot at him and put him in a better situation.


Definitely not going to part with our 2019 first rounder though.

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34 minutes ago, Canadian Clay said:

Very true. If Arizona wanted to do  a trade where the main pieces are goldobin and Domi, then I understand trading him. But using him as an add on to a 1st round pick? Doesn’t make sense

Would you do that straight across?  Goldobin for Max Domi?


I would.  Goldobin may never be an NHL player, whereas Domi is no matter what. Besides that, Goldobin doesn't bring the defensive or physical aspect that Domi is decent at.

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3 minutes ago, kloubek said:

Would you do that straight across?  Goldobin for Max Domi?


I would.  Goldobin may never be an NHL player, whereas Domi is no matter what. Besides that, Goldobin doesn't bring the defensive or physical aspect that Domi is decent at.

I probably would. I think goldobin is a year younger and has more upside, but Domi is the safer bet. 

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3 minutes ago, Canadian Clay said:

I probably would. I think goldobin is a year younger and has more upside, but Domi is the safer bet. 

I do agree - although before this season, almost everyone felt Domi had great upside as well.  I think as far as offensive talent is concerned, I'd call it a near wash.  There's a risk with either player; Goldobin hasn't shown the ability to produce consistently yet, and Domi regressed.  If I had to pick one, I'd still say the chances of Domi returning to form is a bit higher than Goldobin developing to the same level.


The difference to me is the other side of the game; Domi is a far more complete player than Goldobin will ever be. So I'd do it for sure. 

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2 hours ago, Rick Blight said:

I can't believe how down this board is on Max Domi simply because of a bad 1st half of this season.

Last season, Domi's PPG was better than any Canucks player with the exception of Horvat and their numbers were almost identical. The year before that, Domi had a higher PPG than Horvat did. But because he has had a bad first 52 games this season he is suddenly deemed to have a really diminished value.


Alf, I agree his numbers are bad this season but I really believe that is simply the organization he plays for. Yes, he is a minus 20 but Eklund-Larsson is a minus 37 so I guess he is pretty much done as well, right?. And his NHL goals this year are one more than Hutton and Goldobin combined. :bigblush:


You're right, of course.  Stupid Alf. :(   I still believe something must be going on for such a sharp decline in his offence.  I know Granny has a sharp decline too, but (at least) he's playing a different role - defensively minded mostly.  I'd be wanting no know reasons for Max's decline.  

Hutton is stalled as a 24 year old Dman

Domi is stalled as a (soon to be) 23 year old winger


I really like Domi's naturally aggressive nature, and his toughness.  (I've like him since the draft) 

If we did trade for him, would he be able to play the role Rypien  and Dorset used to for us?  Then he's got some really high purpose on our team. Otherwise, he is kind of redundant, no?

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5 minutes ago, Alflives said:

You're right, of course.  Stupid Alf. :(   I still believe something must be going on for such a sharp decline in his offence.  I know Granny has a sharp decline too, but (at least) he's playing a different role - defensively minded mostly.  I'd be wanting no know reasons for Max's decline.  

Hutton is stalled as a 24 year old Dman

Domi is stalled as a (soon to be) 23 year old winger


I really like Domi's naturally aggressive nature, and his toughness.  (I've like him since the draft) 

If we did trade for him, would he be able to play the role Rypien  and Dorset used to for us?  Then he's got some really high purpose on our team. Otherwise, he is kind of redundant, no?

His poor season may be nothing more than Arizona playing him at centre instead of wing where he played his last couple of seasons.

I don't see Domi playing a 3rd/4th line tough guy role like Rypien or Dorsett. He can handle himself when necessary but I believe he would be best being re-united with BO and taking on a more offensive role. Remember, we do not have a single winger that scored (points) at the the same rate per game as Domi over the past two seasons. I don't think that makes him redundant.

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3 minutes ago, Rick Blight said:

His poor season may be nothing more than Arizona playing him at centre instead of wing where he played his last couple of seasons.

I don't see Domi playing a 3rd/4th line tough guy role like Rypien or Dorsett. He can handle himself when necessary but I believe he would be best being re-united with BO and taking on a more offensive role. Remember, we do not have a single winger that scored (points) at the the same rate per game as Domi over the past two seasons. I don't think that makes him redundant.

Is he not (kind of) much like Baer, Goldy, and (expectantly) Dhalen, Pettersson though?  Yes, he does play a bit tougher, but on the wing I see we have guys who he would only be competing with. Maybe Jake could be put into that group too?  Then we have Lind and Gadjovic likely pushing for spots in a couple of seasons.

Where does Max fit?  I guess he would compete with these other guys for top six minutes, but I think he would be ideal for the Dorset, Rypien role.  He leveled Kesler, which was beautiful for sure.  

I just wouldn't want us to give up a young guy for him, unless we consider Hutton as young.  

Is it crazy to think Hutton plus either Goldy/Granny plus Cassels could return Max?  I don't want to sacrifice any of our under 21 guys.



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1 hour ago, Alflives said:

Is he not (kind of) much like Baer, Goldy, and (expectantly) Dhalen, Pettersson though?  Yes, he does play a bit tougher, but on the wing I see we have guys who he would only be competing with. Maybe Jake could be put into that group too?  Then we have Lind and Gadjovic likely pushing for spots in a couple of seasons.

Where does Max fit?  I guess he would compete with these other guys for top six minutes, but I think he would be ideal for the Dorset, Rypien role.  He leveled Kesler, which was beautiful for sure.  

I just wouldn't want us to give up a young guy for him, unless we consider Hutton as young.  

Is it crazy to think Hutton plus either Goldy/Granny plus Cassels could return Max?  I don't want to sacrifice any of our under 21 guys.



I think the difference is none of those prospects have yet proven they can make it in the NHL and, in my opinion, I rate him slightly above Baer. He is only 22 and was a 12th overall pick so I wouldn't be too worried about the age of whoever we give up.

Arizona makes weird trades so I really do not have a good feel for what they would be looking for in a trade for Domi. Maybe a Hutton and Goldy could get it done but I would be pleasantly surprised if it did.

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21 hours ago, Wiznac said:

After reading about the rumour about Max Dominbeing available. I’m wondering about what it might cost to get him. 


To Van : M Domi


To Arizona : 1st 2019 and Goldobin 


thoughts ??

Seems like fair value but I wouldn’t risk it. We will probably suck again in 2019. 

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Chayka would get fired if he traded Domi a recent 50pt rookie for Goldobin a player who cant maintain a full time roster spot on a bottom tier team.


Domi has value, on the radio I think it was sportsnet 650 they thought Hutton straight up was pretty fair!! Purely laughable, again Hutton is a scratch for us.


I would love to get Domi for Goldy and Hutton, but its unlikely. Sending the Baer is more realistic to a degree as he is at least a current nhl player who is playing well.


Can see a playoff team offering a 1st and prospect for him though. Or a team like Edm who needs lw speed to play with McJesus

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16 minutes ago, Yotes said:

Chayka would get fired if he traded Domi a recent 50pt rookie for Goldobin a player who cant maintain a full time roster spot on a bottom tier team.


Domi has value, on the radio I think it was sportsnet 650 they thought Hutton straight up was pretty fair!! Purely laughable, again Hutton is a scratch for us.


I would love to get Domi for Goldy and Hutton, but its unlikely. Sending the Baer is more realistic to a degree as he is at least a current nhl player who is playing well.


Can see a playoff team offering a 1st and prospect for him though. Or a team like Edm who needs lw speed to play with McJesus

I guess it all really depends on what Arizona wants in return?  Picks? Players? 

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Given what they traded Duclair for it's safe to say this is a pretty hefty overpayment. With that said, he's 22 and has established he can put up decent numbers at the NHL level. Just last year he had 38 in 59 games. Not game breaking but given how bad Arizona is that's pretty good. Don't care about the minus stat. Horvat was minus 30 one season. It's hardly a good indicator of how good a player is or isn't.


I am thinking Virtanen going the other way with a middling pick to even out the value if need be. Not sure how their D core looks. Maybe Virtanen and Hutton for Domi. Virtanen is getting next to no decent looks. He gets 0 PP time, 0 PK time, damn near 0 even strength time lately and plays with Dowd and Gaunce mostly. May as well deal him while he still has value as a potential top 6 forward. He's got size, speed, and a good shot. Someone will pay for that on the off chance they get him on the straight and narrow. And as a Virtanen fan I'd like to see him on a team that might actually play him. 

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15 hours ago, Yotes said:

Chayka would get fired if he traded Domi a recent 50pt rookie for Goldobin a player who cant maintain a full time roster spot on a bottom tier team.


Domi has value, on the radio I think it was sportsnet 650 they thought Hutton straight up was pretty fair!! Purely laughable, again Hutton is a scratch for us.


I would love to get Domi for Goldy and Hutton, but its unlikely. Sending the Baer is more realistic to a degree as he is at least a current nhl player who is playing well.


Can see a playoff team offering a 1st and prospect for him though. Or a team like Edm who needs lw speed to play with McJesus

I happened to be listening to walker/rintoul yesterday evening and they definitely didn’t think Hutton for Domi would get it done. 

They talked about the deal starting (on the coyotes end) with Joulevi. 

After that they threw a Baertschi trade out there and called it “really interesting.”

Personally, I wouldn’t want to see Benning lose any of our prospects for Max but I could wrap my head around Baertschi going. 


His (Beartschi’s) production as of late is much higher, Domi’s younger, could open a spot form Domi on the wing (where Domi seems to belong), and most importantly to me - Domi would bring us some of our BADLY needed toughness up front. Toughness with a high ceiling offensively?!? Sign me up.


One punching Kesler was one of the greatest things Ive seen on the ice since 2011. 

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Our first rounder would be enough if you want domi bad enough.. it's a good lottery pick.


Goldy and 3rd rounder. If you want to go that route... I don't know much about domi to be honest but our 1st round pick is going to be a good one.


We need to keep our draft picks tho. I'd rather draft a bigger player if it was my choice.

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