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Rural Alberta landowner angered over lack of oversight for abandoned wells.


'Our past governments really weren't doing the oversight,' says Dwight Popowich, a rural Alberta landowner talking about the abandoned wells. 'They let the industry basically do its own thing.'


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1 hour ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Waaaaa  Federal transfers not fair.  Waaaaa



Who was it that negotiated the last major changes to the program?   Was Kenney involved?   


People complaining about this need to point their fingers to their own leaders.   Nope, its JT and the east who screwed them.

This is the issue with guys like you that spend all your time on American discussions. I have more than a few times pointed out that Harper changed the equalization program which is screwing Alberta. I also didn't vote for Harper or Scheer.

1 hour ago, Jimmy McGill said:

I've seen that one before, its an excellent article. 


I didn't get into fiscal capacity but thats a great point as well, if you want low taxation it comes with a cost in transfer payments. 


@Ryan Strome there is also a major issue in how you properly deal with the 10s of 1000s of mobile workers in the patch that fly in from all over the country. Whats the fair way to deal with their taxation? Why should more of their federal taxation stay in Alberta vs. their home province? How would you come up with a fair number? 

I see it differently, those flying home are directly benefiting their local and provincial economies while making that money in Alberta. 

There has to be give and take and a province shouldn't be punished for not having taxes.

Let's face it if Alberta was Ontario or Quebec they formula would be changed, you know that, Jim.

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3 minutes ago, BPA said:



Rural Alberta landowner angered over lack of oversight for abandoned wells.


'Our past governments really weren't doing the oversight,' says Dwight Popowich, a rural Alberta landowner talking about the abandoned wells. 'They let the industry basically do its own thing.'


A lot of you don't understand abandoned wells but they for the most part are left because future technologies may allow further extraction there. That being said the government is changing things this spring to put a timeline on how long they can sit dormant. Farmers still get paid for this.

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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

A lot of you don't understand abandoned wells but they for the most part are left because future technologies may allow further extraction there. That being said the government is changing things this spring to put a timeline on how long they can sit dormant. Farmers still get paid for this.

Well it appears that was not well conveyed to that rural landowner in AB.


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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

This is the issue with guys like you that spend all your time on American discussions. I have more than a few times pointed out that Harper changed the equalization program which is screwing Alberta. I also didn't vote for Harper or Scheer.

I see it differently, those flying home are directly benefiting their local and provincial economies while making that money in Alberta. 

There has to be give and take and a province shouldn't be punished for not having taxes.

Let's face it if Alberta was Ontario or Quebec they formula would be changed, you know that, Jim.

Ya, except for a time Ontario didn't and Newfoundland did.  Then their economies changed .  


If Alberta wants a piece, their tax structure and their economy needs to change.   More taxes and poorer economic performance.   No Albertans want that, except people like you who complain about how Alberta is screwed.   It isn't.  

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5 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Ya, except for a time Ontario didn't and Newfoundland did.  Then their economies changed .  


If Alberta wants a piece, their tax structure and their economy needs to change.   More taxes and poorer economic performance.   No Albertans want that, except people like you who complain about how Alberta is screwed.   It isn't.  

Then let us leave and we keep our money and you guys figure out how to create 25% of the jobs that Alberta does and figure out how to cover all the money that will be gone.

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13 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

He also wasn’t complaining when the yearly oil check for that well was coming in each year. 

So you know the landowner?


Great!!!  You should tell him the info that Ryan Strome mentioned earlier about future technologies and  future extractions.

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11 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Then let us leave and we keep our money and you guys figure out how to create 25% of the jobs that Alberta does and figure out how to cover all the money that will be gone.

I think you overestimate how much support there is for your position.   I also think you underestimate the cost will be for what you propose.   

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Just now, thedestroyerofworlds said:

I think you overestimate how much support there is for your position.   I also think you underestimate the cost will be for what you propose.   

But constantly beating my chest and threatening to leave makes me feeeeeeel so powerful. 

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25 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

Ya, except for a time Ontario didn't and Newfoundland did.  Then their economies changed .  


If Alberta wants a piece, their tax structure and their economy needs to change.   More taxes and poorer economic performance.   No Albertans want that, except people like you who complain about how Alberta is screwed.   It isn't.  

See the frustrating part is when you see quotes like this after it’s been explained 100x on this very thread. People need to understand how equalization payments are calculated.

This thread is a joke, some of you have zero desire to learn...or debate for that matter. You’d rather just pretend like you know it all and keep regurgitating that same garbage over and over despite the numerous attempts to help you gain a better understanding. 

Anti Alberta “1+2=6”

pro Alberta  “Nope that is incorrect..... here is why [present trying doing this to get more accurate numbers”


Anti Alberta goes silent. Pro Alberta assumes it’s them finally putting the pieces together and gaining more clarity,....nope, 10 days later.....


Anti Alberta: “1+2=6“


What a waste of everyone’s time. 

Edited by ForsbergTheGreat
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5 minutes ago, BPA said:

So you know the landowner?


Great!!!  You should tell him the info that Ryan Strome mentioned earlier about future technologies and  future extractions.

Nope I don’t know Dwight popowich but as someone who has a number of abandon wells on his family land, I understand the value $$$ that we received from them. 

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6 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

See the frustrating part is when you see quotes like this after it’s been explained 100x on this very thread. People need to understand how equalization payments are calculated.

This thread is a joke, some of you have zero desire to learn...or debate for that matter. You’d rather just pretend like you know it all and keep regurgitating that same garbage over and over despite the numerous attempts to help you gain a better understanding. 

Anti Alberta “1+2=6”

pro Alberta  “Nope that is incorrect..... here is why [present trying doing this to get more accurate numbers”


Anti Alberta goes silent. Pro Alberta assumes it’s them finally putting the pieces together and gaining more clarity,....nope, 10 days later.....


Anti Alberta: “1+2=6“


What a waste of everyone’s time. 

what's crazy is you think both 'sides' aren't doing the same thing here lol

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5 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

See the frustrating part is when you see quotes like this after it’s been explained 100x on this very thread. People need to understand how equalization payments are calculated.

This thread is a joke, some of you have zero desire to learn...or debate for that matter. You’d rather just pretend like you know it all and keep regurgitating that same garbage over and over despite the numerous attempts to help you gain a better understanding. 

Anti Alberta “1+2=6”

pro Alberta  “Nope that is incorrect..... here is why [present trying doing this to get more accurate numbers”


Anti Alberta goes silent. Pro Alberta assumes it’s them finally putting the pieces together and gaining more clarity,....nope, 10 days later.....


Anti Alberta: “1+2=6“


What a waste of everyone’s time. 

The waste of time is your group complaining about Alberta being screwed when Albertans set the rules that we all currently play by.  


The waste of time is that you think we are anti Alberta and Wexit is pro.  Sorry to see you stuck in your delusional echo chamber of woah is me we're being screwed. 


It's like a rich guy complaining about how much money they pay in taxes, yet the effective percentage of his income is less than his secretary.   


Alberta is the rich guy complaining about how much they pay and they selfishly want more more more.  Get over yourself.   If Alberta's economy tanks and the provincial tax structure changes you move from a have to a have not.   And yes, other provinces have switched have/have not status. 

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Hearing "some of you have zero desire to learn" while people are constantly disproving the exactsame erroneous talking points that a few people parrot in defense of the state of things in Alberta over the last 50 years is kind of funny


A person only has to go back 20-40-50 pages to see the exact same statements being stated here having been disproven back then.  But yes, the people who are "anti Alberta" are the ones who refuse to learn.


As told by the people who think any statement to the contrary of the stance they've taken means a person is anti Alberta, literally against an entire province and millions of their fellow Canadians

Edited by Warhippy
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1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

This is the issue with guys like you that spend all your time on American discussions. I have more than a few times pointed out that Harper changed the equalization program which is screwing Alberta. I also didn't vote for Harper or Scheer.

I see it differently, those flying home are directly benefiting their local and provincial economies while making that money in Alberta. 

There has to be give and take and a province shouldn't be punished for not having taxes.

Let's face it if Alberta was Ontario or Quebec they formula would be changed, you know that, Jim.


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31 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

The waste of time is your group complaining about Alberta being screwed when Albertans set the rules that we all currently play by.  


The waste of time is that you think we are anti Alberta and Wexit is pro.  Sorry to see you stuck in your delusional echo chamber of woah is me we're being screwed. 


It's like a rich guy complaining about how much money they pay in taxes, yet the effective percentage of his income is less than his secretary.   


Alberta is the rich guy complaining about how much they pay and they selfishly want more more more.  Get over yourself.   If Alberta's economy tanks and the provincial tax structure changes you move from a have to a have not.   And yes, other provinces have switched have/have not status. 

thank you so sharing your viewpoint that represents a very large and growing viewpoint in the country. Rich people aren’t the problem. So what if rich people want to keep more of their hard earned $. They already pay 80% of the taxes in the country, they create stimulus and job growth and come up with ways to create competition that improves quality of life.  But for some reason people think rich people are evil. 

Entitlement in today’s age, you don’t bite the hand that feed you.

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40 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Hearing "some of you have zero desire to learn" while people are constantly disproving the exactsame erroneous talking points that a few people parrot in defense of the state of things in Alberta over the last 50 years is kind of funny




haha good one. the ones being disproved is you, over and over and over. It’s not your fault you basic photography knowledge limits your ability to comprehend simple logic, that you resort to stealing other people opinions from Facebook and Twitter and trying to pass them off as your own.



A person only has to go back 20-40-50 pages to see the exact same statements being stated here having been disproven back then.  But yes, the people who are "anti Alberta" are the ones who refuse to learn.

please do because I’m not reposting any of the debunking facts I’ve “dummified” to your level anymore. If you want to walk around the world believing your misguided knowledge is correct so be it. You’re a no body anyway I won’t loose any sleep over it. 



As told by the people who think any statement to the contrary of the stance they've taken means a person is anti Alberta, literally against an entire province and millions of their fellow Canadians

How’s the move coming? 

Edited by ForsbergTheGreat
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