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The DumbBrexit / #Wexit thread


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2 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

FILDEBRANDT: If Trudeau kills the Teck oilsands, it’s war

The time has come for Alberta’s government to draw a line in the sand. They need to tell Ottawa in no uncertain terms, “This, and no farther.”

The federal Liberal government appears to be close to doing the unimaginable: killing the $20 billion Teck oilsands investment. With the stroke of a pen, they are on the edge of killing one of the biggest investments in Canadian history, 7,000 good-paying jobs, and a key component of Alberta’s sluggish economy recovery. Killing Teck will be a hammer in the coffin.


It will not have been market conditions. It will not even have been a hostile rouge province playing robber-baron with its borders. It will have been the federal government, elected to represent the interests of all Canadians.

Until this week, it was unimaginable that the Liberals would have the gumption to kill the Teck oilsands investment. However much the Liberals may ideologically oppose the continued existence or expansion of the oil and gas industry, they are politically astute enough to know that doing so would create a political Prairie fire that would burn out of their control. With his reconciliatory language after the federal election, even Trudeau appeared to recognize that the West didn’t just give up on him, but was dangerously close to giving up on federalism itself.


Does...does he even read this stuff before he posts it?


Claiming they are to a person ideologically opposed to oilsands development?  What?  He is speaking for the WHOLE west now?  Who is this poorly quaffed clown of an MP again?  He sat in the shadow cabinet for years and couldn't produce a damned thing other than a photo of him with 2 jerry cans at a gas station claiming Alerta was going to die the day after.


If the Teck Frontier project dies it will be based on the decisions of Teck CEO and shareholders.  At that point clowns like him will STILL blame Trudeau, the left, environmentalists, BC, the NDP...anyone but the common face of the truth that is the current market.


I mean imagine if Trudeau penned a letter to Alberta stating how if they don't do exactly what he wants period they'll be starting a war with the rest of the nation.  WTF would Albertans say to that?  This is precisely the kind of statements I keep saying are the issue.


Political leaders completely, outright stating that if this side doesn't do this they hate us, they hate the province, they hate oil and they want us to suffer.  When nothing could be further from the truth.


How bloody sad when an MP or political figure has to jump to the most extreme absolute without any rational thought.  

Edited by Warhippy
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9 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

FILDEBRANDT: If Trudeau kills the Teck oilsands, it’s war

The time has come for Alberta’s government to draw a line in the sand. They need to tell Ottawa in no uncertain terms, “This, and no farther.”

The federal Liberal government appears to be close to doing the unimaginable: killing the $20 billion Teck oilsands investment. With the stroke of a pen, they are on the edge of killing one of the biggest investments in Canadian history, 7,000 good-paying jobs, and a key component of Alberta’s sluggish economy recovery. Killing Teck will be a hammer in the coffin.


It will not have been market conditions. It will not even have been a hostile rouge province playing robber-baron with its borders. It will have been the federal government, elected to represent the interests of all Canadians.

Until this week, it was unimaginable that the Liberals would have the gumption to kill the Teck oilsands investment. However much the Liberals may ideologically oppose the continued existence or expansion of the oil and gas industry, they are politically astute enough to know that doing so would create a political Prairie fire that would burn out of their control. With his reconciliatory language after the federal election, even Trudeau appeared to recognize that the West didn’t just give up on him, but was dangerously close to giving up on federalism itself.


Doubling down on going all in on a one trick pony seems pretty dumb. Talk about poor leadership and missed opportunities. 

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Hopefully the stupid comments in a backdoor way of defending jt can end. It's not up to government on whether the project goes ahead or not it's only on them to approve it or not.

Federal Liberals prepare Alberta aid package in case Teck oilsands mine is rejected: Reuters


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13 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

FILDEBRANDT: If Trudeau kills the Teck oilsands, it’s war

The time has come for Alberta’s government to draw a line in the sand. They need to tell Ottawa in no uncertain terms, “This, and no farther.”

The federal Liberal government appears to be close to doing the unimaginable: killing the $20 billion Teck oilsands investment. With the stroke of a pen, they are on the edge of killing one of the biggest investments in Canadian history, 7,000 good-paying jobs, and a key component of Alberta’s sluggish economy recovery. Killing Teck will be a hammer in the coffin.


It will not have been market conditions. It will not even have been a hostile rouge province playing robber-baron with its borders. It will have been the federal government, elected to represent the interests of all Canadians.

Until this week, it was unimaginable that the Liberals would have the gumption to kill the Teck oilsands investment. However much the Liberals may ideologically oppose the continued existence or expansion of the oil and gas industry, they are politically astute enough to know that doing so would create a political Prairie fire that would burn out of their control. With his reconciliatory language after the federal election, even Trudeau appeared to recognize that the West didn’t just give up on him, but was dangerously close to giving up on federalism itself.


Rouge province?  

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14 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Hopefully the stupid comments in a backdoor way of defending jt can end. It's not up to government on whether the project goes ahead or not it's only on them to approve it or not.

Federal Liberals prepare Alberta aid package in case Teck oilsands mine is rejected: Reuters


Wouldn't approval be government saying whether a project goes ahead or not?

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1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

Hopefully the stupid comments in a backdoor way of defending jt can end. It's not up to government on whether the project goes ahead or not it's only on them to approve it or not.

Federal Liberals prepare Alberta aid package in case Teck oilsands mine is rejected: Reuters


not sure what your complaint is here... you don't want an aid package if the project is killed by Teck? or? 

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14 minutes ago, Jimmy McGill said:

not sure what your complaint is here... you don't want an aid package if the project is killed by Teck? or? 

He's afraid that JT helping Alberta takes the wind out of his sails.  All kinds of talking points that gets the knuckleheads all riled up get shot down.  They're all praying and hoping the Feds deny Teck so they can continue their JT hate fest.

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3 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

He's afraid that JT helping Alberta takes the wind out of his sails.  All kinds of talking points that gets the knuckleheads all riled up get shot down.  They're all praying and hoping the Feds deny Teck so they can continue their JT hate fest.

nah they'll always hate Trudeau(s) no matter what. Its generational. 


I wish these Alberta writers would quit using "the west" when talking about separation, this is primarily an Alberta thing.

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1 hour ago, Jimmy McGill said:

so is it still war if Teck decides its not worth it? or is that just reserved for federal liberals? 

Yes cause it's the governments fault if they don't approve it and it's the government's fault if they do approve it but teck doesn't follow through cause the government sucks.


you see if you just look at everything from the lens of 'it's trudeau's fault', thinking about these complex issues becomes real easy!

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1 hour ago, Jimmy McGill said:

so is it still war if Teck decides its not worth it? or is that just reserved for federal liberals? 


1 hour ago, Jimmy McGill said:

not sure what your complaint is here... you don't want an aid package if the project is killed by Teck? or? 


45 minutes ago, thedestroyerofworlds said:

He's afraid that JT helping Alberta takes the wind out of his sails.  All kinds of talking points that gets the knuckleheads all riled up get shot down.  They're all praying and hoping the Feds deny Teck so they can continue their JT hate fest.

The a package isn't for if teck says no. It's for if the government says no. The point I'm trying to make is some of you are trying to take a back door way of Defending JT if he says no, it's his job to say yes or no to it to happen. It's up to the company whether they go ahead or not. So you are asking a hypothetical question because we don't know what the company is going to do until the government green light greenlight's it or says no.

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

So if the government approves it....but Teck decides it's not feasible and doesn't commit.


Who's fault is it?

Oh my God, I'm surprised I have to explain this to you because isn't one of your many lies. I mean stories is that you are in business if it isn't feasible to do business. Then it isn't feasible to do business. Let's hope the price goes up and they see it's a good venture to take. Let's also hope we have a federal government that promotes our energy industry. So that investors feel like they want to invest in Canada.

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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:



The a package isn't for if teck says no. It's for if the government says no. The point I'm trying to make is some of you are trying to take a back door way of Defending JT if he says no, it's his job to say yes or no to it to happen. It's up to the company whether they go ahead or not. So you are asking a hypothetical question because we don't know what the company is going to do until the government green light greenlight's it or says no.

OK.  So


if the government says yes, as all signs point too.  But the company says no.  Much like Northern Gateway where the government effectively said yes providing conditions are met, then the company said no until the government said it's a dead issue


Who's fault will it be?


Because Northern gateway was killed by the company before the government but it's still being blamed on the government.  So we're just seeking basic clarification on where the blame will fall if Teck CEo Don Lindsay just says no we won't go head with Frontier

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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

Oh my God, I'm surprised I have to explain this to you because isn't one of your many lies. I mean stories is that you are in business if it isn't feasible to do business. Then it isn't feasible to do business. Let's hope the price goes up and they see it's a good venture to take. Let's also hope we have a federal government that promotes our energy industry. So that investors feel like they want to invest in Canada.

Stop your feculent whining I asked a simple question.


I know you're really terrible at answering those but we wanted clarification and nothing more.

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

OK.  So


if the government says yes, as all signs point too.  But the company says no.  Much like Northern Gateway where the government effectively said yes providing conditions are met, then the company said no until the government said it's a dead issue


Who's fault will it be?


Because Northern gateway was killed by the company before the government but it's still being blamed on the government.  So we're just seeking basic clarification on where the blame will fall if Teck CEo Don Lindsay just says no we won't go head with Frontier

Actually all signs were pointing that way until the latest Caucus meeting. Guess you're not up to speed.

1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Stop your feculent whining I asked a simple question.


I know you're really terrible at answering those but we wanted clarification and nothing more.

Pretty sure I just answered it or is this another yes or no question in your mind. This is the problem with you. You can't look past black or white or yes or no. There's a lot more things into it. You can expect somebody to go into business if they're not going to make money. The only ones that do that are the government. Oh. Generally an NDP government likes to run businesses, LOL.

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