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So if the league has it in for us then why? I could understand it .....sort of in the burrows kesler and company era, but other teams have had similar types play for them.  Marchand, Darcy tucker, ( the biggest mouthpiece known to mankind)  and many more . 

Why wouldn't he league want to pick on the Canucks?   Seems like they do, but why ? 

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3 minutes ago, hammertime said:

The difference for me is this season we're gonna lose anyway so may as well strike fear in the hearts of those who come to play us. I don't care if we lose its how we lose and I want to see a team nobody wants to play against. No easy W's here contenders are gonna pay on the board or on the boards when they come to play the Canucks. 

It P***es me off to the brink of lost sanity. I don't mind the wins or losses of sport, at all. But when you feel a major sport(to which a lot of us dedicate serious time, hopes & rubles) is rigging a deck, it's really a dirty deal.


I HATED the Isles/Coilers..but at least back then(up 'til the end of Zeigler's tenure, approx), you felt all teams had equal opportunity to reach the summit..Cdn/US, didn't matter.


We'll probably never see those days again.

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2 minutes ago, erkayloomeh said:

So if the league has it in for us then why? I could understand it .....sort of in the burrows kesler and company era, but other teams have had similar types play for them.  Marchand, Darcy tucker, ( the biggest mouthpiece known to mankind)  and many more . 

Why wouldn't he league want to pick on the Canucks?   Seems like they do, but why ? 

You could ask the same rhetorical questions regarding the lying, wh*ring media, in general, on the realm of politics, biz, environment, etc...


Because you cannot perceive reasons/motivations behind dishonesty and/or corruption, doesn't preclude it's existence.

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5 minutes ago, erkayloomeh said:

So if the league has it in for us then why? I could understand it .....sort of in the burrows kesler and company era, but other teams have had similar types play for them.  Marchand, Darcy tucker, ( the biggest mouthpiece known to mankind)  and many more . 

Why wouldn't he league want to pick on the Canucks?   Seems like they do, but why ? 

Marchand for whatever reason always gets a pass. lil slap here small fine there he is the DOPS poster boy.J Williams gets 20 games for the same hit Marchand would have gotten a parade

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4 minutes ago, coastal.view said:

well i dunno

these conspiracy theories


how about you show us all a team who has a fan base that is happy with the refereeing?
my sense is the the vast majority of fan bases feel the league has it in for them

maybe it is just poor refereeing over all

it is true the league does influence the refs by imposing new rules and standards

and ups enforcement on certain problem areas from time to time

but i think for most the true frustration for fans is the inconsistency of how things are called

that is an on ice performance issue by the referees


if we were the only unhappy fan base i might take this viewpoint a bit more seriously

but we are not .. . and i am not aware of a fan base that thinks the refs and league are fair



You think this league's run honestly? Congratz man..but I don't.

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22 minutes ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

You could ask the same rhetorical questions regarding the lying, wh*ring media, in general, on the realm of politics, biz, environment, etc...


Because you cannot perceive reasons/motivations behind dishonesty and/or corruption, doesn't preclude it's existence.

I agree .  But there's still a reason. 

Was it the bertuzzi thing?  Burrows and stuff he said on the ice? White towel?  If so then those issues would pass away, no? 

I didn't believe in this stuff I only suspected. But when the kadri hit on Daniel happened I became a true believer that something was sideways.  

So I'm in agreeance with you nuxfanabroad.

Edited by erkayloomeh
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I have a hard time thinking the league is anti Canucks. Are they inconsistent as hell? Of course. But it doesn't help the league make money by hurting our on ice product. The Canadian markets produce a good portion of the NHL's money. A successful Canucks team is worth way more than a successful Tampa Bay for instance. 

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2 minutes ago, N7Nucks said:

I have a hard time thinking the league is anti Canucks. Are they inconsistent as hell? Of course. But it doesn't help the league make money by hurting our on ice product. The Canadian markets produce a good portion of the NHL's money. A successful Canucks team is worth way more than a successful Tampa Bay for instance. 

If they are picking on Canucks how would you say they are making less money?  

Keep in mind if this stuff goes on and it hurts out on ice product it is helping somebody else's at the same time. 

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2 minutes ago, erkayloomeh said:

If they are picking on Canucks how would you say they are making less money?  

Keep in mind if this stuff goes on and it hurts out on ice product it is helping somebody else's at the same time. 

Yeah but like I said a bad Canucks team is selling more tickets at higher prices than a legitimately good Panthers team. So it's not exactly the same. Not every team is valued the same. A good Canucks team (playoffs) would bring in far more money than a great Panthers team ever will. So it does the league no favors to intentionally go out of their way to hurt our team even if it helps some middling franchise be better. Lol

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Who hates the leafs the most? Vancouver fans?  Probably.

Who hates the Canucks the most?  The leafs fans? Maybe someone else can answer that because I don't know.

Another question. If you had to pick one Canadian team in the league that has the biggest media support which team would that be.

So I wonder, if you put all of the people that run the league together (and the refs) together who would be "their" team?

If you worked for the league wouldn't you still be a Canucks fan.   

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18 minutes ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

You think this league's run honestly? Congratz man..but I don't.

it is really a big leap to go from

the league is likely not honestly run

to your theory of what is going on


and you also ignore the rabidness of fan bases

you feel you are right about your team

but guess what? most other fan bases feel the same way, but about their team 

so the league is against everyone?


i'm simply pointing out that your theory does not hold water


yet you wish to make another leap

that somehow because i point out the problem with your theory

that i somehow think everything about the league

is just lovely


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4 minutes ago, N7Nucks said:

Yeah but like I said a bad Canucks team is selling more tickets at higher prices than a legitimately good Panthers team. So it's not exactly the same. Not every team is valued the same. A good Canucks team (playoffs) would bring in far more money than a great Panthers team ever will. So it does the league no favors to intentionally go out of their way to hurt our team even if it helps some middling franchise be better. Lol

Okay then you have a point.  But that doesn't mean if there is bias that it is financially driven either.  

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1 minute ago, coastal.view said:

it is really a big leap to go from

the league is likely not honestly run

to your theory of what is going on


and you also ignore the rabidness of fan bases

you feel you are right about your team

but guess what? most other fan bases feel the same way, but about their team 

so the league is against everyone?


i'm simply pointing out that your theory does not hold water


yet you wish to make another leap

that somehow because i point out the problem with your theory

that i somehow think everything about the league

is just lovely


I lived in Calgary for 11 years and have lots of flames fans for friend( 2nd tier friends not 1 St tier friends like my Canuck fan brothers) we texted constantly about hockey when we played each other. 

Never heard and of them feel the leagues or refs we're against them.  Not once.  Not in Edmonton either ( live near there now and this is oil country. ). 

There is something to this or else we are just a bunch of babies 

But I suppose someone could take the time to surf the other teams sites and see if they can come up with threads like we see here about this topic.

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1 minute ago, erkayloomeh said:

Okay then you have a point.  But that doesn't mean if there is bias that it is financially driven either.  

That's really the problem with conspiracy theories. We will never definitively know if there is a bias against Vancouver. I am sure every fanbase in the league can point out instances where they were hit harder than another team. Wilson just got rocked with a 20 game suspension for a hit that didn't look any uglier than some other hits from other players that resulted in far fewer games. Washington could say "well the league is against us, if [Enter name of another team's player here] did this he would have gotten 5 games". It's why I buy more into the league is inconsistent view instead of the league just outright dislikes us.


But who knows? Team has a history of calling out officiating/antagonizing refs. The white flag incident and Burrows incident come to mind. Don't we have a statue of the Roger Nielson incident outside our arena? Lol. Constant reminder of a storied member of our franchise publicly calling out officiating.

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Tend to agree with costal. Every fan base see’s nhl reffing as either 1 sided or incompetent. 

A major part of the problem in my view is second ref. Far too often we see the back ref make calls he can’t possibly see and yet the call is made. Of course early season weak calls don’t help either. Even if refs called a perfect game most fans would still be unhappy.

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